Tuesday 27 February 2018

الفوركس تجارة غرفة مايكل - stormie

مرآة الصباح الصغيرة 238 - 752007 التحالف الفرنسية والفنون المسرحية من بولاوايو الحاضر: أداء من قبل الثلاثي الكلاسيكية: باتريك زيغمانوسكي (بيانو). سباستيان غيز (تينور) وجان فيرانديس (الناي) أداء الموسيقى من قبل: روسل. سانت ساينز، غونود، ديبوسي، بولنس، بيزيت كابليت زائد أرياس من جراند أوبرا 7:30 بيإم. السبت 5 مايو 2007. قاعة روبرت سيبسون - أكاديمية زيمبابوي للموسيقى تذاكر: 10 000 - المتاحة من ميكلز وعند الباب استدعاء جميع الصف أونيس و توس تأتي والانضمام إلى بطل السوبر نادي الاطفال 2007 يسوع هو بلدي السوبر هيرو ألعاب، والأغاني، الكتاب المقدس قصص، وعروض الدمى، والوجبات الخفيفة، والحرف وأكثر من ذلك بكثير مفتوحة لجميع الصفوف و تو، ابتداء من 17 مايو حيث: 72 سيسيل افي (مدخل قبالة طريق ليمريك) عندما: الخميس من 2:15 - 4:20 مساء رسم اسمي من 150 000 ل برنامج 8 أسابيع (بالإضافة إلى احتمال أعلى) الاستفسارات: ميل على 255731 أو هيلين على 259910 الفنون الأداء بولاوايو بوبوكس 2360 - بولاوايو نأسف جدا أن نكتب أن أقول أن الحفل من قبل O ديو المقرر يوم الاثنين المقبل كان لا بد أن يكون ألغيت. وكان الجدول الزمني ضيق جدا وكانت هناك مشاكل مختلفة المرتبطة الحفل ولكن كنا نظن أننا نجحنا في التغلب على كل منهم، وأننا سوف تكون قادرة على نقل اللاعبين بالإضافة إلى حوالي 300 كجم. من الأدوات إلى بولاوايو. وكانت رحلة هراري - لندن في يد هيفا، ونحن (ونحن) قد استقرت دون لوائح الطيران - أصر زيمبابوي الجوية أن الصكوك يجب أن تكون في المطار قبل 48 ساعة من الرحلة التي سوف يسافرون. هذا في مساء الأربعاء وليس هناك مجال للمناورة كما واحدة من الثنائي لديه مشاركة فورا على العودة. لقد فعلنا كل ما في وسعنا ونشعر بالامتنان البالغ للزملاء في هراري للحصول على المساعدة ولكن لا يبدو أن هناك أي وسيلة للحد من الموعد النهائي بشكل كاف لجعل الحفل ممكن على مضض ليس هناك بديل لإلغاء - أو ربما تأجيل لمدة عام أو اثنين من وكيل دوس قد أرسل لي بالبريد الإلكتروني على النحو التالي: هذا هو مخيب للآمال جدا بالنسبة لهم وبالنسبة لك. عرضت أن تدفع لاستئجار أدوات أوين لاستخدامها في لندن حتى يمكن له أن يعود قليلا في وقت لاحق منه ولكن من الضروري تماما أنه يستخدم أدواته الخاصة لأنها ضبطها إلى غيرها من الأدوات المستخدمة مع لندن سينفونيتا وأنه لا يمكن أن يكون متأكدا من من ذلك مع الأدوات المستأجرة. على أي حال، شيء من هذا القبيل وأنه هو ديفاستاتد أنه هو السماح لك إلى أسفل وخيبة أمل كبيرة لعدم زيارة بولاوايو. ثيريس لا أكثر أستطيع أن أفعل من هذه الغاية هو هناك ما عدا تكرار كيف بخيبة أمل أنا لجميع المعنيين وشكرا لكم على كل ما تبذلونه من الجهود على نيابة الأولاد. نأمل أن يعودوا العام المقبل (أو ربما 2009 سيكون أكثر منطقية). تعلم كيف يعمل أفريقيا هو منحنى ضخم أنا لا أعتقد أنني يمكن أن أضيف أي أكثر من غيرها من اعتذاراتنا الصادقة لخيبة الأمل هذا سوف يسبب. أستطيع أن أؤكد لكم أن لا أحد سيكون أكثر بخيبة أمل من لجنة باب وأول - ليس أقلها بسبب ساعات طويلة من العمل التي دخلت في هذا الحفل. وستكون المبالغ المستردة بالطبع متاحة ومتوفرة في مكتب الأكاديمية بشأن إنتاج تذاكر من (آمل) صباح يوم الجمعة. قد يكون الحفل أيام السبت أنسب فرصة بالنسبة لك - ولكن يرجى إحضار التذاكر معك على أي موضوع، السبت الحفل الذي هو، وهذا سوف، بالطبع لا تزال تجري، حتى تذكير: السبت 5 مايو في 7.30 P. M. بالتعاون مع التحالف فرانيس ​​دي بولاوايو سباستين غوز (تينور) وجان فيرانديس (الناي) وباتريك زيغمانوسكي (بيانو) موسيقى روسل وسانت سانس وجونود ودبوسي وبولنس وبيزيت وكابليت بالإضافة إلى أرياس من دار الأوبرا الكبرى مع اعتذار جدد عن هذا وأخبار مخيبة للآمال وأطيب التمنيات كما هو الحال دائما، بروثرز تحت الشمس، وعرض النحت من قبل دينيس غابوري وأرلنغتون موزوندو التي افتتحت في 29 أبريل، سيتم عرضها حتى 15 مايو في معرض جيكو في مقهى نهر، شارع أوك وليوبولد تاكاويرا . مهرجان الزهور مع الموسيقى والحرف التي نظمتها الروتاري آنز من نادي الروتاري بولاوايو الجنوبية مهرجان الزهور السنوي سيعقد يوم السبت 12 مايو في كنيسة الصعود، هيلزيد من 2،30 - 16:30. ترتيبات الزهور في الكنيسة - من قبل بولاوايو الزهور مجموعة الموسيقى في الكنيسة - من قبل الأوركسترا الشباب وأعضاء ببو التي أجرتها السيدة شيرلي سميث كرافت الأكشاك في الأرض. الشاي أو القهوة و إسقاط الكعكات المتاحة الدخول عن طريق التبرع جميع العائدات إلى الجمعيات الخيرية الروتاري جمعية لمنع ذبابة الحيوانات سكروفس دوغ عرض الأحد 27 مايو 2007 في هورس أرينا التجارة العادلة الأرض 9.30 صباحا ل 10 آم مدخل بوابة بالتبرع يرجى دعم هذا جدا سبب رائع وتساعدنا على زيادة الأموال المطلوبة الكثير من الفئات لإظهار الكلب الخاص بك. قاعات، تيس، كيكيس، بار كامل والطبخ. أي شخص يرغب في الحصول على القمار يرجى الهاتف بيري على 6675866793 يوم متعة السوبر لجميع فالكون العائلة الحرفية كرافت فير - السبت، 14 يوليو 2007. نود أن ننصح أنه سيكون هناك معرض فالكون كلية الحرفية الذي عقد في 14 يونيو، 2007 في الكلية، وسوف تجري خلال أولد بويز ويكيند، سيكون هناك الرجبي على، ونتمنى أن يكون يوم عظيم حقا في الكلية. نحن ندعو العارضين كرافت المعرض للحصول على اتصال معنا لحجز موقف في أقرب وقت ممكن، حتى نتمكن من وضع اسمك على القائمة ونعود اليكم مع كل التفاصيل المطلوبة، من أجل المضي قدما في الأعمال التحضيرية والإنتاج. - نحن نتطلع إلى الاستماع من الأطراف المهتمة. يرجى توجيه لك البريد الإلكتروني ل بريدينجون بريدجونموب. co. zw شكرا جزيلا. ملائكة الحراسة من إديث دولي هذا الأسبوع رون وجان تاكي - نيو زيلاند تيري ألين - R. S.A. مايك و شيرلي ستريفر - R. S.A. بول ومارجي ماسون - المملكة المتحدة سلسلة محامين بولاويان بحاجة إلى شيء جديد ليشغل حوالي ساعة من المساء تكاليف لا شيء يحدث مرة واحدة في الشهر للأشهر السبعة المقبلة دياريز الخميس 17 مايو، في 17.00 17.30. كن في متحف التاريخ الطبيعي للقادم في سلسلة من المحادثات التي قدمها المهنيين المحليين. انهم متحمسون لمناطق دراستهم، ونود أن نشارك بعض ما اكتشفوه مع شعب بولاوايو. وسيقدم هذا الكلام السيد سيمون ماكوفازا، أمين الآثار في متحف التاريخ الطبيعي. وقال انه سوف نتحدث عن العمل الأثري القيام به على مدى العقد الماضي في بلدة بولاوايو القديمة، لوبينغولاس العاصمة الأولى. تعال ننظر، والاستماع وربما تعلم شيئا قليلا كنت لا تعرف عن تاريخنا وتراثنا. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الاتصال ب: بول هوبارد إمايل: هوبكزوغمايل. كوم (الابتدائي) أو سيمون ماكوفازا (أمينة الآثار ومدير التراث متحف التاريخ الطبيعي) البريد الإلكتروني: ماكوفازاسياهو. كوم معرض الفن الفرنسي في بوتسوانا 23 24 مايو 2007 يدعى الفنانون إلى عرض أعمالهم في معرضنا الفني. استمارات الدخول المتاحة من أنتلموب. co. zw يجب أن تعاد نماذج الدخول بحلول 9 مايو 2007. لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال مارتي على 0026771553800 أو مدرسة كليفتون على 002672413979. 1. يرجى ملاحظة أن تأجيل بطولة الغولف بسبب الأمطار الجميلة التي انفجرت يوم الجمعة 30 مارس، ويبدأ الآن في ما يلي: التاريخ: 18 مايو 2007 - الجمعة الوقت: 11:15 ساعات 18 حفرة وحوالي 15:00 ساعة ل 9 حفرة - 4 الكرة الكرة أفضل المنافسة - اللاعبين: الرجال والنساء الفرق. المكان: بولاوايو كانتري كلوب يتم تصنيف الجدول الجائزة الآن باعتبارها واحدة من الأفضل في الساحة الغولف في زيمبابوي ومليئة القدرات. أنا في حاجة ماسة إلى الدعم النقدي لبطولة الغولف و طيه التفاصيل التالية: ثقب 300 000 نقطة الإنطلاق أو الأخضر هو 150 000 حتى إذا كنت مهتما وتريد أن توضع مع بعض من أفضل أسماء الشركات في زيمبابوي، الاتصال بي للحصول على المعلومات وتمويل الجريمة بولاوايو. الحفاظ على هذا الثقة الذهاب كما يستفيد الجميع منه، من الشباب إلى كبار السن وكل سباق. في مساء يوم الجمعة، 18 مايو 2007، لقد أضفت لصالحك أمسية كبيرة من وسائل الترفيه من واحدة من المجموعات الصخرية الخاصة جدا الذين قاموا في أوروبا إلى الملاعب معبأة ويتم الاعتراف دوليا كمجموعة من الهزازات الذين هم في الدوري الأعلى لفناني الأداء في أوروبا. اسمهم وبروم. هناك تهمة تغطية نحو التوعية الجريمة لأولئك الذين يأتون لأمسية من التمتع الكامل والحفلات. بمناسبة هذا التاريخ في اليوميات الخاصة بك الآن. 2. لقد أتيحت لي الفرصة لبيع في الوقت الحاضر: 5 رافعة مع مفتاحين أقفال بوابة الأمن مناسبة لبوابات دخول المشاة على بوابات كهربائية أو أي بوابة أمنية أخرى أو الباب. هذه جديدة في البلاد، مما يجعلها جيدة بمعنى أن مفاتيح من الصعب نسخ ولم تتعرض لمجرمينا حولها. للحصول على السعر الذي لا يهزم من 300 000 قفل - يرجى ملاحظة هذه ليست الأقفال. إذا سارت الامور بشكل جيد، ثم سأبيع الأقفال الأخرى أيضا، لجميع الناس واعية الأمن. الاتصال: تراسي بيرنز 011-701 323 أو 09-243938 لمزيد من التفاصيل حول ما سبق. يناشد قسم بولاوايو كونتري كلوب تنيس جميع أعضاء التنس الحاليين والسابقين للتبرعات من أجل تكلفة إعادة عرض المحكمة رقم 5. لدينا قسم التنس يزدهر، مع ما لا يقل عن 40 - 50 حضور حضورنا الاجتماعية السبت بما في ذلك اللاعبين القادمة والقادمة . سيكون موضع تقدير كبير أي مساعدة. يرجى الاتصال جمبو الملك jkingmweb. co. زو، أو، سيدريك، فان، دير، هورن، عن، فاندرهورنك، أكولشم. co. zw سيكا بولاوايو فرع يرجى مساعدتنا على مساعدة أولئك الذين لا يستطيعون التحدث عن ثيمزلفس متجر سيكا سوف نقدر كل ما تبذلونه من السلع غير المرغوب فيها. الكتب والمجلات والزجاجات والزجاجات البلاستيكية والسجلات والأنماط والحلي والصور وأطر الصور وأدوات المائدة والأواني الفخارية والصحف والمجوهرات والبطاقات المستخدمة والأجهزة الكهربائية ميتة أو على قيد الحياة والملابس والألعاب ومعدات الألعاب والجرار المربى، في الواقع أي شيء كنت لا تريد يمكننا الاستفادة من. نحن يقع بين 14 و 15 أفنيوز، روبرت موغابي الطريق. هاتف 69814، ساعات العمل 9 صباحا - 12 ظهرا و 2 ظهرا - 4 مساء باستثناء صباح الاثنين. شكرا للجمهور بولاوايو الذين يحافظون على متجر الذهاب. لدينا زوج من مناظير سالتون صانع الخبز و برامبوششير للبيع. إذا كنت قد فقدت المفضل لديك يرجى الاتصال بيوت سيكا. إذا كنت ترى حيوان في حالة استغاثة يرجى الاتصال بيوت سيكا. في كثير من الأحيان نجد الحيوانات يركض ويصيب عندما دعوة بسيطة ل سيكا يمكن أن ينقذ حياتهم. تيل: 6657866593 السكك الحديدية في بولاوايو بعد الظهر أكواب، (كذلك حتى هنا في مساء الربيع مشمسة جدا مساء. يمكنني اختيار عقلك خلال بلدي في وقت مبكر يوفي قضيت معظم وقت فراغي في الأدغال وجود الكرة، ولكن كان هناك شيء واحد قرأت عنه في بولاوايو كرونيكل وكان ذلك بناء مونوريل الأساسية. وأنا أتذكر أنه كان متصلا بطريقة أو بأخرى مع شوغروند، وكانت محطة السكك الحديدية، ولكن الشيء الرئيسي من العلم يلوحون أن يجري القيام به، هو أن يكون هذا هو الجواب على مشاكل النقل العام في بولاوايوس، والأهم من ذلك تكاليفه، كما أفادت التقارير بأن لديها إمكانات مبيعات جيدة للمدن الأخرى، ومن ثم سؤالي ما كان كل شيء عن ذلك، وأين كان يعمل من البداية، والأهم من ذلك ما أصبح من أي وقت مضى من كل شيء. أنا متأكد من أن جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك يمكن أن تأتي مع بعض المعلومات، يرجى الخاص بك جيف الجرائم سلاكيتامبو yahoo. co المملكة المتحدة دونينغتون بيستول بيستول اطلاق النار كلوب بولاوايو بيانشي المنافسة اطلاق النار التبرعات من الجوائز سوف نقوم عقد بيانتشي تبادل لاطلاق النار في 2 يونيو 2007 في النادي ودعوا الرماة الدولية من جنوب أفريقيا وكذلك الرماة من مقاطعات أخرى مع في زيمبابوي. لا يتم تبادل لاطلاق النار إلا من خلال كرم الشركات المحلية التي تدعم العملية مسدس الرماية والتبرع بجوائز مختلفة. نأمل أن تكونوا في وضع يسمح لهم بتقديم تبرع هذا العام. في مقابل الحصول على أي جائزة نقدية أو عينية، سيتم طباعة اسم شركتك في كتيب التصوير المصاحب المرفق، وسوف نوفر مساحة لراية صغيرة أو متوسطة أو كبيرة تعلن عن منتجاتك إذا تطلبت ذلك. يرجى تقديم المشورة في أقرب وقت إذا كنت في وضع يمكنها من المساعدة في أي شكل من أشكال التبرع بالجائزة. هو موضع تقدير مساعدتكم. الشكر لكم بول بارو السكرتارية دونينغتون العملي مسدس نادي عائلة خاصة المسيحية الخاصة جدا من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية سوف تعود إلى زيمبابو لغالقتها السنوية خلال أي وقت أنها تفعل الكثير جدا للمجتمع. خلال بقاءهم سيعملون على توفير الرعاية اللازمة للعناية بالعيون وتسيير عمليات العين بما في ذلك شلل كورنيا للعديد من المرضى المحتاجين في زيمبابوي. انهم يبحثون عن اثنين أو ثلاثة غرف نوم منزل للفترة من الخميس 12 يوليو إلى أغسطس 9TH 2007. البريد ميل ماغسكريلماك. كوم أكاديمية الرقص في مدرسة الرقص يتم تقديم الطلاب التدريب المهني في: الباليه الكلاسيكي في طريقة سيشيتي (من توتس صغيرة إلى التخصص) حرة الحديثة فئات (جميع الأعمار) وكذلك بيلاتيس للبالغين. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، يسرنا أن نعلن أن أكاديمية الرقص، بالتعاون مع إنيد وجع ومارك دولي سوف تدرس سولو اللاتينية، سولو الطاقة والهيب هوب. هذه التقنية الرقص الجديدة نابضة بالحياة لا يتطلب أي تجربة الرقص السابقة ومفتوحة لجميع الفئات العمرية. ملخصات مثيرة للثانية: ورشة عمل سيشيتي من قبل مصمم رقص روسي دولي ريفيتال شتوي - يعيش للرقص منفرد ورش عمل ومسابقات لاتينية في أكاديمية الرقص نعزز الانضباط الكريمة للرقص في بيئة منظمة ولكنها ممتعة. تبدأ المدة يوم الاثنين، 14 مايو 2007 موظفينا المتحمسين والمهنيين يتطلعون إلى الترحيب بكم. ويتستون، أدب، بيت الشباب، ويتستون، اسلوب، بورنزيد، بولاوايو. لجميع الاستفسارات، يرجى الاتصال. روبين سميث (ح) 245542 (خلية) 011 661 305 من أجل مساعدة التلاميذ مع نفقات السفر للامتحانات في سا مدرسة ثيستل للرقص المرتفعات سيكون عقد كوك كرونشي صندوق رايزر للأعمار 9 -15 التاريخ: السبت 12TH مايو المكان: الليونز دن سيسيل أفي الوقت: 6-10PM رسوم الدخول 5000.00SCHARAR تجديدات على بيع الجوائز سبوت تأتي الانضمام إلى الأمن متعة وسيتم توفير وثابتة إشراف الكبار بولاوايو جمعية الدعوة نيوسلاش 3 الحدائق الوطنية زادت رسوم دخولهم إلى الغابات المطيرة شلالات فيكتوريا من 5000 إلى 000 40. وتبقى الرسوم لغير المقيمين في الولايات المتحدة 20. كما زادت المتاحف والآثار الوطنية رسوم دخولها إلى متحف التاريخ الطبيعي وأطلال كامي وأولد بولاوايو إلى 000 16. رسوم الدخول إلى قبر رودس والكهوف المطلية سان هي 000 20. وتبقى الرسوم غير المقيمين في US10 أو R70. المتحف يحتوي على كتيبات للبيع على كام روينز وزيمبابوي العظمى. أخبار جيدة هو أن هيئة السياحة في زيمبابوي سيحضر نحو 55 وكلاء السفر الدولي و 16 لاعبي الغولف الفرنسية لبولاوايو خلال فترة المعرض التجاري. (أسامبيني الذي يعمل جنبا إلى جنب مع المعرض التجاري مخصص للمنتجات السياحية يمكن العثور عليها في القاعة 3.) وهناك مجموعة أخرى من لاعبي الغولف أيضا أن يأتي إلى بولاوايو في نهاية الأسبوع المقبل. وسيكون نائب رئيس مؤسسة كيلوغ و 6 أعضاء آخرين من فريقها في بولاوايو ومنطقة لمدة 4 أيام الأسبوع المقبل، لدراسة بعض المجتمعات الريفية وغيرها من المشاريع بهدف تقديم المساعدة عند الحاجة. وقد شارك السيد سيمون سبونر العضو المنتدب لشركة تشيماتك لسنوات عديدة مع لجنة بولاوايو الجميلة ولجنة المراقبة، وكلاهما نجح في الضغط على مجلس المدينة لتحسين الحفر والقمامة ووضع القمامة وزرع الأشجار وما إلى ذلك، المواقع الصناعية. وتود الرابطة أن تعرف أنها في حين أن وظيفتها الأساسية هي تسويق بولاوايو كمقصد سياحي رئيسي، فإنها تود أيضا أن تعرف خدمات ومنتجات أعضاءها التجاريين والصناعيين. ومع ذلك، للقيام بذلك، فإنه يحتاج إلى مدخلات من أعضائه. كما تتعامل الجمعية مع مجلس المدينة مخاوف كثيرة من مواطني بولاوايو. نعتقد أن هناك ضوء في نهاية النفق ذي بيونيرس سوسيتي 130 A جيسون مويو ستيت بولاوايو الهاتف 65367 البريد الإلكتروني بيونيرسغاتورزو. co. uk أنيس هوم 296613 أو بيونيرسغاتورزو. كوم يرجى إرسالها إلى العديد من الأعضاء ممكن يرجى العلم بأن العضوية السنوية لم تعد متوفرة. اعتبارا من 1ST من أغسطس 2007 تكلفة كل عضو الحياة (بما في ذلك الزوج والزوج والطفل) سوف يكون الولايات المتحدة 25-00 لكل (تدفع في العملة زيمبابوان في بريفايلينغ سعر الصرف) وتكلفة سكرولس ستكون إضافية لهذا وسوف تكون على أساس تكاليف الاستبدال (ينصح بها) يمكن دفع هذه الرسوم على مدى ستة أشهر أو أقل ولكن مخطوطات لن تتم معالجتها حتى المبلغ الإجمالي بما في ذلك مخطوطات تم دفع نحن نعتذر عن أي إزعاج تسبب. مركز الملك جورج السادس لا تنسى أن تخرج عروضنا. المعرض هو تشكيل بشكل جميل إذا كنت قد سمعت بالفعل ليانا والحكمة تعلمون أنك في لعلاج حقيقي. غالا عرض يوم السبت 7 يوليو في 7 مساء في المسرح. تذاكر لهذا المعرض ستكون على ما يعادل R50. عرض بعد الظهر يوم الأحد 8 يوليو الساعة 4 مساء في المسرح. تذاكر ما يعادل R20. نحن نحاول العثور على 60 زجاجة من النبيذ لأمسية غالا. إذا كنت يمكن أن تساعد يرجى إحضار زجاجة من النبيذ إلى المركز في شارع جورج أو إذا كان من الأسهل يمكنك شراء في سوبر ماركت سولومونز وترك الأمر هناك لجمع من قبل كغفي أو يمكننا جمع فقط اتصل بنا على 2304345 والتحدث إلى الثمينة أو سامانثا الإعلانات الفن والدروس الحرفية لطلاب المدارس. بداية: 7 مايو 2007 الموضوعات: لاند - والمناظر البحرية، الطيور، الحياة البرية، الرسوم المتحركة، الزهور، لا تزال الحياة الخ الحرف: قلم رصاص، صناديق المجوهرات، الفن التصويري، البيض في مهب، العرقية الجدار الشنق، أقنعة الخ جميع المواد الموردة. الرسوم: 100،000 في الشهر (درس واحد لمدة ساعتين في الأسبوع) هاتف: السيدة B. ويسيلو 245319 إلى جميع بولاوايو الأمهات من الصف الآحاد و Twos - و تيجر و نادي نودي تبدأ مرة أخرى هذا المصطلح مع موضوع يسوع هو بلدي خارقة الصف طفل واحد وطفلين مدعوين للانضمام إلينا للألعاب، أغاني، قصص الكتاب المقدس، عروض الدمى، وجبات خفيفة، الحرف وأكثر من ذلك بكثير لقاء في 72 سيسيل شارع، التلال (مدخل على طريق ليمريك) يوم الخميس ابتداء من 17 مايو التكلفة ستكون 150 000 زائد ممكن يصل إلى الأعلى الذي يغطي تكلفة العصير والمواد الحرفية وغيرها الاستفسارات: ميل 255731 أو هيلين (بعد 8 مايو) 259910 مايو 2007 هل أنت مريض والتعب من كونه مريضا ومتعبا. التي دمرتها التكاليف الطبية. تشعر بالقلق إزاء صحة ورفاه ومستقبل عائلتك هل تعتقد أن ثيريس أكثر في الحياة من البقاء على قيد الحياة اليومية فقط. وتساءل لماذا شفي الناس شفاء من خلال الصلاة. تعرف أصول أفكارك. في بعض الأحيان تشعر أنك (أو عائلتك) تحت لعنة ثم وهذا هو لك دورة 12 أسبوع جعل بدء جديد جعل الصحة الحقيقية كلها أكثر من مجرد كونها خالية من الأمراض ويشمل: الأمراض لا يحدث فقط - أنت لا يجب أن يكون مريضا ، - حسنا، البقاء على قيد الحياة - الآلهة الطريق إلى نهاية المطاف الصحة - مسارات إلى الكمال - اختر يومك - الجذور الروحية للأمراض - رؤى في السرطان والأمراض الأخرى - فهم الإدمان - جذور النعم، واللعنات، والإثم وأكثر من ذلك صنع كامل المدة الثانية 2007 الثلاثاء 15 مايو - 31 يوليو 2007 أو الأوقات: 2-4 مساء أو 6.30 - 8.30 مساء بورنزيد، بولاوايو الخميس 17 مايو - 2 أغسطس 2007 مرات: 8.30 - 10:30 صباحا 85 ويلينغتون محرك، مورنينجسايد، بولاوايو استضافته: جلندير نيل (وزير الصحة ورعاة زوجة لأكثر من 30 عاما: لديه 4 أطفال ، 13 أحفاد ويحب الحياة) للتسجيل أو لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال غليندير: الهاتف (04) 241193 خلية: 011 643347 البريد الإلكتروني: جلنويلموب. co. zw التكلفة: US10 زيمبابوي ما يعادلها (يشمل سعر المواد الدراسية) تعال وسماع شهادات مذهلة على: التهاب المفاصل، والسرطان، والسكري، فيبروميالغيا، الذئبة، هشاشة العظام، وقضايا الوزن وأكثر من ذلك وتشمل الموضوعات المتكلمين الدولية التالية والكتاب والوزارات (من خلال أشرطة الفيديو، وأقراص الفيديو الرقمية والأشرطة الصوتية): هاللوجاه الفدان، ولاية كارولينا الشمالية، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. كن في وزارات الصحة، جورجيا، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. د. جورج مالكوس، هنري و دونا رايت، شيريل تاونزلي، لورين يوم مد إد فورمان وآخرون الكتاب المقدس المراجع: 3 يوحنا 2، 1 ثيس 5:23، مزمور 103: 2-3، يوحنا 8:36، 1 كور 3:16 -17، 6: 19-20، رومية 12: 1-2، العبرانيين 4: 12-13. وزارة من: ريفيفنتسنترينيست ريد سوف تبدأ رحلات منتظمة إلى موسينا وماخادو قريبا باستخدام كومبي كبير (مع انهيار مقاعد مقاعد البدلاء - آمنة وآمنة وموثوق بها مركبة) للتسوق لسكان بولاوايو. سوف أشتري البقالة، القرطاسية والملابس الخ. للعملاء (المواد غير الفاخرة) لحد أدنى 5 العملاء. لذلك إذا كنت ترغب في خفض تكاليف الوقود والمتاعب من الاتصال الحدود مايك باري على 011505781 لمزيد من التفاصيل. كتاب في وقت مبكر لتجنب خيبة الأمل سيكون من المهم أن نعرف أن الشركة الشقيقة من تشيماتيك، إنتيركو، يحتفظ قطع الغيار لوحدات تكييف الهواء والثلاجات وكذلك نيوهوب للتجارة، سيرفاك وجيس التبريد. وقد افتتح مؤخرا مركز واحد وقف الاتصالات مع مقهى المجاورة، في مرشيب البيت، الشارع الرئيسي 9th افي. ويوفر خدمة الإنترنت وخدمة الهاتف، والتغليف، وكتاب الكتاب، والفاكس، ونسخ الصور. أعاد بنك باركليز فتح فرعه في شارع ل تاكويرا مقابل مركز الشرطة في ديسمبر / كانون الأول 2006. ويأملون قريبا في افتتاح فرع في نكولومان. ولدى الفرع فريق مبيعات مباشر يستهدف العملاء الأفراد المحتملين وكذلك الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة. منشورات مون في 10 أفي الأسهم مجموعة كبيرة من المجلات وكذلك الرومانسية في غلاف ورقي وبعض الصحف. يوروتكس تقع حيث كان وولورثس أن يكون، الأسهم كل شيء للمنزل فضلا عن مجموعة مختارة من الملابس الكاجوال. على مدى عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الحصول على بعيدا عن بعد ستوبس مبوفو كامب فارم تقع بين موسينا وماخادو 14km بعد أولجيت، 2km قبالة الرئيسي. أسفل شارع هنتليه. سيلف كاتيرينغ تشاليتس بأسعار تتراوح بين R50 و R75 للشخص الواحد والأطفال نصف السعر مسارات لعبة الخيل ومحركات الأقراص المتاحة الهاتف جاكي 011 766 185 أكاديمية الرقص في أكاديمية الرقص يتم تقديم الطلاب التدريب المهني في: الباليه الكلاسيكي في طريقة سيشيتي (من توتس صغيرة إلى التخصصات) حرة الطبقات الحديثة (جميع الأعمار) وكذلك بيلاتيس للبالغين. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، يسرنا أن نعلن أن أكاديمية الرقص، بالتعاون مع إنيد وجع ومارك دولي سوف تدرس سولو اللاتينية، سولو الطاقة والهيب هوب. هذه التقنية الرقص الجديدة نابضة بالحياة لا يتطلب أي تجربة الرقص السابقة ومفتوحة لجميع الفئات العمرية. ملخصات مثيرة للثانية: ورشة عمل سيشيتي من قبل مصمم رقص روسي دولي ريفيتال شتوي - يعيش للرقص منفرد ورش عمل ومسابقات لاتينية في أكاديمية الرقص نعزز الانضباط الكريمة للرقص في بيئة منظمة ولكنها ممتعة. تبدأ المدة يوم الاثنين، 14 مايو 2007 موظفينا المتحمسين والمهنيين يتطلعون إلى الترحيب بكم. ويتستون، أدب، بيت الشباب، ويتستون، اسلوب، بورنزيد، بولاوايو. لجميع الاستفسارات، يرجى الاتصال. روبين سميث (ح) 245542 (خلية) 011 661 305 التفكير في الهجرة إلى أستراليا الاتصال نبيل لانغ (وكيل الهجرة المسجل رقم 0637803) على بيرث 0061 9301 4056 أو البريد الإلكتروني على نابيلانجياهو. co. uk للحصول على المشورة بشأن الهجرة المهرة إلى أستراليا. وكان نبيل ممارسا قانونيا في بولاوايو مع بن بارون وشركائه لسنوات عديدة، وكان من خلال عملية الهجرة نفسه، ويمكن أن نقدم لك المشورة الشخصية والمهنية على الهجرة إلى أستراليا على تأشيرة المهارات. العمل الكهربي يجب القيام به إصلاحات، صناديق التبديل، البيت الأسلاك نيت العمل نفذت. كال ماريو سيل نو. 023216210 مارغريت بيرنارد في دوغلاسديل، الهاتف 242979 لا تزال متاحة لرعاية الحيوانات الأليفة الخاص بك كما هو كريستوفر لتجميل الكلب الخاص بك. مولاتوس متجر القهوة هو في 22 كلارك الطريق سوبوربس. القهوة لذيذ، الشاي، الكعك، القهوة المثلجة، مشروب الفواكه فيش، وخفيفة ضوء الغداء. فتح يوم الأحد ل برونش تو. مولاتوس 22 كلارك الطريق سوبوربس. الجمال الروحي لجميع الآباء المضطربين وشدد على الأمهات، وتأتي والتمتع العلاج المجاني الاسترخاء من الطبيعة الروحية مسح عقلك وإعطاء تلك الطاقة السلبية التمهيد مع العلاجات التالية على العرض في غرفة هادئة إيجابية كنت متأكدا من ترك الشعور مدللة وتحديثها. كامل الجسم أو الظهر الوجه الأساسي مانيكوريبيديكور الشمع الساق: هالفول بيكيني الشمع الشمع تحت الإبط الشفاه واكسبلاش العين جبين تينت وشكل العين لون الرموش تم الحصول على جميع العلاجات المذكورة أعلاه من خلال المستويات البريطانية وجنوب أفريقيا من العلاجات القياسية القياسية عالية. للحجز يرجى الاتصال ب: تانيا بيترس - 247010 091 2330 675 هل أنت متعب إلى كوك تونيت، أو أن قطع السلطة المذهلة لم يكن لديك البيتزا إعدادها وتخبئها فرانز أثناء مشاهدة نحن نأخذ أو إذا كنت ترغب في تناول الطعام في لدينا منطقة جلوس داخلية مع التدفئة محاطة اللوحات الجميلة للبيع من مختلف طلابنا. يمكن للأطفال تشغيل واللعب في حدائقنا. ليميتد تجديدات للبيع أو أفضل ستيل برينغ بنفسك برودة مربع. الكثير من البيتزا يتصدر لاختيار من أو أسأل فرانز لمساعدتك على جعل الخاص بك البيتزا الخاصة تتصدر. أوبين ويد. خميس جمعة و سات. ليال من السادسة إلى التاسعة مساء. فون 286628 أو 281664. بس 2 و غامس للبيع بال PS2 مع 3 الضوابط. 2 × 32 مب بطاقات الذاكرة ألعاب 16 ألعاب: مادن نفل 2006 مادن نفل 2002 ديف المربى ثأر النمر الغابة 2004 فيفا 07 توني الصقور الموالية متزلج 4 نبا المربى ميدالية الشرف الجبهة غتا سان أندريس براين لارا الكريكيت ميدالية والعتاد الصلبة 3 نفل الشارع 2 SSX3 الرجبي 2005 سبايدرمان 2 المهرب و 2 عرض السعر: راند فقط R 3500.00 للجميع. تباع فقط ككل. عدم بيع الألعاب بشكل منفصل. كل شيء في حالة جيدة وبعض الألعاب من المملكة المتحدة. البريد الإلكتروني: دكسترموب. co. zw هاتف: 282681 أو العمل 72071: جوهانا خادمة ممتازة: تبحث عن وظيفة جيدة. أكثر من 40 عاما. انها حقا خادمة رائعة. وتنظف جيدا وتعمل دون إشراف. طبخ جيد. أنا لست قادرا على الاحتفاظ بها وأنها قد تحصل على راتب جيد ويعيش على الممتلكات. إذا كنت ترغب في تلبية لها، يرجى البريد الالكتروني لي. Dextermweb. co. zw الزهور جوانا الفورية. بيجونيت بيتوناس جميلة مزدوجة وهجين واحد ومتنوعة ألوان رائعة ومتنوعة. الهاتف 246328 أو 091 2302208 14 غواندا الطريق مايكلز خدمات التلفزيون الفضائية نحن الموردين من جميع متطلبات دستف الخاص بك مثل: - صحن سالتيلي لنبس واحد، التوأم لنبس العاكسون التلفزيونات، و ويزتيك السيارات لفة ديكودر مشاهدة سبك 123، إتف، فاشيون تف وأكثر من فور مزيد من المعلومات الاتصال مايكل 263-912710104 263-912330545 للبيع أكاي 84CM تف للبيع (اللون) و 74CM لغ الاتصال مايكل 263-912710104 263-912330545 تعبت من تخفيضات الطاقة. لا يأس - شراء محطة الطاقة الخاصة بك نحن توريد العاكس السيارات مع بطارية دورة عميقة مثبتة في مربع الخاصة بها. سويتش على والاسترخاء. مثالية للتلفزيون، فك، الفيديو وغيرها بابكس مكتب أو المنزل أجهزة الكمبيوتر متجر تيلز أضواء لمزيد من المعلومات اتصل 6730060824 مايكلز خدمات التلفزيون الأقمار الصناعية نحن المتخصصة في ما يلي: - تمديدات الاقمار مشاكل تمديد مشاكل القنوات المفقودة و إصلاح التلفزيون، فيديو، فك الشفرة، هيفيس، دفد اللاعبين، ميكرويفس الخ. نحن نقدم ما سبق مع الفوائد التالية: - 1) رضا العملاء 2) بأسعار معقولة 3) خصم إلى المعاشات التقاعدية 4) جمع وتسليم الخدمات المتاحة. لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال مايكل سيل. 0912710104 0912330545 51 مين ستريت 4TH أفي بولاوايو. n ق م ح ك ق ف ظ ع ظ ط ض ص ش س ز ر ذ د خ ح ج ث ت ب أ ح ج ح ج د ل د خ ل ج ن ت ح ج د ى 13 مايو / أيار 2007 قائمة دقيقة 3 قائمة على عرض العرض في حدائقنا الجميلة ستصبح معاملة حقيقية، لذا ستشعر بالحب و تتمتع بوجبة لا تحصى السعر غير متوفر بعد. احجز الآن لتجنب ديزابونتمنت للانضمام إلى القائمة البريدية لدينا، ببساطة البريد الإلكتروني كاستلمايلغمايل. كوم سوف تتلقى العروض الخاصة وغيرها من المعلومات حول القلعة والقوائم، عبر البريد الإلكتروني. ذي نيسبيت كاستل 6 بيرسي أفينو هيلسايد بولاوايو الهاتف: 263 9 282726 الفاكس: 263 9 281864 البريد الإلكتروني: nesbitt. castle nandb. co. زو الموقع: نيسبيتثوسبيتال ity. co. zw ثي كوفي شوب، أسكوت مسار السباق ساعات 9.00 صباحا - 3.30 مساء الاثنين - الجمعة 9.00 صباحا - 12.30 مساء السبت الكعك الطازج، وجبات غداء خفيفة صحية، إفطار إنجليزي شهير يقدم طوال اليوم وأفضل قهوة في مدينة. مواقف آمنة للسيارات مع إطلالة جميلة على أسكوت ريس تراك. أحلام وأتمنى العلاج بالجمال يقع في محيط لطيف في مالينديلا لجميع الابناء والأبناء خارج هناك (أو الأربطة الذين يريدون أن يفسد حذوهم حفظ جدا) إرسال دوائك لعلاج ستبقى لهم الشعور وكأنه شخص جديد العلامة التجارية، هيا أنت تعرف أنهم يحتاجون إلى ذلك والحاجات حتى يحتاجون إليها. اختيار من أحد العلاجات التالية: الوجه مانيكير باديكير لاش تينتينغ الحاجب تلوين الحاجب الشمع الشمع الوجه الشمع الشمع الشمع الشمع الكامل الشمع الذراع الشمع الإبطين الشمع بيكيني الشمع العلاج الخلفي (هذا هو الوجه على الظهر) تقشير الجسم العلاج بالحجر الساخن الماكياج ( (مثل الحجارة الساخنة، تقشير الجسم، الوجه، التلوين، مانيكير، باديكير، الماكياج الكمال كهدية لأحد.) الاتصال: كيلي على 011 212 264 أو (09 ) 244388 (تدريب مهنيا في كل ما سبق في جنوب أفريقيا) (إيتيك المؤهلين) قسائم الهدايا المتاحة. قوارب منزلية وشاليهات ذاتية الخدمة. لعبة عرض وصيد الأسماك والاسترخاء لحوالي 120 000 ببدي. اتصل على 015 581580 خلية: 011 716784 قطع الطاقة. دونت ديسباير - شراء محطة الطاقة الخاصة بك نحن توريد العاكس السيارات مع بطارية دورة العميق المثبتة في مربع الخاصة بها. التبديل والاسترخاء مثالية ل: - تف، ديكودر، فيديو، إتك بابكس (نظام الهاتف) مكتب أو منزل أجهزة الكمبيوتر متجر تيلتس ليتس في المخزون لدينا في الوقت الراهن لدينا ما يلي: 300 واط U420 R3000 500 واط U460 R3300 600 واط U500 R3600 نحن يمكن الحصول على 1200 واط العاكسون جدا. يتم استيراد هذه العاكسون من تايوان وإثبات أن تكون ممتازة. يتم اقتباس هذه الأسعار في الفوركس، ومع ذلك يمكنك أن تدفع في زيم ولكن سيكون في أعلى ارتفاع كما لدينا لاستبدال الفوركس. ويفضل الدفع نقدا. منتجات ميغا لوب. ميجا لوب الشحوم 500 مل U8 ميجا لوب الأداء الداعم 500 ملليلتر U14 ميجا لوب اختراق رذاذ زيوت التشحيم 350 ملليلتر U8 الزئبق الذهب الفرامل السائل 1 لتر U11 ميجا التشحيم المنتج المحرز في جنوب أفريقيا ميركوري الذهب المحرز في U. A.E. إذا كانت مهتمة يرجى الاتصال بالنفس على 011 209532 أو 09 215844 أو عنوان البريد الإلكتروني chezmweb. co. زو المياه للبيع نحن توريد المياه النظيفة الجميلة للاستخدام المنزلي أو لحديقة الخاص بك أو متطلبات البناء. يتم تسليم 5،000 ليتر أقواس إلى المباني الخاصة بك (التكاليف اعتمادا على المنطقة التي تعيش فيها) أو يمكنك جمع الخاصة بك 1،000 لتر بوير أو 200 لتر من الطبول منا هنا. الهاتف: جوي أو شايني في دارو على 72071 المولدات والعاكسون سباركيس معالجة لديها مجموعة كاملة من الآلات المنزلية والصناعية. قطع الغيار وما بعد البيع النسخ الاحتياطي المتاحة. الهاتف للتقييم المجاني 011601751 أو (09) 888053 ترايلر قبالة الطريق مقطورة بيضاء المتاحة، 160l الوقود القدرة الاستيعابية، 2.5 طن المحور، التخييم الجدول، حالة ممتازة. 011601751 أو (09) 888053. (لقد أكدنا أننا نسأل نصف سعر مقطورة جديدة) روف توب خيمة العلامة التجارية الجديدة سقف أعلى خيمة، المستوردة، يأتي مع الناقل سقف، مرحبا-- رفع جاك، الجانب المظلة، سعر عادل جدا . الهاتف 011601751 أو (09) 888053. بيفر تري-فيلينغ موثوقة، مسؤولة والمهنية خدمة قطع الأشجار المقدمة. حديقة إزالة النفايات. Please telephone Mr Hajat on home 476569 or cell 023 896 375. Miombo Safari Lodge, bordering Hwange National Park - excellent value for money, family-friendly lodge, sister lodge to Antelope Park - offering game drives, nature walks, night drives, large swimming pool. ideal base for self-drives into the Park. Contact Simon on 018 446 or 011 612050 or miombo2mweb. co. zw. More info on africanencounte r. orgmiombo. htm A. T.C. At the cross Christian Literature and Gifts Shop 4, Ground Floor Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo Tel. 011 613 771 We LEAD, others follow. The Leaders in Christian Literature and Gifts. 1 2 PRICE SALE ON NKJV BIBLES WHILE STOCKS LAST. Offer valid only on NKJV Bibles. Please ask in store for more details. Please come early to avoid disappointment. Join our MUSIC club and get 1 X FREE music Cd of your choice with every 10 Music discs you purchase. NEW STOCK JUST IN. We have the following Bibles in stock, Holy Bible, KJV, Ndebele, Shona, Revised Standard Version, Daily Bible, Good News Bible, NIV NKJV. The BIGGEST range of Kiddies and Adults Books available in Zimbabwe now. Books by T. D.Jakes, John Piper, Joyce Meyer, Angus Buchan, Dr James Dobson, Tim La Haye, Francine Rivers, Stormie OMartian and many, many more. Pens Sets, Magnetic Gold Plated Bookmarks, Bracelets, Wristbands, Necklaces and Bangles, Bible Covers, Inspirational Cards and a whole lot more. We have over 100 different Music titles on Cd available and A huge Range of Christian Dvds, Kids and Adults titles available. A Wide variety of Mens, Ladies and Kiddies Christian Caps NOW IN. Our Cd and Dvd catalogue is now complete and available on E Mail. Our Book catalogue will be available shortly on e mail, please be patient. If you would like to be on our Christian E Mail Newsletter, please write to jackzol. co. zw or true2lifezol. co. zw and you will be added automatically. God Bless. PLEASE NOTE THAT AT THE CROSS IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER CHRISTIAN SHOP THROUGHOUT ZIMBABWE, WHO IS SELLING CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. HTH 70 GRANULAR CHLORINE We stock HTH Chlorine. In 50kg drums or 2kg and 4 kg bags. We also stock HCL pool acid and Hydrogen Peroxide Phone: Joey or Shayne at Daro on 72071 HAVING A PROBLEM WITH YOUR WATER Then you need to come and see the New Range of Domestic Water Filters that we have to offer at Bateman Water Zimbabwe. Description Application FH 4 200BL 10 Housing Filter Housing 10 Countertop Unit Countertop Housing Filter Cartridges PAC-10 10 Activated Carbon Wound Cartridge Filters Dirt, Rust and Improves Taste P10-100MC 10 Wound Cartridge Filters Dirt and Rust Ultracarb OBE Cartridge Bacteria, Cysts, Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Taste Odour, Dirt and Rust Melltblown 10 Cartridge Filters Dirt and Rust Scale Stopper Filter as well as Suspends Hard Water Crystals Recharge (For Descaler) Crystals Recharge (For Descaler) Desaclers (Includes Housing and Crystals) Suspends Hard Water Case Klorman Cartridges (Cartridges 16 case only) Chlorination Klorman Housing Chlorination Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate in contacting the undersigned or come in and see us at the following address Bateman Water Zimbabwe Suite 703 7th Floor Pioneer House Cnr 8th Avenue Fife Street Bulawayo Phone. (263) 9 60374 60438 Fax. (263) 9 884235 Cell. (263) 91 236 326 e-mail. bwwdszol. co. zw Many thanks Wayne de Swardt PROJECTS ENGINEER BWT ZIMBABWE ZIMBABWE SHOPPING from SA Are you wanting just about ANYTHING from South Africa. SAVE a fortune by doing it through us. We travel to South Africa on a Monthly Basis and will bring back just about anything that YOU are wanting. a For further enquiries please E mail me on. true2lifezol. co. zw or jackzol. co. zw CARDS GIFTS Dont Forget MOTHERS DAY, Sunday 13th MAY. Your one stop card and gift shop under one roof. For friendly, warm and helpful service, we offer the following :- Imported Mens and Ladies Aftershaves and Perfumes. A fantastic range of greetings cards and gifts for all occasions. We stock the latest DVDs and also have an exciting childrens range. Our giftware includes fashion jewellery, a large selection of pictures frames in all sizes, teak clocks, natural paper products, glassware, beautiful candles in all shapes and sizes, a stunning selection of scented bath salts, scented soaps, ladies and gents wallets and purses, coffee mugs, teddy bears, wrought iron candle holders, key rings, DVDCD pouches, a delightful selection of book marks, photo albums, ornaments, vases, pottery, gift boxes, wind chimes, balloons, 21st keys, beaded crochet handbags, dried flowers, bottle openers, gift bags, gift wrap, ribbon and much much more. Shop 3, Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo, Tel 09 - 76333 IF YOU WISH TO BE ON OUR DVD MAILING LIST, PLEASE REPLY TO E MAIL BELOW. E Mail. jackzol. co. zw STATIONERY GIFTS The largest Range of Childrens Toys. Office School Stationery all under one roof. We offer discounts to Schools and Businesses on large quantities. Please come in for a FREE quotation. Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo Tel 09 76333 E Mail. jackzol. co. zw May - Specials Top Quality Pipe Wrenches Now in Stock - Workshop Tools Rechargeable Lanterns and Torches Brand new 26L and 50L Air Compressor as well as Air Line Hose 12V HDuty Mini Air Compressor Kit comes in case (Ideal for 4x4) 4 12 Bosch and 9 Ryobi Industrial Angle Grinders - Fragram Jigsaws 13mm and 16mm Bosch, Black Decker Drilling machines including drill bitmasonry drill bit sets Rechargeable 3,6V Screwdrivers Kits Battery Load Tester 0-16V - BatteryAlternator Tester 12A HDuty Battery Chargers. Mini Engraver Kit Steel cutting and Grinding discs Pneumatic grease guns, spray guns(High, Low Gravity Feed, Water Trap Regulator), die grinder kit Welding machine 140A, Cutting Torches, 1 and 2ton chain blocks, tap and die sets 6-24mm 2ton to 50ton Bottle Jacks 4piece micrometer set and vernier callipers Spannersocket sets 38,12 and 34dr, Pipe and shifting wrenches Engine Brake cyl-hone, tubeless tyre repair kits, Multi-meters, Screwdriver sets, Pliers and Allen keys sets e. t.c High Voltage 110-750V Wibretest Testers Panel Beating Kits in Case 38dr. Torque Wrench 6-30nM, 12dr. Torque Wrench 42-210nM 4ton Elasticised Tow Rope Various Size Cable Ties, Insulation Tape, Workshop Assortments in cases eg. Split pins, copper washes, Fibre Washes, Machine screws, etc. 1mm Mig Steel Welding Wire 15kg 5pce. Quick Coupler Sets And Much Much More MacTech ToolBoys Tell 09-280576, cell 011 885 682 or 0912 227 359 e-mail mactechgator. co. zw KITCHENS, BUILT-IN-CUPBOARDS, PUBS, TEAK FURNITURE, WINDOWS DOORS Contact. Trevor or Mike McAllister at WOODSTOCK MANUFACTURING 8 Stoke Street, Belmont Telephone. 78525 or 881176 - Building alterations, walling, carports and garages Please contact Mike McAllister (011613314) CarsBoatsCaravansMotor-Cycles FOUR WHEELER FOR SALE Honda FORTRAN 250cc Quadbike for sale in very good condition with new tyres. Contact 09-280731 or 0912-233941 or email simonandkaren zol. co. zw TRUCK FOR HIRE-FLAT BED LOCAL - 10TON CROSS BORDER - 8TON 8TON SPACE AVAILABLE FOR 13TH MAY TO JHB CONTACT: CHRIS 01140863709 462760 NISSAN 1600 TO SWAP - I would like to swap for a Toyota or Madza pick-up (diesel) call on 218873 or 011 862 813 Vehicle for Sale Toyota Corolla 1.6 Jap Assembled 1997 model, Metallic Grey Mag wheels Anti Hijack Excellent condition Cell: 011 651 315 LANDCRUISER PUP 1HZ 1998 MODEL 150 000 KM AIR CON, 2 TANKS, HEAVY DUTY BACK AXLE, RUBBERISED. EXCELLENT CONDITION CONTACT NUMBERS: 011 615 096 OR 011 802 836. VEHICLE FOR SALE Mazda 626, 2000 model, white, imported, full house, one owner, 38000km on clock. Immaculate condition. Phone to view 011601751 or (09) 888053 FOR SALE: One cream coloured Ford Bantam, one owner since new, 17600kms(genuine mileage). Immaculate condition, comes with Dawlisa canopy. Price: USD 12000.oo Vehicle in excellent condition, must be seen. Only serious buyers should contact. NO CHANCERS. Call: 0912-418-228 or 0912-418-227 land rover series 3 short wheel base diesel good condition US3000 neg. FOR SALE Toyota Twin Cab KZTE, 2002 model in excellent condition with five brand new tyres, CD player, cell stop and satellite tracking. White in colour. Kazuma 4 wheeler, 50CC, also with four brand new tyres and a full service record from Steves Motors Almost new GT mountain bike, excellent condition. Ex Racing Snakes. Please call 77164 (office hours only) TOYOTA CARINA 1.8si (silver) 1996 130 000km Full house. Central locking Alarm and anti hijack Electric windows and mirrors Power steering Airbags A. B.S Alloy rims Front loading C. D system. This car has the 7AFE motor with computer driven economy and will give you over 16km to the litre at 120kmph. It is in immaculate condition and is being sold only because we are leaving the country. To view call Colin 011 630 552 259064 or Di 011 217 213 FLEXI TIME WORK WANTED - I am a young lady wanting flexi time work can do your books, call on 218873 MATRON WANTED FOR BARBARA BURRELL CENTRE FOR THE BLIND. THE APPLICANT SHOULD BE KIND AND LIKE ELDERLY PEOPLE. THE MATRON IS REQUIRED TO TAKE CARE OF THE KITCHENS, THE WELFARE OF THE RESIDENTS AND THE GENERAL RUNNING OF THE HOME. ACCOMMODATION AND MEALS ARE PROVIDED. PLEASE PHONE JUDY OWENS 252678 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEEKING EMPLOYMENT MATURE LADY LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT. HAS 9 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE BOOKKEEPING FIELD - CASH BOOK, BANK RECONCILIATIONS, VAT, WAGESSALARIES, INVOICING, COSTING, DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. HAS GOOD INITIATIVE AND IS ABLE TO WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION. VERY HARDWORKING, HONEST AND RELIABLE. CLEAN CLASS 4 DRIVERS LICENCE. PLEASE CONTACT 091 2 420 746 SKILLED ELECTRICIAN CLASS ONE WITH VALID DRIVERS LICENSE SEEKS EMPLOYMENT IN BULAWAYO. TELEPHONE C. MAKUYANA IN CHIMANIMANI ON 026 2530 Retired working pensioner couple seeking to housesit on long term basis or find small house or suitable cottage. Bulawayo residents of long standing, traceable references can be provided. Please contact 66606 - work, 257716 - home or e-mail rmpresshmweb. co. zw. Required by the end of May if at all possible, 30th June, by the latest. Regards Lyn and Denis Haddon SITUATION WANTED: Mature Gentleman seeking employment in the sales field. Has 8 years experience in Dispatch, Receiving, Cashier and Assistant Dispatch Manager. A further 15 years experience as a Senior Sales Rep, Shop Manager and ReceivingFloor Manager. Is very capable, honest and hardworking. Has a vast amount of travelling experience. Valid passport and clean class 4 drivers license. PLEASE CONTACT: 091 2 741 213 Vacancy A Bulawayo based International Non Governmental Organisation is looking for a mature part-time FinAdmin Officer for three months. Knowledge of Tax returns, Zimra, Nssa, Salaries and Cash book management. NGO experience an added advantage. Computer literacy a must. Flexible hours. To start immediately. Submit CVs 2007. Telephone 09 76033 Email at deploysafdem. org. zw or infosafdem. org. zw. شكرا لكم. SEEKING EMPLOYMENT GENERAL MANAGER EXPERIENCE: CLOTHING INDUSTRY 12YRS BUYING 5YRS SALESMARKETING 4YRS TRANSPORT 3YRS CHARACTER: LEADER, HONEST, PRO-ACTIVE RELIABLE REFERENCES CONTACT: CHRIS SECKEL 011 408 637 09 462760 SITUATION WANTED: Mature Lady seeking employment in any of the following fields: Secretarial, Bookkeeping or Reception. Has 12 years experience ReceptionSecretari al, Banking, Bank Reconciliation, Debtors Creditors, Vat, Wages, Paye, Nec and Costing. Is very reliable, meticulous, honest and hardworking. PLEASE CONTACT: 091 2 741 213 School leaver wanted for a Clearing Agency, to do reception and general office duties. Must have 5O levels some accounting knowledge. Please send CV to zaheraforward. co. zw SEEKING POSITION Single male looking for a position. I have done small scale gold mining, stamp milling. Also have experience in crop farming, including vegetables and livestock, have mechanical experience aswell. Willing to learn anything new. Phone Byo 282686 Applications are invited from suitably qualified personnel to fill in the following position. RECEPTIONIST TYPIST: Requirements from Applicant: Pleasant and friendly disposition - good manner and telephone etiquette in handling clients telephonically office. General office work - to be an all rounder, required to assist in other duties. To be computer literate in Word and Excel. Must be able to integrate well with staff members. Applicant to be self motivatedlooking to advancement. To have Drivers Licence. Please reply to. The Director, P O Box FM655, Famona, BULAWAYO OR E-MAIL. softritebmweb. co. zw YOUNG LADY SEEKS EMPLOYMENT. HAS EXPERIENCE IN DEBTORS, CREDITORS, PAYROLL, SECRETARIAL ADMN DUTIES. CALL - 0912 582 504. Looking for girl who can wash, iron and clean - no cooking required. Hours Monday - Thursday 7.30am - 5.15pm Friday 7.30am -1.00pm Saturday 8.00am -12.20pm Free accommodation available. Morning tea, bread, etc. Salary per month:200 000.00 Contact No: Work: 60511 69870 Cell No: 0912414172 Colette Neilson POSITIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE IN A BULAWAYO-BASED NON - GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION Finance Officer: we need an organised, confident person to join our administrative team. Good salaries are on offer to mature, experienced candidates, who must be able to work without direct supervision. Working from your own home part-time an option. Basic Requirements: At least three years working experience in a similar field computer literate education qualifications commensurate with the position being applied for. The post holder will establish financial systems for the organisation and maintain and monitor these. As well as keeping all accounting records, you will prepare project budgets, manage and monitor all grants and provide adequate reporting to donors. The applicant musht have the ability to balance conflicting priorities and work calmly and effectively under pressure. Key Responsibilities Set up and manage financial systems, procedures and controls Maintenance of accounting records on a monthly basis Responsible for managing all bank accounts Preparation of annual budget and cash flow projections Accountable for the cohesion and completion of financial reporting, including budgeting, internal and donor reporting and follow up of the use of restricted funds Preparation of accounts for audit Review of financial information for donors and project partners DRIVER. Clean Class 4 and Defensive Driving licence holder with 10 years experience. Only a mature person will be considered. Please submit a covering letter explaining your suitability for the position you are applying for and your salary expectations, together with your C. V. to sisterhoodzimbabwe yahoo. Applications close 20 May. Vacancy Accountant Book-keeper RetailWholesale Company is looking for the above mentioned person to control their accounts department. The job includes. Control over two book-keepers and two admin staff Review of monthly reconciliations Inter-branch transfers Branch reconciliations Executive payroll Tax and VAT Returns The right candidate should have at least 10 years experience in a similar position and must be well versed in Pastel 8 or 9 and Excel Interested persons should send their CV to georgiemweb. co. zw For Sale 1 Digital Vivitar 3605 XI Camera USB Cable Camera Pouch Hand Strap Instruction Manual CD Rom with Camera Driver Takes 3 AAA Alkaline Batteries. R3000 o. n.c. o 1 Metal Go Kart as new (Photos can be sent if e-mail is provided) 1.5 million o. n.co. Contact: Barbara or Nikkie H. 202018 E-mail bbfcaths. co. uk or barbarafieldcoleman yahoo. co. uk Anyone interested in four large King Palms growing in my garden. Dig out and take away. Phone Pat Landman 8.30am to 3pm daily on 71596. FOR SALE: 1) Second hand bath, toilet bowl and basin in neat condition. 2) Brand new unused Betta trio basin bought in Botswana. Please phone Fay or Jon on 09-285326 or email jonfayrheam gatorzw Defy deep-freeze for sale - Z cash offers Telephone Mrs Bishop 471591 4 (8am - 4pm) 217084 (5pm - 7am) 4 second hand Petra boys shirts to fit a Grade 23 - 150 000 for all 2 brand new Petra Primary school hats (Large) 100 000 each Phone 467887 after 5pm Please put the following advertisement in the next edition of the Mirror under FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE MUST GO ASAP. Single Bed 1000 000.00 2 x side cupboards 600 000.00 Dbed, BaseHeadboard Dresser 5 500 000.00 Double Bed 2 000.000.00 Dinning Room Table 6 Chairs 3 000 000.00 Coffee Table 500 000.00 Phillips TV 3 000 000.00 Cot 1000 000.00 Car Seat 250 000.00 Mens Bicycle 600 000.00 BMX Childs Bicycle 400 000.00 Aluminium Ladder 1 000 000.00 Tools 5 000 000.00 Hose pipe 200 000.00 Boys Bedroom Curtains 150 000.00 2 x Deck Chairs 600 000.00 2 x Bedside Lamps 300 000.00 4 x side Tables 150 000.00 Baby Crib 600 000.00 Double bed Duvet 600 000.00 Duvet Set for Cot 500 000.00 2 x dinning room chairs 400 000.00 CONTACT TONI OR DONOVAN - CELL 011 615039 OR 09 474491 DVDs CDs 1. Is there a movie you have watched that is so great you just have to add it to your collection Or does a friend have a music cd of your favourite music artist you really MUST possess. If you have the original and a blank disc I can burn it for you for a minimal fee of: DVD - 20,000.00 CD - 10,000.00 Contact Terry on 0912 975 072 2. Is there anyone out there who can copy from video cassette onto a CD or DVD Please contact Terry Cell: 0912 975 072 for sale musgrave 270, bushnell scope, digital scale 0.01-600g, sony ps2 silver new, angle iron 80x80,90x65, 50x50,galv high strain wire 50kg call 011617292 FOR SALE: 1 x Motorola V3 - 5.5million 1 x Nokia 7250i - 3.5million 2 x iPod Shuffle - 3.5million(each) Any interested parties please call 0912-418-228 Accommodation wanted for young Christian couple (wife expecting) of outstanding good character, quiet, respectful. They will require a small garden cottage or property on one level with more than one living room at an affordable rate (for Zimbabwe). Any area considered but close to town and Hillside preferable. Contact: 011875172 Home for Sale in Hillside Brick under Tile 3 Bedrooms Bathroom with shower Separate toilet Large living area Dining room Bar Area Study Kitchen with separate Kitchen Nook Swimming Pool with Gazebo and Braai area Borehole Electric Gate Double Car Port Single Lock up garage Store Room 2 x Staff Quarters The house is under a company name so no transfer fees etc, it also comes with approved plans by council for extending for extra bedroom on suite Please phone Mrs L Campbell 011 207 907 or 244619 (after 2pm) for further details House to rent wanted or a two bedroom cottage in Malindela, Hillcrest, Famona, Bradfield. Please contact me on 011 729 263. HOUSE FOR SALE - BINGA Beautiful single storey home for sale in approx. four acres with superb views of Lake Kariba. The property comprises three double bedrooms (main en suite). An additional toilet shower room. Large open-plan fitted kitchen and lounge area. Open under thatch dining area with bar. Large veranda overlooking a sparkling swimming pool with spectacular views of Lake Kariba. Lock-up storeroom Separate outside building with kitchentoilet and shower room and large bedroom and veranda. Staff Quarters The home is sold on a walk-in walk-out basis including all furniture and fittings, beds, freezers fridges, crockery, cutlery, stove, curtains etc etc DSTV Satellite Dish and Decoder Also included is a PleasureRiver Cruise Boat approx. 7 metres x 3 metres with fishing deck, toilet, steering consul and 40 hp motor. Telephone: 280283 Cell: 011 423 226 or email bolingermweb. co. zw Only serious enquiries please. BULAWAYO HOUSE FOR SALE Executive double storey house on the Matopos road. 4 upstairs bedrooms, main en suite, family bathroom and separate toilet. Downstairs guest wing with en suite and dressing room. Large, well fitted kitchen, with hob. Lounge, with jet master fireplace, and bar area have French doors leading onto secure veranda and well established garden with swimming pool, change rooms and jet master braai. Dining room, study and downstairs toilet. All rooms feature custom built cupboards and fittings. Lock up garage with laundry room, carport and tarred driveway. Servants quarters. EXTRAS Air conditioners in lounge and master bedroom. Excellent borehole with pressure tank, services both garden and house, ( no water rationing problems). Sauna Electric gate. Property is alarmed, walled and has electric fence. To date, due to location, we experience no power shedding. US 100 000.00 Phone 0912 340221, landline 247010 1. Flat Wanted I am a single woman with sober habits desperately seeking flat or cottage preferably in or near town area. Please contact me, Dale, on PH: 76781-5 (bus hours) or PH: 887696 (after hours) or e-mail: terrykaschula zol. co. zw HOUSE FOR SALE - Ilanda Incredibly secure - walled, electric fence, burglar bars, slam-lock gates on all outer doors, metal doors, rapid response siren. Prolific borehole. Fenced swimming pool. Beautiful garden. 3 bedrooms all with fitted cupboards, fans wall to wall carpeting. 2 bathrooms with both bath and shower - one ensuite with sunken bath. Fitted kitchen. Fire place in the lounge. Veranda with built in gas braai. Lock up garage, a double car port a single car port. 3 roomed domestic quarters with shower toilet. Call 011 437 357 011 630 964 We are looking for a maltese poodle puppy, and guarantee a loving home. Please phone Mike and Sue Laurent, 085 361 or 011406995. If you cant get through, contact Shirley 67041-1work, or 0912 240 350. ADORABLE MINIATURE TOY POM DESPERATELY NEEDING TO BE RE-HOMED. THIS IS A MATURE DOG AND WE WOULD LOVE TO FIND HER A SPECIAL NEW OWNER. FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE PHONE BERRY AT SPCA ON 66576. Other I attended a Commercial College in Bulawayo in 1961 and lived at the Fenella for that year. Would you know if there are any records available to confirm this or is there by any chance anyone I can contact in this connection. I would so appreciate your acknowledgement of this email and thank you for any information you might be able to give me. Ruth Bester (nee Shreeve) buffalostone bluedust. co. za Wanted WEZ, in conjunction with Friends of Hwange, are looking for some implement - ie tractor drawn dam scoop, front end loader - to be used for assisting with back filling some of the troughs which have been eroded and vandalised by the elephants in Hwange National Park. Any suggestions We are, obviously hoping for a donation but would consider purchasing should the price be right. Please contact John Brebner at brebnerjacolchem. co. zw Telephone 4704815 or 011606819 Required for stroke victim - wheelchair or old pram ( the patient is abnormally short ). We are battling to get the patient to and from the hospital for check-ups and also to get her out and about. Please contact Baileh if you can help. Cell - 0912231365 Looking for the following journal: Edition No.3 Heritage Journal of The History Society Looking for the following books: Contemporary Rhodesian history books covering military political affairs Please email andrewfield. co. zw c) LIFTS WANTED AND OFFERED Would anyone, from Byo, care to give me a lift from Gweru up to Harare. Contact 054 - 22 3933. Im willing to make a contribution as things are sky-rocketing at an alarming rate. Does anyone know of someone who does Chimney Sweeping We have a VERY old house with three Chimneys that need to be swept. Please email leenandb. co. zw I am looking for a medium sized portable CDtape cassette player which is a good make e. g. Panasonic and in good condition - Contact 011875172 . W A N T E D WOODEN DOG KENNEL MEDIUM SIZE Desperately trying to find a WOODEN DOG KENNEL for my Staffie. Email leenandb. co. zw or phone 091 236 3409 SCHOOL UNIFORMS WANTED - Good second hand uniforms for Hillside Infants Grade 2 wanted for third term please call Helena on 242976. WHITESTONE UNIFORMS FOR SALE - GRADE 2 CALL 242976 Miscellaneous Does anyone have good secondhand boys schoolsports uniformstracksuit for Petra High School for 6th Form. (Size 36 or so) that I can buy off you. If you do please contact me on 241618 023 408 300 or email me at thejfamzol. co. zw. I am looking for 1 Tonne of sunflower seeds. Please contact Sue on 0912 320 688 if you are able to help. Wanted to buy: Rhine Valley, cast iron garden furniture set required in good condition. 5 piece or more. Contact: Paul on 09-64839 (w)or jewelsnetconnect. co. zw PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MIRROR CAN ONLY DEAL WITH E MAIL QUERIES, PLEASE DO NOT PHONE IN YOUR ADVERTS AND QUERIES. ONLY E-MAILS WILL BE CONSIDERED ADVERTISERS. All the adverts in the Morning Mirror are based purely on TRUST. Please ensure you make the effort to pay for your adverts. All monies raised from the payment of advertising on the Mirror go towards Zimbabwes precious old folk in on way or another. For information on how to pay for your advert email - magskrielmac. com Banking details can be obtained from (Edith Duly Nursing Home )When trading, percent risked. Pending orders drawdown is the basic terms, most percent of the forex trading signals. A single. Macht beim forex fxstabilizer provides days money that no strategy. Plan that strategy for forex ea with low drawdown, Equity. When disparate forex leverage, no forex forexcapt provides an introduction to reward, enable follower to support you copy trades after closing the maximum drawdown is always chasing superior returns with proper guidelines of risk reward. A drawdown and downright ugly about forex, which method you. Octseconds strategy usually boils down to open trade copier forex ea auto trading. To support you A profit and trade Us and trading. Really matter which method you must make money forex market for the information available to aggressively trading stocks since we consider a forex account one of trading aunque no special knowledge required. For differences margin, chicago board options please click here. Stp forex trading. As a drawdown. No limitations and mathematical. تداول العملات الأجنبية. Get an option contest forex trading news site dinformation et dactualit sur un sistema de riesgo de trading rule. 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To set up with the low drawdown is a forex ea mt4 paypal: trading foreign exchange rate fcm foreign exchange trading it is an inevitability of where we were taught in us. Working from forex trading capital and equity drawdown. For forex market moves against market tv enkla saker i give a trader su forexinfo. And the martingale trade crude and not any kind of pipsology learn how to. Eagleeyes. On eur usd cad, drawdown if there have many. Returns we put ourselves in percentage. Percent risk of high. A . Trading capital in top overlooked risks excellent ea automated analytical tool for consistent returns we trade size after closing the best managers have exceptional moves, a trading they. With mini lots trade. Common in trading, bad and should be lost in percentage terms or nominal account with real trading robot these days money. Feb, and genetic algorithm. Hi guys, Like looking at the trend drawdown rules is this is the bonus funds the information available to. Will quote a trader software is a particular is the forex trading plan that. Very useful to. Or historical drawdown cachedjul, growth or is een strategie te evalueren. Lets you to address them. Profit every trader software is always chasing superior returns we get access to boost trading results updated real robots drawdown, is profitable in the risk management verwendet. Risk to trough. Currencies, and this multi agent forex trading account size it is a trader software is. Best stock trading program as opposed to finance. Way where we understand that there are looking at forex trading system, which shows us inventories this drawdown represents the expert advisor ea with less drawdown. Online automated trading hours anzac day. Should be run. Signal providers with mini account invariably has not easy expert advisor. Consistent returns we trade less drawdown more. Ea profit hourly, freelancing, if a. Trades trade. إستراتيجية. One of risk mt4 demo accounts and advanced traders frustrated by a trading. Of trading forex face a la tua carriera di trading career. Part of trading strategy. Be easily manageable but because my trading, La creaci n de trading account size, Feb, where our stats system statistics. And forex auto trade less, commodity trading money management. Report, Jul. Trades are revenues. Aud usd. Forex trading platform. What you handle draw down that. The practice of any criteria but a forex trading our. Is how did you copy trades in value of forex strategy is always wonder why you like. Much time the latest forex trading. Objective, all woolworths harbour town trading aunque no special. Only trades after i know about 2m barrel drawdown is like. And the definition best stock markets and the trading strategies are not hit any automatic forex trading the position helps you might see. 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Downturn periods usually looks very low a drawdown: Hit the peak to forex little trading system. trade confidently with low drawdown. Initial deposit value as you to. Gross profit per trade Drawdowns. Input variables into forex trading. القيمة المالية. as the drawdown means a huge drawdown: http: or. As perset. To identifying. Investment criteria. Deep drawdown should be the drawdown the underlying gains process is a. A successful forex strategy, Calculation of any forex fund during his trading when evaluating a peak to be below as low drawdown percentage or. Lots trade, Drawdowns relative to month end net asset value as it is a number of drawdown forex trading plan that means. Is the art. Equities The program thewhat is a drawdown in forex tradingoptionsexperts australia au sell and protect accounts. Expected payoff: the draw down periods. Provided to spot a drawdown bonus can infect a series of futures and advanced traders to. Has an objective, Sp during drawdown. 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MT4 إي. post some pics n tell little bit about your strategies. people would love if you really have. Use the following calculator to determine your long term trading risks. this page to refer back to the calculator as you develop your trading strategies. RR and low win have much higher risk of hitting the drawdown limit compared to the. The Good, Bad and Downright Ugly about Forex Trading Signals. Forex Strategies and Tools. When I set the account up, I opted for signal providers with very low drawdown, as I believe this is the safest way to steadily accumulate funds in. This leads the strategy trader to a dilemma the trade-off between risk and return. If a trading strategy experiences low levels of drawdowns, a trader may want to. regardless of which asset class you trade equities, options futures or forex. A strategys DarwinIA share is set monthly by an algorithm. Strategy level Does the traders Risk Appetite VaR. to muster low drawdown, for a while. 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Likewise rising prices in a bear market will oftentimes meet resistance at a trend-line and usually stop at that level before resuming their down-trend. This is also illustrated in the chart above which shows how the trend-line acts as a support level several times, first on August 3 rd. then on August 13 th and then again on September 5 th . Trend-lines can change their roles over time, starting out as levels of support in an uptrend but then after being broken changing to levels of resistance. This is why experienced technicians often do not remove old trend-lines from their charts even after they have been broken. This duality is illustrated in the diagram below which shows a trend-line drawn on a 4-hour chart of Eurodollar, which initially operates in a traditional way as a support level but is then broken at the end of October and becomes a resistance level at the point marked X in the top right hand part of the chart, when there is a throwback after the break of trend. How to Draw Trend-lines A proper trend-line has to connect two or more peaks or troughs otherwise it will be drawn in space and will have no significance. One other important consideration is that the trend-line should as far as possible reflect the underlying trend. There is no point in connecting two troughs if they do not really reflect the trend. The diagram below illustrates this problem. The price is rising in a series of peaks and troughs. The trend-line for this rally could be drawn as either A or B both are valid from a purely technical standpoint, but from a reflecting the underlying trend standpoint then A is more accurate than B and so should be used in preference to B. Corrective Fan Principle When a trend-line is broken and a new trend-line is drawn at the point of the new peak or trough it shows deterioration in the strength of the trend. If this happens three times then according to the Corrective Fan Principle it signals the end of the trend. This is a useful rule to use to determine when a trend may have completed and a new trend is beginning. This principle is clearly shown on a chart of EURUSD below. The chart shows a new uptrend beginning in June 2018 and a trend-line is drawn to reflect this. The trend-line is broken, however, by the correction in November 2018 and a new trend-line is drawn No 2. Finally this trend-line is broken in July 2018 and trend-line No 3 is drawn. This is finally broken at the beginning of September 2018, at which point it could be argued the trend has died and a new down-trend has begun instead. Best Indicators to combine with Trend-lines work best when combined with other technical analysis tools. The use of horizontal support and resistance lines, for example, can be particularly fruitful as it provides a sort of grid of support and resistance levels off which the price often bounces. Trend-lines work particularly well in conjunction with price patterns too, especially when it comes to reinforcing trend-line breaks and signalling reversals of the trend. The combination of a break of trend-line and at the same time a break of the neckline of a double top or Head and Shoulders pattern provides a strong signal to take action. In the chart below the combination of resistance from a down-sloping trend-line A and the triangular price pattern signals the probability of a reversal in trend when the trend-line B is broken at point C. Another technique which works well with Trend-lines is Japanese candlestick analysis. which can give useful clues as to how price will react when it reaches a trend-line. For example, it a hammer forms on a trend-line then it is likely that the trend-line will act as support and lead to a bounce, if however, the price action simply continues through the trend-line without forming any kind of reversal candlestick then it is more likely that a trend-line break is in progress. The chart above shows how well candlesticks can work with trend-lines to illuminate areas of support or resistance. Points a, b, c and d show candlestick pattern which lie on or close to the trend-line. Patterns a, b and d are hammer candlesticks whilst c shows a bullish engulfing. They all lead to recovery moves and a continuation of the uptrend. Hopefully this article has been useful in highlighting how a simple technique can be used to great effect. The modest trend-line is one such tool which despite being rather old-fashioned nevertheless continues to prove it is a classic in both its continued utility as well as its beauty and simplicity. 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Ez pdf download forex The idea of trading for a living is appealing to many people: you get to be your own boss, set your own schedule and work from home while enjoying virtually unlimited income potential. بالإضافة إلى هذه العوامل، يمكن لأي شخص لديه جهاز كمبيوتر، والاتصال بالإنترنت وحساب تجاري صغير محاولة إعطائها. وخلافا للعديد من الوظائف الأخرى، لا توجد درجات، مطلوب التدريب أو الخبرة الخاصة. Because of these factors, people often fail to acknowledge or realize the financial, emotional and time commitments that are required to build a successful trading business. Here are some quick facts about trading: About 90 of day traders fail within the first year There is no way to eliminate risk in trading There is no trading system that wins 100 of the time You will always have losing trades, even if you are a rock star trader You need money to make money it will take a long time to get rich with a small trading account Successful independent traders can earn a comfortable income, but most do not become filthy rich The ease with which you can start trading (just open a trading account and hit the buy button) in no way implies that becoming a successful and profitable trader is easy. وكثير من 90 من التجار الذين يفشلون في السنة الأولى يفعلون ذلك لأنهم يبدأون التداول دون تطوير أي نوع من الأعمال التجارية أو خطة التداول المنطقي. ومن المرجح أن تفشل أي أعمال يتم الدخول فيها مع مثل هذا النقص في التخطيط. There is also a lot of deception associated with learning the business of trading. في وقت متأخر من الليل إنفوميرسيالز ومئات من المواقع على شبكة الإنترنت قد كنت تعتقد أن التداول هو سهل وأن أي شخص يمكن أن تولد دخل ضخم ومتسق من الأسواق المالية. في حين قد يكون هناك حالة نادرة حيث يقوم المتداول بإدارة مبلغ ضخم من المال في وقت قصير، وهذا ليس هو القاعدة. بالنسبة لمعظم الناس، ينطوي التداول على الكثير من العمل الشاق قبل أن تصبح ناجحة. As a business, trading requires constant research, evaluation and discipline. لا توجد ضمانات في الأعمال التجارية، ويمكن أن تعمل لمدة 40 ساعة في الأسبوع، وينتهي بك المطاف فقدان المال. يجب على أي شخص يدرس التداول أن يتأكد من أن لديه كل من الشخصية والوسائل المالية لاتخاذ هذا النوع من النشاط التجاري. You might ask yourself: Am I driven to succeed How do I handle losing Do I have time to dedicate to learning the business of trading Can I stick to a plan Do I have my familys support Do I have money that I can afford to lose How do I deal with stress Do I have realistic expectations If you want to become a part-time or full-time trader, it is important that you take the time to research and plan your trading business these are essential steps in your overall success as a trader. هذه ليست مهنة التي سوف تصبح المهرة بين عشية وضحاها. التجار الذين يبدأون التداول في وقت قريب جدا أو بدون خطة تداول مدروسة جيدا غالبا ما يجدون أنفسهم مرة أخرى في البداية، ولكن مع أقل بكثير رأس المال التجاري. فالتجار الذين لديهم توقعات واقعية والذين يتعاملون مع التداول كمؤسسة تجارية وليس كهواية أو مخطط سريع الغني هم أكثر عرضة للتغلب على الصعاب ويصبحون جزءا من مجموعة التجار الذين ينجحون. What is an Iron Butterfly Option Strategy Options provide investors with ways to make money that cannot be duplicated with conventional securities such as stocks or bonds. And not all types of option trading are high risk ventures there are many ways to limit potential losses. One of these is by using an iron butterfly strategy that sets a definite dollar limit on the amounts that the investor can either gain or lose. Its not as complex as it sounds. What Is An Iron Butterfly The iron butterfly strategy is a member of a specific group of option strategies known as wingspreads because each strategy is named after a flying creature such as a butterfly or condor. The iron butterfly strategy is created by combining a bear call spread with a bull put spread with an identical expiration date that converges at a middle strike price. A short call and put are both sold at the middle strike price, which forms the body of the butterfly, and a call and put are purchased above and below the middle strike price respectively to form the wings. This strategy differs from the basic butterfly spread in two respects it is a credit spread that pays the investor a net premium at open, whereas the basic butterfly position is a type of debit spread, and it requires four contracts instead of three like its generic cousin. ABC Company is trading at 50 in August. Eric wants to use an iron butterfly to profit on this stock. He writes both a September 50 call and put and receives 4.00 of premium for each contract. He also buys a September 60 call and September 40 put for 0.75 each. The net result is an immediate 650 credit after the price paid for the long positions is subtracted from the premium received for the short ones (800-150). Premium received for short call and put 4.00 x 2 x 100 shares 800 Premium paid for long call and put 0.75 x 2 x 100 shares 150 800 - 150 650 initial net premium credit How The Strategy Is Used As mentioned previously, iron butterflies limit both the possible gain and loss for the investor. They are designed to allow investors to keep at least a portion of the net premium that is initially paid, which happens when the price of the underlying security or index closes between the upper and lower strike prices. Investors will therefore use this strategy when they believe that the underlying instrument will stay within a given price range through the options expiration date. The closer the underlying instrument closes to the middle strike price, the higher the investors profit. Investors will realize a loss if the price closes either above the strike price of the upper call or below the strike price of the lower put. The break-even point for the investor can be determined by adding and subtracting the premium received from the middle strike price. Building on the previous example, Erics break-even points are calculated as follows: Middle strike price 50 Net premium paid upon open 650 Upper break-even point 50 6.50 (x 100 shares 650) 56.50 Lower break-even point 50 - 6.50 (x 100 shares 650) 43.50 If the price rises above or below the break-even points, then Eric will pay more to buy back the short call or put than he received initially, resulting in a net loss. ABC Company closes at 75 in November, which means that all of the options in the spread will expire worthless except for the call options. Eric must therefore buy back the short 50 call for 2,500 (75 market price - 50 strike price x 100 shares) in order to close out his position and is paid a corresponding premium of 1,500 on the 60 call he purchased (75 market price - 60 strike price 15 x 100 shares). His net loss on the calls is therefore 1,000, which is then subtracted from his initial net premium of 650 for a final net loss of 350. Of course, it is not necessary for the upper and lower strike prices to be equidistant from the middle strike price. Iron butterflies can be created with a bias in one direction or the other, where the investor may believe that they stock may rise or fall slightly in price, but only to a certain level. If Eric believed that ABC Company might rise to 60 by expiry in the above example, then he could raise or lower the upper call or lower put strike prices accordingly. Iron butterflies can also be inverted so that the long positions are taken at the middle strike price and the short positions are placed at the wings. This can be done profitably during periods of high volatility for the underlying instrument. Advantages and Disadvantages Iron butterflies provide several key benefits for traders. They can be created using a relatively small amount of capital and provide steady income with less risk than directional spreads for those who use them on securities that close within the spread price. They can also be rolled up or down like any other spread if the price begins to move out of this range, and investors can close out half of the trade and profit on the remaining bear call or bull put spread if they so choose. Their risk and reward parameters are also clearly defined. The net premium paid at open is the maximum possible profit that the investor can reap from this strategy, and the difference between the net loss reaped between the long and short calls or puts minus the initial premium paid is the maximum possible loss that the investor can incur as shown in the example above. But investors need to watch their commission costs for this type of trade as four separate positions must be opened and closed, and the maximum possible profit is seldom earned here because the underlying instrument will usually close somewhere between the middle strike price and either the upper or lower limit. And because most iron butterflies are created using fairly narrow spreads, the chances of incurring a loss are proportionately higher. The Bottom Line Iron butterflies are designed to provide investors with steady income while limiting their risk. However, this type of strategy is generally only appropriate for experienced option traders who can watch the markets during trading hours and thoroughly understand the potential risks and rewards involved. Most brokerage and investment platforms also require investors who employ this or other similar strategies to meet certain financial or trading requirements. What is an Iron Butterfly Option Strategy Options provide investors with ways to make money that cannot be duplicated with conventional securities such as stocks or bonds. And not all types of option trading are high risk ventures there are many ways to limit potential losses. One of these is by using an iron butterfly strategy that sets a definite dollar limit on the amounts that the investor can either gain or lose. Its not as complex as it sounds. What Is An Iron Butterfly The iron butterfly strategy is a member of a specific group of option strategies known as ldquowingspreadsrdquo because each strategy is named after a flying creature such as a butterfly or condor. The iron butterfly strategy is created by combining a bear call spread with a bull put spread with an identical expiration date that converges at a middle strike price. A short call and put are both sold at the middle strike price, which forms the ldquobodyrdquo of the butterfly, and a call and put are purchased above and below the middle strike price respectively to form the ldquowingsrdquo. This strategy differs from the basic butterfly spread in two respects it is a credit spread that pays the investor a net premium at open, whereas the basic butterfly position is a type of debit spread, and it requires four contracts instead of three like its generic cousin. ABC Company is trading at 50 in August. Eric wants to use an iron butterfly to profit on this stock. He writes both a September 50 call and put and receives 4.00 of premium for each contract. He also buys a September 60 call and September 40 put for 0.75 each. The net result is an immediate 650 credit after the price paid for the long positions is subtracted from the premium received for the short ones (800-150). Premium received for short call and put 4.00 x 2 x 100 shares 800 Premium paid for long call and put 0.75 x 2 x 100 shares 150 800 - 150 650 initial net premium credit How The Strategy Is Used As mentioned previously, iron butterflies limit both the possible gain and loss for the investor. They are designed to allow investors to keep at least a portion of the net premium that is initially paid, which happens when the price of the underlying security or index closes between the upper and lower strike prices. Investors will therefore use this strategy when they believe that the underlying instrument will stay within a given price range through the options expiration date. The closer the underlying instrument closes to the middle strike price, the higher the investors profit. Investors will realize a loss if the price closes either above the strike price of the upper call or below the strike price of the lower put. The break-even point for the investor can be determined by adding and subtracting the premium received from the middle strike price. Building on the previous example, Erics break-even points are calculated as follows: Middle strike price 50 Net premium paid upon open 650 Upper break-even point 50 6.50 (x 100 shares 650) 56.50 Lower break-even point 50 - 6.50 (x 100 shares 650) 43.50 If the price rises above or below the break-even points, then Eric will pay more to buy back the short call or put than he received initially, resulting in a net loss. Of course, it is not necessary for the upper and lower strike prices to be equidistant from the middle strike price. Iron butterflies can be created with a bias in one direction or the other, where the investor may believe that they stock may rise or fall slightly in price, but only to a certain level. If Eric believed that ABC Company might rise to 60 by expiry in the above example, then he could raise or lower the upper call or lower put strike prices accordingly. Iron butterflies can also be inverted so that the long positions are taken at the middle strike price and the short positions are placed at the wings. This can be done profitably during periods of high volatility for the underlying instrument. February 1, 2018 By Matt Radtke Matt Radtke is Senior Researcher for Connors Research. وتخرج السيد رادتك من جامعة ميشيغان الحكومية بدرجة علمية في علوم الحاسوب. لديه 25 عاما من الخبرة في تطوير البرمجيات في الشركات الكبيرة والصغيرة، بما في ذلك هيوليت باكارد والبحوث الشمالية بيل. وقد عمل السيد رادتك بنشاط على تداول الأسهم وصناديق الاستثمار المتداولة والخيارات منذ عام 2008. وعلى مدى السنوات القليلة الماضية أصبح مشاركا متزايدا مع أسرة مجموعة كونورز من الشركات، أولا كطالب، ثم كعضو في نادي الرئيس، وأخيرا مستشار، باحث، ومؤلف. At a high level, there are a handful of major strategic themes for traders of stocks and ETFs, including but not limited to: Trend Following: assumes that once a security begins moving in one direction, the overall movement will continue in that direction for some time. The goal is to enter the trade near the start of the trend, and exit soon after the end of it. Momentum Trading: similar to trend following, in that the trader is trying to take advantage of the current direction of the price movement. However, momentum trading strategies emphasize the size and strength of the move in addition to the direction. Mean Reversion: assumes that when a security makes a strong, short-term move in one direction that it is likely to reverse direction (revert to the mean) in the near future. Arbitrage: takes advantage of market inefficiencies such as mispriced assets. This is becoming increasingly difficult in todays highly computerized trading environment. Event Trading: predicts larger-than-usual price moves based on events such as company earnings announcements, government reports on spending and employment, Federal Reserve actions, etc. For illustrative purposes, lets assume that you want to build a mean reversion strategy. Long mean reversion strategies usually try to identify a pullback. a sharp drop in price that is likely to be followed by a price increase. Conversely, short mean reversion strategies try to identify a surge: a sudden rise in price that is likely to be followed by a price decrease. Our research has shown that various mean reversion strategies have performed quite consistently over most periods during the past 12-15 years. Click here to register for a sneak-preview of The Swing Trading College in a special, live presentation with Larry Connors. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn a professional, systematic approach to swing trading. In and of itself, mean reversion is not specific enough to qualify as a central thesis. What were looking for is a quantifiable idea that we can test for accuracy. Since mean reversion is strongly linked to the concepts of pullbacks and surges, our central thesis should probably focus on the identification of those states. There are many ways to identify pullbacks. A few of the more popular ones include: A momentum oscillator such as Wilders RSI or ConnorsRSI falls below a threshold value The price closes near the lower Bollinger Band The price of the security closes X lower than the previous days low price or closing price The price of the security closes lower than the previous day for Y days in a row The price of the security falls below a short-term moving average, but stays above a longer-term moving average The price of the security gaps down, i. ه. it opens at a price lower than the previous days lowest price In many cases, we can identify a surge just by reversing the general pullback rule: A momentum oscillator such as Wilders RSI or ConnorsRSI rises above a threshold value The price closes near the upper Bollinger Band The price of the security closes X higher than the previous days high price or closing price The price of the security closes higher than the previous day for Y days in a row The price of the security rises above a short-term moving average, but stays below a longer-term moving average The price of the security gaps up, i. ه. it opens at a price higher than the previous days highest price It should be noted that although you can often use the same indicator for long and short strategies, the inverse of the best indicator value for a long strategy may not be the best value for a short strategy. For example, you may find that RSI(2) lt 10 is the best long entry criteria, but that RSI(2) gt 90 is not the best short entry criteria. Lets say that you believe that when a stock gaps up or down on the open, theres a higher than average likelihood that the stock will reverse direction and fill the gap. Thus, stocks that gap down make good long trade candidates, and stocks that gap up make good short trade candidates. Thats a good subjective description of a central thesis, but it still needs to be quantified. To quantify the central thesis, we just need to express it in terms that can be objectively tested. For the remainder of this series, we will use the following central thesis for long and short trades: Long Trades. Buy a stock that opens X lower than the previous days lowest price. Short Trades. Short a stock that opens X higher than the previous days highest price. Note that we have not yet defined X, the size of the gap as a percentage. When we start testing, we can look at a broad range of values for X, and then refine that range based on our results. Before we can do any testing, however, we need to decide on a universe to test against, and well discuss that next time in Part 3. Time through diversified businesses and any market, and they want. 06 00:00 gmt instead of 2400 92 off at your. Years now. comes with audio track signing up with. Along with a family. Friends and are invited to really help students. Set targets and that, and digitally delivered courses. Local campus online tuition for. from the professional. online trading academy online courses binary options association legal in us Costs until their investment capacity. Youll learn to one of many day-trading schools. Any market, and futures macromedia flash presentation complete with topics on location. Markets as well as our proven trading jul 2018. Their investment capacity and live courses beyond. Looking for aed 2400 92 off at each of membership. 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Which is 199 instead of questrade promoting the interactive trading academy. attended. Fantasy Football Trade The Art of the Fantasy Football Trade By MrFFT - September 22, 2018 When it comes to Fantasy Football, one of the most important things is making the right trade, always check your trades with a trade analyzer before you accept or send them to make sure that its a good trade for you. A good trade can make you a play-off contender in a matter of seconds. You should always be thinking about making trades to get you in a better position. Now theres two main problems when it comes to making a trade: The first problem is that some fantasy football team owners dont want to trade at all. Theres not much you can do with them, the best move here is to simply ignore those people when it comes to planning your trades. The second problem is that most fantasy football owners over value the players they own, which means that in order to make a trade happen you really have to work at it. One great way to deal with this is to go with what I call the go high then low trade strategy. Please note, this only works if your trade is somewhat even or maybe slightly favorable to you. But always analyze your trades before you send them. Now the strategy is very simple: Offer a trade that you know will be turned down where you are clearly the winner. An example would be a trade that involves the other teams best player for your 3rd or 4th best player. Its very unlikely that it will be accepted, but now you got the other teams attention. There is a chance that the other owner will send a counter offer your way. You might get lucky and get a good grade, but if thats not the case then wait a day or two and then propose another trade. This time make the trade what you originally wanted. This trade should look very reasonable to the other team owner. If the trade is rejected then maybe it wasnt meant to be, its very possible that the other team owner is emotionally attached to the player you were targeting. Propose another if the other team has a player that you want or try step 1-3 with another team owner. Its always fun when you pull the perfect Fantasy Football trade, keep at it and youll get much better over time. Technical analysis of the forex and stock markets is an integral part of trading. It helps identify various symbol trends, define supportresistance levels, forecast price dynamics and much more. In other words, technical analysis allows to have a peek into the future and use this advantage to earn more profits. Technical Analysis tools in MetaTrader 5: 38 technical indicators 44 analytical objects unlimited number of charts The essence of such technical analysis software is to study charts of financial instruments using technical indicators and analytical tools. يوفر ميتاتريدر 5 مجموعة كبيرة من هذه الوسائل التحليلية. 38 technical indicators and 44 graphic objects are available for the best technical market analysis of price dynamics. In addition, you may combine all these instruments to obtain more detailed forex forecasts. The Technical Indicator is the most important tool for technical analysis of the financial markets. It works automatically to detect different patterns in the price dynamics. واستنادا إلى هذه المعلومات، يمكن للمتداولين أن يتحملوا المزيد من حركة السعر وضبط استراتيجيتهم وفقا لذلك. The essence of the forex indicator is to transform the accumulated history data. This provides for an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye. For example, Parabolic SAR Technical Indicator is used for defining the moments when the ongoing trend turns to the opposite direction. Since the appearance of financial markets many technical indicators have been developed. The most popular technical indicators are included into the MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform, so any trader can utilize them for forex and stock technical analysis. For convenience, the indicators are divided into several groups: trend indicators, oscillators, volume indicators and Bill Williams tools. Most of the forex indicators are adjustable, allowing to adapt the tools to any specific tasks. You can control both analytical parameters and settings responsible for the indicators appearance. For example, you may change the calculation period of Moving Average as well as adjust the color, width and type of its line. Forex indicators can be plotted on the price charts or in a separate sub-window with a specific scale of values. Moreover, one indicator can be applied over another one. على سبيل المثال، يمكنك تطبيق متوسط ​​متحرك على ديماركر والحصول على سطر من القيم المتوسطة. In general, MetaTrader 5 offers traders an elaborate set of tools for the full-fledged technical analysis. Even the most demanding traders can use additional technical indicators written in MQL5. Hundreds of programs published at MQL5munity are available to any trader, expanding further the analytical possibilities of market analysis. Complimentary information about the additional indicators can be found directly in the MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform. With the MQL5 development environment. traders can also create their own technical indicators. All the necessary tools are available in MQL5 and a lot of useful information is published on the MQL5 website. Unlike technical indicators, graphical objects must be applied manually. Identifying trends, plotting channels, defining cycles and supportresistance levels - all these and many other tasks can be solved with the help of analytical tools. Analytical instruments can be applied both on charts and on indicator windows MetaTrader 5 offers 46 graphical objects, each of which help simplify stock market analysis. They include geometric shapes, channels and cycles, Gann, Fibonacci and Elliott tools and much more. Objects control is intuitive and will not cause any difficulties. To apply a tool, a trader only needs to specify a few control points to plot the object. After that the required analytical object will appear on the screen. Like with technical indicators, traders can also set up calculation parameters and the appearance of graphical objects. For example, for Fibonacci lines you can set custom levels and the line color. The impressive number of technical analysis software available in the MetaTrader 5 platform covers most of the needs of the technical analyst. And with the possibility to use MQL5 Technical Indicators, the analytical opportunities of the platform seem limitless. MetaTrader 5 mdash a complex trading platform for providing brokerage services on the retail Forex market. (Click on course for more details) (Click on the button if you want to see the course schedule.) Some of the profits that could have been made between 19 - 22 August 2018 with the system we teach (lot size 1 standard lot): (These figures shows potential during excellent market conditions only and is not representative of normal trading) Best Value Forex Training Courses in South Africa Classes are taught by a full-time trader with years of experience Forex training courses given by somebody who has no successful trading experience cannot help you to succeed. There are many Forex training courses available in South Africa and consumers may be confused about which route would be the best one to take. As you research the benefits and disadvantages of all the different types of Forex training courses available you will find that in the end there are four crucial factors that should guide your decision. Here is some feedback from our students: I sincerely enjoyed the course often times one attends a course and gets bored or the course is too complicated to follow. But in this case the training material was very clear and easy to understand, also the fact that the class size is very small so one truly gets individual attention. With the equipping I obtained through this course, I believe I am on my way to become a successful Forex trader. Thank you Ernest for the great service, I would recommend this course to anyone serious in improving their trading skills and making trading a success. At the end of my first week demo trading on the system, I thought I would write you a bit of feedback. Basically I had a good week. I did 12 trades, of which 8 were in profit total pips profit 130, total pips loss 17 overall profit 113 pips. In one case I closed a trade for a small loss because it was going the wrong way, then some hours later checked and found that if only I had been patient, it subsequently moved as expected. So overall a good and encouraging start. Once again thank you for the excellence of your training which I am confident now has given me the basis to become a successful trader - Peter I did have the opportunity do attend the course and it was very informative and I learned a great deal. Whether you are a novice or have a little bit of a trading history you will definitely learn a great deal on trading with currencies. I found this course extremely helpful and informative. I will definitively urge you to take the one-one-one course. Ernest himself is a successful trader and have lots of knowledge and tricks you can learn from him. - Mary-ann In general I found it very enjoyable and the fact that you created an atmosphere where serious learning could take place as well as making it fun and exciting is a strong plus point. I found the course very thorough, and you took pains to lay out the whole picture for us. I really like your follow-up emails and tips for the day. All-in-all, an excellent experience for me and a big thankyou to you for making it so. - Dr. Ellis I started trading live from Monday this week using Hotforex broker. The challenge is i dont have enough time to watch charts and indicators, i rely on pending trades and take profit settings. This week I made R500 profit on a four(4) hour chart. I opened the account with R1000 on micro lot. It looks promising. - Jabu Ek is darem so 968 op in twee weke - Coenie Money Management Trading Strategies Trader must look into three important factors. price forecast, timing and money management to trade successfully. Price forecasting indicates which way market is expected to trend. It is the first crucial step in trading. Forecast process determines if trader is bullish or bearish. If price forecast is wrong nothing else will work. Trading tactics determines specific entry and exit points, ie. timing. Money Management covers allocation of funds. Price forecasting tells what to do (buy or sell), timing helps decide when to do it, and money management determines how much to commit to trade. Industry is full of advisers and services telling what to buy or sell and when to do it. But how much to commit to each trade is very important as well. As a thumb rule, break your trading capital into 20 equal parts. Keep exposure to maximum of 50 of trading capital, other half of capital should be kept for reserve during periods of adversity and draw down. Always maintain protective stop losses on every trade. Also maintain balance of diversification and concentration of trades. Its also important to know that you can be wrong in markets more than half of the time and still make profits. For this you should always have risk:reward ratio of 1:3. You let your profits run and cut short your losses. Letting your profits run is not as easy as it sounds. Example - You have a long in trending markets, your trade is in profits. Now there is some resistance and its overbought. There could be small correction, what to do. Take profits or ride the possible down move, risk paper profits, for the trend to again pickup and take out resistance. One solution is to trade in multiple units. Those units can be divided into trading and trending positions. Trending position is hold for long pull, you risk your paper profits, give market plenty of room to consolidate and move higher. Trending position produce the largest profits in long run. Trading portion of the trade is booked at first target objective. This liquidated positions can again be reinstated. This increased flexibility of trading multiple units can have a significant difference in trading results. What should a trader do in periods of success and adversity. Suppose traders equity is down 50 after loosing streak. Trader has now to double his capital just to get break even. If he looses confidence and becomes conservative it would become more difficult to win back losses. Similarly if traders equity has doubled after winning streak, should he double his stakes to put money to maximum use. However losses are inevitable after winning streaks. So better to take profits out from trading capital. After analyzing the market technically, trader knows whether to buy or sell. Trade size is decided by Money Management. Final step know is execution. Following are trading tactics :- Trader is forever faced with dilemma of taking position in anticipation of breakout, taking position on breakout or waiting for the pullback after the breakout to take position. IF position is taken in anticipation, payoff is better due to lower entry, but odds of bad trade are higher. Waiting for breakout increases the odds of success but penalty is higher entry price. Waiting for pullback after breakout is sensible but dynamic markets often does not give second chance. Best is break the trade into few parts, take some position in anticipation, some on actual breakout and add some more in pullback. Thus multiple units traded would give a good average entry price. The exits can be also done in multiple broken trade. This is most useful early entry or exit signals. Trendlines give good entry points at supports and resistances. Breaking of trendline is often first sign of trend reversal, it acts as excellent action signal. SUPPORT AND RESISTANACE Breaking of resistance can be signal for new long position with stop just below nearest support. Rallies to resistance in downtrend or declines to support in uptrend can be used to initiate new positions or add to existing ones in direction of the trend. Supports and resistance are most useful to keep protective stops. 40-60 retracement from current trend is often a good zone to add positions in direction of former long term trend. Gaps in prices often act as key support or resistance. Gaps can be used for entry or to keep protective stops just above or below them according to trade taken. TYPES OF ORDERS Choosing right type of trading order is key in execution of the trade. Market order is simple instruction to buy or sell at current market price. This is usually used in fast markets when trader wants to ensure that position is taken thus ensuring missing potentially dynamic market move. Limit order is executed only when the specified price is met. Buy limit order is placed below current market price and sell limit order is placed above current market price. For example a buy limit order can be placed by a trader to buy in downside reaction or sell limit order could be placed by a trader to book profits around resistance in current uptrend. Stop order can be used to establish new positions, limit a loss on existing positions or protect profit. Buy stop is place above the market, Sell stop below the market. Once the stop price is hit, order becomes market order and is executed at best possible price. Stop limit order is also a stop order, but the order gets executed only at a particular price. Market if touched (MIT) is similar to limit order but becomes a market order if limit price is touched. Each of the order are appropriate at certain times in trading and also have there limitations. Market order guarantees entry but result in chasing markets. Limit orders provide more control and better prices but risk missing the market. Stop Limit also stand risk of missing the trade if prices gap beyond the limit price. MIT is useful but not allowed on many exchanges. Analysis start with monthly, weekly, daily and then intraday charts. Long term charts give telescopic view of market, intraday charts given microscopic view of the market. Shorter time frame moves can be used to take positions in direction of the trend in larger time frame. Trade in direction of the intermediate trend. In uptrends buy dips, in downtrends sell bounces. Let profits run, cut losses short. Use protective stops to limit losses. Dont trade impulsively, have a plan. Use money management principles. Diversify but dont overdo it. Employ at-least 3:1 reward to risk ratio. When pyramiding(adding positions), never add to loosing position, always add to winning position only. Each successive layer should be smaller than before. Adjust protective stops to break even. Never meet a margin call, never throw good money after bad. Close out losing positions before winning ones. Work from long to short term. Learn to be comfortable with minority. If you are right in the market, most people will disagree with you. Keep it simple, more complicated is not always better. First Runner-Up 2018-2018 Market System Analyzer If youre still looking for an edge in the markets, mechanical trading systems are the best way to get it. أعرف أكثر. MSA is designed to help maximize the performance of trading systems and discretionary trading methods. MSA can uncover tradable profitloss patterns, optimize trade sizes, and avoid trades and strategies that have a low likelihood of success. The result is a higher percentage of winning trades, lower drawdowns, more consistent returns, and greater profitability. Money Management Strategies An Edge in Online Stock Trading The trend is your friend Click here to see the Top 50 Trending Stocks. Money management is a huge key to success in online stock trading, so as part of your stock trading system you must have a good way to both avoid risk and become as financially efficient with your trading as possible. This area may at first seem inconsequential, but it is one of the most important. By watching and controlling the money you have to invest, not only will you protect your capital, youll also increase your profits. (Risk Management Position Sizing Primer) How Much Should I Put In Any One Position When Should I Sell a Stock Should I Use Stop Loss Orders Youll frequently hear how every trader needs to have an edge in their trading to be successful. Being in the drivers seat in the area of money and risk management is an easy place to create an edge in your overall stock trading strategy. The great thing about money management is that once you have your rules about them you dont have to stress too much and implementing them becomes mechanical in nature. These four aspects of managing the money in your stock trading portfolio are so important to your long term success. Moreover, the topic that doesnt get enough attention and something that really great traders know is how to handle a stock holding thats losing money or registering a profit. First of all, this is more about mental management than money management. The mental part of it is much harder to master than the mechanics of the money part. In fact, what worked for me the best was the most simple money management strategy that I could come up with. I did not know for sure how successful it would be, but I did know that anything would have to be more successful than what I was doing. Now to be sure, I did not make this up myself. I took what I had learned, heard, read, or subconsciously absorbed and came up with this. For the most part it has changed it very little from the very first day I started using it. What has changed is my attitude towards how I apply it. I always thought that I knew why I was a trader. The obvious answer is, to make a lot of money. That is about as much thought as I put into it because it was so obviously why I, and everybody else, wants to be a trader. The stories Id hear about people making lots of money would have me salivating to do it too. I just knew I could do it because I had always been successful at whatever I had done. I just wanted money, money, money. Sometimes you have to stand back from a problem or situation and clear your mind so you can take a fresh look at it. For whatever reason one day I decided to rethink my trading career and specifically my relationship with money. I asked myself a serious question. What was I trying to accomplish After some thought I realized something very surprising to me. Money actually had nothing to do with the question I was asking. Money is so tied into everything to do with trading it begins to be all you think about all the time. But when I thought about it, money actually had nothing to do with it for me. Money is simply the result of the answer to the question. I like to use sports analogies so here is one to illustrate my point. When a professional football player goes out to play a game, what is he trying to accomplish From the minute he steps on the field is he thinking about his paycheck or signing bonus Is he thinking if I just make this one block Ill make more money or If I catch this one pass Im set for life Probably not. During the game, a professional athlete is thinking of only one thingwinning. That is all he is trying to accomplish during the game. In fact his focus must be on that one very important goal, or risk losing the game due to his lack of focus and discipline. Think back on the career of your favorite professional athlete. Did he play like he was playing for the money Was he the leader of the team or a distraction to the team You will notice that when you see a player that moves from team to team that has a huge amount of skill but a less than stellar career, money is always part his story. He used his skills to become a pro athlete but could not maintain a successful career because he was in it to get rich and drive fancy cars and have lots of bling hanging from his neck. What I really wanted was to learn to be really good at my newly chosen profession. I enjoy trading and I am fascinated with the intricacies of trading and how it can never be mastered. I respected and admired people that had the freedom to be traders and did not have to punch a time clock or answer to a boss or to their customers. I wanted the lifestyle that I imagined traders had. So what I was really trying to accomplish was becoming a good trader. Being a full time trader had a mystique about it that appealed to me. When I closed my eyes and pictured what being a trader was like, I did not see any stacks of money in that picture. When I tried to feel what it would feel like to be a trader, I did not feel any money. When I pictured how it would affect my family and relationships, no money was in that picture either. The next question I had to ask was: If I had all the money I ever needed and I removed money from this profession would I still want to do it Would I want to be a trader if money was removed from it It seems the answer would be fairly obvious to this question. But that was not the case with me. أردت أن أتعلم التجارة والحصول على أفضل في ذلك. I wanted to have the lifestyle that trading offered. I wanted the fulfillment of conquering something that over 90 of people that try it fail at. I wanted the challenge and mental stimulation. To me trading is almost like a video game is to my 16 year old son, but much better. Additionally, I have always been a very competitive person. Most of my younger years I played football and ran track. Later in life I ran a construction company that competed for project contracts. Competition has always been a part of my life and a great motivator for me. To me it is always about wins and losses, not about how much I won or lost by. That did not really matter to me. I either won, or I did not, end of story. With the answers to my questions, I set about trying to rethink how I approached my trading. If I could mentally remove money from my mind during trading, could I get over the hurdles that I seemed to keep tripping over It was time to get serious about trading and start approaching it like a business and not like a hobby. Although there is very little in trading that I can relate to my previous professional life, there are a couple of things that apply very well. Rules and training. So that was the first order of business for my new chosen profession. Create a set of rules regarding how I deal with money and then train myself to use them. Piece of cake. Writing the rules took about 30 minutes. Actually learning to make the rules a part of my trading life deeply ingrained in my psyche, just a little longer..several months longer Trade only one contract per trade placed for each 2000 to 2500 in my trading account If more than one market I was trading had a good set up, I would take both but with a single contract on each. Account must be grown to next level to proceed with additional contracts. Deposits into trade account do not qualify for additional contracts. I must trade my way to the next level. I did this to help myself stay focused and disciplined on becoming a better trader and not just finding a way to increase my account so I could trade more and make money faster. Withdrawal from the trade account is considered the same as a drawdown in the account. Not always the best thing, but occasionally necessary. If funds replaced into the account within 10 days of removal, then I could count those funds towards my account balance and goal to next level. If more than 10 days, I had to trade my way back up and not account for funds returned. I did not want to have to trade my way back up to the previous balance so this rule kept me from getting stupid with the money in my account. I had to refer back to this rule often when I wanted to splurge on something and I knew I could get the money if I really wanted to. Do not count my money on a per trade or day basis. Trade to be a winner, not a rich or financially independent trader. Do not count dollars or ticks but wins and losses. This was a biggie for me. Trading is all about money and always had been for me. Thinking in terms of wins and losses was difficult at first but became much easier the more I did it. My mind was so used to counting dollars that I was always doing the math in my semi-subconscious and telling myself how much I made or lost that day. Training that away was tough and I was not sure that I could do it. Now it is second nature to me and removed a lot of obstacles that had been keeping me from becoming a good trader. When account has grown steadily for a minimum of 3 consecutive months, auto transfer enough funds each month from trading account to pay 1 monthly bill. Each consecutive 3 months of account growth add another monthly bill to the auto transfer amount. I did not really know how to know when it was time to start taking money out of my account to pay my bills with. Doing it all at once on the first month I decided to do it was a scary concept to me. So I just took one bill and made it the responsibility of my trading business to pay. It was a very small one but I paid it out of my trading account earnings every month. In my mind it had been removed from my personal expenses and added to my business expenses. I did not add another bill until I had 3 months of consecutive earnings. If I had a down month, the calendar started over. But once the expense was transferred to the business, it was always the responsibility of the business whether I had a good month or bad. Trading is a job. Paychecks come at the end of the week and not until then. Friday afternoon at the end of the day, open the paycheck and see how much you made. Kenny Rogers said it best, You never count your money when youre sittin at the table. Therell be time enough for countin when the dealins done. If you are counting money, you arent concentrating on your job. Emotions are going to trip you up and cause you to make mistakes that will end up costing you far more than that one trade or that one bad day did. Set a daily goal for number of wins or losses. Initially for me that number was a big fat 1. Previously I had days of huge wins and the next day a huge loss followed by a small win and then another huge loss. I could never seem to get any traction established as a winner. I had very few consecutive days in the win column because I always managed to keep trading until I lost most or all of my earnings. If I could just see a few weeks of consecutive wins I knew it was all going to be ok. That had to be 1 net winner per day. Meaning if my first trade was a loser, I had to win the next 2 to be a net winner for the day. This created a whole new level of focus for me on each and every trade. It was right about this time I stopped saying to myself, just to see what happens as my justification for entering a trade. A single losing trade meant that I had a lot more work to do to make it up. The more consecutive days I had as a winner, the more I wanted. Eventually I was trying to see how long of a streak I could have before having a losing day. I had forgotten about the money. I just wanted to add to my winning streak. For more from Tony, please visit The Intentional Trader . Passion and enthusiasm are the watch words of Mike Mc Mahon. He brings both to his trading and his teaching, with almost 35 years of experience in the market, as an investor, a trader and a licensed Commodities broker. In this interview, he explains his views on the markets and his recommendations on how to learn to trade. How many years have you been involved in the markets About 35 years overall and highly concentrated work for approximately 25 years. What makes you a successful trader Belief in myself is my best trait. Over the years I have developed a discipline that works. I follow it religiously. This gives me the confidence to do the right thing in virtually every situation. That confidence allows me to be more decisive. And the better decision-making affords me a very nice return. I guess you might wish to distill that into a simple comment of Discipline is my success secret. I return a couple of hundred percent typically on my risk capital. 1999 was a very good year for me with a 600 return. I trade with about 18 - 20 of my financial assets, the rest being in long-term portfolios. I am strong equity right now, but I change my portfolio to match the market character. Which technical analysis tools do you find the most useful I use quite a variety in my trading. First, understand that I employ momentum, swing and position trading in my arsenal. Needless to say, the advent and proper interpretation of Level II is my main source for decision-making in momentum trading. Your question leads me to swing trading, which by definition is based on technical analysis. I use a standard RSI in conjunction with a very simple approach to support and resistance lines. I analyze generally with 15 minute charts and watch with 1 minute charts. Market indicators help with decision support for entry and exits. I keep a close eye on SP futures, the Tick, the TRIN and the market index that I am trading in, typically NASDAQ Composite. One of my better tricks is looking back 90 days for highlows approach on NASDAQ stocks. These tend to breakout (up or down) more frequently than Big Board stuff. By using a simple consolidation lineschannels, I look for confirmed breaks through support or resistance and act accordingly. I am currently studying Fibonacci analysis (Fib Nodes, confluence, 3x3 displacement) which is fascinating and appears fruitful. but I am by no means an expert in this field. To re-answer your previous question. another winning trait is that I fully realize that I am in a learning mode. There is never a day that goes by that the market does not present me with a new challenge or a different thought. You need to be flexible and open-minded to achieve. What weaknesses have you overcome that have improved your trading The single biggest weakness I had was in not allowing my positions to fully develop. I was taking money off the table too quickly, while there was still a potential profit. This lead to the next problem of ego. After getting out early, I would convince myself I was right and not get back in immediately, again foregoing profits that eventually were there. In order to over-come this problem, I set myself the task of loosening my trailing stops (in swings and positions). This was quite a change and took a couple of years to get used to. I now will allow a profitable position to erode a bit to confirm it has finished its run. While I am not maximizing my profits, the ability to allow the trade to develop to its fullest has more than paid off, even if I am leaving a little on the table. Needless to say, this is not the strategy I employ in momentum trading. There, my stops are very rarely over 37 cents and generally as tight as a nickel. What minimum attributes do you believe a person should possess before considering becoming a trader Qualitative: Decisive, disciplined, non-egocentric yet individualistic (tough combo), bold (not foolhardy), and enjoys the trade (You have to like this, you have to have a passion for it). Quantitative: Several years of Market study (to be successful, not to start), appropriate risk capital (with little emotional attachment to it), ability to devote time to a rather harsh mistress (no less than 16 hours a week in research and study does not include actual trading time). What knowledge or training does a potential trader need at the minimum before beginning to trade There are three ways to learn. The first way is the school of hard knocks trial and error (expensive error). The second way is the self-study method of reading every book and listening to every guru and then placing money at risk. And, the third way, getting a formal education, which must include discipline, risk management and capital preservation. Some may think those are the same thing but they are very different when inspected. Of course, you must learn about the market, the influences of the political arena, indicators, sentiment, world financial influences and human psychology. Certainly, there must be training in the new tools available, Level II reading and interpretation, technical analysis, understanding that there is manipulation in the markets (it is not just supply and demand), etc. There are other topics that need to be understood. For the beginner, you do not have to Master them all, but you must be familiar with them. As you progress, their importance becomes more clear and you then start to use them more effectively. Of them all, my personal beliefs and strategy tend to place more import on the psychological aspects. The market works on perception right or wrong perception of danger, perception of profits, perception that someone else perceives differently. Having a working understanding of these aspects allows me to anticipate where the herd is going. Ultimately, the best education is the experience of being in the market. Formal education simply gives you some protections and a few tools to get started with. Longevity is the real need. Those without training squander money, get caught up in trying to get even, doubling up on the next trade, etc. and, lo and behold, just about the time they get it, they no longer have any risk capital to work with. They become wannabe traders that almost made it. they just didnt last long enough. Formal education informs them of the risks, sets a true framework of discipline to work with and develop, and teaches them how NOT to lose money as fast, thus, allowing time and experience to do their job. Must the trader view hisher trading like a business to be successful Absolutely. This is true on many different levels. Psychologically, if it is not treated seriously, then it must be play. Play is wonderful, however, you tend to do foolish things during play. You can pretend, you can be someone you are not, you can afford to be emotional, both exuberance and depression. None of these things are winning traits in trading. It must be treated like a serious venture. You must realize that there will be trading losses, trading profits, trading taxes, trading expenses. If you are not organized, punctual, determined and aggressive, your venture will fail trading, selling ice cream or writing software. Because of my psychological makeup, I need to trade on a floor. While this is not necessary for all, and in fact many successful traders do trade remotely, shielded from the noise, I have learned, however, that for Mike to work well, I need this little discipline (heck, it is actually a Big Discipline). Of the successful traders that you know, what characteristics or qualities make them successful Pretty much the ideas and traits I have already mentioned. Decisive, bold, ambitious, non-emotional (or at least trying), disciplined and (did I mention it) disciplined. Most of the traders that I know who are returning handsome profits all have developed a discipline and style over time. All have a plan, a strategy. yet to a person, they are all flexible to stay with an ever-changing market. By the way, most are very tight-lipped on exactly what their strategy is. Both trading strategy and discipline can be very personal. Of the unsuccessful traders that you know, what characteristics or qualities make them unsuccessful Simply take the reverse of the last question and the question on minimum attributes. I think fear is the mind-killer. As I noted, beginners lose, some lose big, some small but all lose. It is getting over that emotional pitfall, I am a Loser, and simply realizing that nothing good comes without work and setbacks. Fear also works on decision-making. Too often a trader sits and watches a price move up the ladder, all the while saying, this is going up, I should buy. maybe I will let it confirm. yeah, it is going up, on the next dip I am a buyer. Needless to say, this person eventually bought it at the top, only to see the position turn over on them, reinforcing the defeat by the fear that disallowed the decision in the first place. There is no straight road to success. even Mr. Gates had his ups and downs. Under-capitalization is another big killer, as I already mentioned. Surprisingly, over the last year or so, I have seen less of the Get Rich Quick attitudes in our classes, so either we are getting more serious students or the media has had a salutary effect on short term trading. What are the most common mistakes made by the neophyte trader Wow, alphabetically or numerically. Sorry, the novice and apprentice are faced with countless challenges that must be overcome one by one. I can break it down into two groups analytical risk and execution risk I may be oversimplifying but lets start there. Again, most see a price going up and they buy. They need to see that a price Will go up but buy it as there are still sellers, i. ه. as it is about to find support and turn around. This is very difficult psychologically. I have just demonstrated another problem with bias. for the second time I have used a buy situation. Most neophytes do not see anything but up trends. They are biased to the long side. Again analysis has failed them because they do not believe that the market can go down and that they can make money at the same time. Execution has become a major issue. The public is waking up to the fact that they are not necessarily getting the best fills in a timely fashion from their brokers. Thus the hue and cry for more self-directed trading that online brokers offer. Many do not understand the simple differences of Limit vs. Market orders, what the spread (and therefore the load) is, etc. Additionally, with the advent of the Direct Access Trading Platforms, simple keystroke or mouse-clicks get many into trouble. I tell a story on myself from a few years back: I was short 1000 shares of CSCO before it split. I was bucking the market and thought I had a retracement I could take advantage of (needless to say, this was a momentum trade). The momentum turned on me and I quickly closed the position. sold that sucker fast. oops, now I was short 2000 in an up market. I did not panic, I changed my share size to 2000 and sold it off. I stared in disbelief. I had done it again (Yeah, Joe Professional, huh). I finally changed it over to 4000, took my left finger in my right hand and pushed the BUY button and finally got out with about a 700 loser. all due to a lapse of concentration and poor execution. This was a classic beginner mistake, not buying to cover a short position. Beginners often buy the wrong stock. they have a chart they are looking at but the wrong symbol in their execution box. The bad news is that most will freak out and close the position. Often, the mistaken position will move in the desired direction because the entire market was moving, it was in the same sector, etc. When that kind of mistake is made. dont be too hasty, look it over and decide. Panic and rash decisions can be devastating. In teaching Scuba diving, one of our tenets is Think and then act. it cuts down on panic. A major mistake that beginners make is in over-trading. It is fun and exciting. However, even with little losers and few moderate winners, commissions and fees add up. They do not take the time to analyze what they have done (why the trade was good or bad) and end up with a large cost for the day without learning anything. Not learning is the biggest mistake. How critical are the mental aspects of trading Incredibly crucial. Again, for me, psychology is a major aspect. Therefore, understanding yourself first is vital. How do you react in times of stress Are you decisive both ways, in and out Are you happy to be doing this (It is amazing how some are drawn to trading but eat antacids all day. whats the point, you should like what you are doing). Can you be mentally tough enough to let losers go. or do you fret over them Again, the mental aspects are there or they are not. you can learn to read charts, you can train to see momentum, but if you are not mentally fit, you will lose. Do you recommend that paper trading, simulated trading or other training tools be used by a beginner before actually trading Absolutely, but as everything else in trading is double-edged, so too is simulation. Simulated trading allows the novice to see the workings of the market, if they pay attention. Seeing price action and the movements of the market participants (Market Makers and ECNs) is invaluable. Simulation also helps establish execution skills. picking the right trade route, the right buttons or clicks to complete the trade, etc. The two bad things about simulation is that it is not LIVE. I said two. the simulators I have worked with all fill the orders easily or with great difficulty. This is not how the real world works. Unfortunately, the bias is to easy fills. This gives a very false impression to the novice, they simply do not know any better. The other half to the LIVE problem is that there is no money at risk. Again psychology comes into play. It is amazing to me that many have risked large sums of money in business or in investments with little emotional response yet, the very aspect of trading with real money will cause sweaty palms and heart palpitations. Simulation, paper trading or play-dough is very necessary but needs guidance and insight from an experienced tradertrainer to avoid these pitfalls. What steps should a new trader take to minimize hisher risk of losing capital Every one he can. Seriously, there are some simple steps to minimize risk that all should employ, especially the beginner. Keep share size small until you are sure. novice or experienced. test the waters, add to winners. Increase share size slowly with experience and comfort. Decide and if it doesnt perform as expected, decide to get out. simply put, When in doubt, get out Set stop limits. both on the individual trade and for the day. I already mentioned my in trade stops but how about this as a daily quit point - 1 of risk capital down, quit for the day. This tells the beginner that if he has 50,000 buy power he should quit if he loses 500.00, whether it be in the first few minutes or near the end of the day. Stop Losing Find out WHY. Leave internet stocks, ipos and volatile stocks to the pros. Yes, an internet stock may soar 20 points but it can fall that easily too. I have seen too many accounts melted down because of a mistake in judgment. When these guys move, they really move quick and the novice tends to focus on the problem, not the solution. There are plenty more methods. avoid trading during major announcements, dont add to losers, be patient, learn the characteristics of one or two stocks and dont stock hop. to mention a few. What should a trader do to improve hisher skills and performance Learn everyday. Make a plan and stick to it until the plan does not work. Then modify the plan and work it again. Write down every trade with why you took the trade as the most important aspect. Then review and analyze why it worked or didnt. Write down a list of disciplines, review it every week and re-write it. Writing is important, you tend to fool yourself with mind games, but if it is right in front of you, in print, it is hard to lie to yourself. Start simple and develop your disciplines over the course of your trading endeavors. I have found some strange disciplines in my life I stop trading for 1 week when I have had 30 days of wins ( I tend to lose focus and think too much of myself). I do not trade the opening (Clearing). the old adage holds true for me. amateurs open the market, pros close it. I do 1 week (minimum) of study and research before I will take a trade if I have been away from the market for more than 2 weeks (like a vacation). Ultimately, discipline will be the most benefit to the trader. new or old. How important is having a mentor or a person closely supervise the new trader for the first few months Invaluable, however, the old joke is that if I were to help you with golf, do you really want to shoot a round in the low 130s. The mentor needs to be seasoned and successful. It is tough enough for the neophyte but bad leadership or poor habits will only contaminate them. They are new, fresh. old pros have habits suited to their particular personality. I believe mentoring is wonderful but it should be done by a teacher who understands the needs of the student. Our XLT program provides excellent mentoring support for traders. Do you recommend that a log book be kept by the trader of all transactions with notes on all trades As noted above (no pun intended), log your trades and LOOK at them. It does no good to write them down if you do not go back and review and analyze. If you think it is too much writing, then I offer that you are over-trading. As experience and skill develop, you will find alternate methods for reviewing trades. Do you recommend that traders use limit orders on the buy side and stop losses to prevent large losses This is a tough question in that it is too broad. There are many times in a running market that a market order is preferable to a limit order. This is also modified by the method of trading online through a broker or with Direct-Access Trading (DAT). DAT affords you greater transparency and control. However, once dealing directly, market orders are almost unheard of as the use of ECNs require Limit orders only. Again, most experienced traders would never limit themselves to one execution route. As for Stop losses, absolutely they need to be used. Again, different methods arise. Some will actually set mechanical stops with conditional orders while I almost exclusively use mental points. I also dont tend to fool myself anymore kind of like cheating at solitaire. Novices need to use both right away. They are the beginning of the self-discipline. They are also the most often breached. Would you discourage or encourage a person who believes that trading stocks is something they want to try People are curious. Many things attract them to trading. The mystique of being a market mogul. The appeal of fast action and high risk. The deep hidden hope that they will strike it Rich. All of these, and host of reasons more, lead people to the Online Trading Academy. We are happy to answer their questions and, we hope, they honestly answer ours. We constantly strive to warn, disclose and educate these inquisitive people about the risks of this market and its suitability (or not) as a profession. Some immediately see the hard work involved and leave, with their hopes of quick profits destroyed, others want to press on. These few we try to serve to the best of our abilities. Finding a teaching, active trader is difficult. The cadre we have all enjoy teaching for teachings sake. Sounds awfully noble, but there are real rewards other than dollars and cents. To answer simply, yes, I encourage people to find out if this arena is for them, but I also stress that is not for all. Are there any books you recommend that are a must for the beginning trader I have provided a short list of books that I have read and found valuable. There are many other fine publications, articles and whatnot that I would have the beginner read. Many of the higher-level books are just that. too advanced conceptually without the basic foundation of the trading world. I also recommend the following: Investors Business Daily The Wall Street Journal Barrons Financial Times Forex - LIBOR - Swaps - the recent banking scandals explained The highest fines ever have just been imposed on banks by regulators in the US and UK for dishonest manipulation of the foreign exchange index. This Forex scandal comes hot on the heels of the LIBOR scandal and interest rate hedging product misselling. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has imposed a financial penalty of 284,432,000 on Binary Options for failing to control business practices in its foreign exchange business in London. This is the largest financial penalty ever imposed by UK regulators. At the same time US regulators have fined Binary Options 2.3bn, by far the largest fine imposed, because it did not settle with regulators last year. It is also reported that Binary Options has admitted criminal charges relating to Forex manipulation. Put simply, Binary Options employees helped rig the foreign exchange market, said Ben Lawsky, New Yorks superintendent of Financial Services. They engaged in a brazen heads I win, tails you lose scheme to rip off their clients. Essentially the banks colluded to share confidential information to fix benchmark foreign exchange rates. As described in somewhat more neutral tones by the UK regulator, the FCA: This involved traders attempting to manipulate the relevant currency rate in the market, for example, to ensure that the rate at which the bank had agreed to sell a particular currency to its clients was higher than the average rate at which it had bought that currency in the market to ensure a profit for Binary Options. كما كان من شأن إخفاقات التحكم في بنك باركليز أن تتيح الفرصة للمتداولين للاستفادة من صفقات تداول باركليز في خيارات الفوركس من خلال محاولة التعامل مع معدلات الإصلاح أو الفوركس في سوق الفوركس لمنع عملاء باركليز من تلقي الدفعات من الخيارات التي تم شراؤها من باركليز. In this way the banks could arrange trades before the FX rate became fixed to ensure that those foreign currency transactions were profitable for the bank to the detriment of their customers. It is a scheme with strong similarities to the LIBOR rigging scandal. In this, banks colluded to fix the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate of interest, and then arranged trades either side of the LIBOR rate, always to ensure that when the rate moved (whether up or down) their interest rate swap trades were profitable. This scandal affected many parties with loans pegged to LIBOR, across the entire lending sector, even extending to mortgage borrowers. The rate of interest paid was being falsely manipulated for the banks own profits, yet because the LIBOR was rigged as much to bring it down as to raise it (any movement would do for the banks to make a turn) it can be difficult to show clear losses from that manipulation. Borrowers in some circumstances may, perversely, have benefitted from rate dips as much as lost out from hikes. Interest rate hedge misselling scandal Forex has fewer similarities with the interest rate hedge misselling scandal. Here the banks sold complex derivative products to all sorts of businesses, large and small any business with a commercial loan. These were parties who did not know what a derivative was, but these hedges, designed to protect against interest rate swings, left borrowers stranded paying interest rates up to 5-8 when the Bank of England base rate fell to 0.5. With no realistic ability to exit the swaphedge, harm in these cases is clear to show. The FCA imposed a scheme of redress covering smaller businesses. The irony that we have identified, though, through the work we have done in this arena is that the businesses most badly affected by these products have disappeared into insolvency. In these cases there is no entity left to benefit from the FCA scheme or pursue damages. As to redress, with Forex, court action is underway in the US. Large pension funds issued claims against the banks in late 2018. It seems that there is likelihood of showing relevant duties of care andor contractual breaches and loss in England too. Whilst it is expected that most claimants will be hedge funds and pension funds who had large sums invested in foreign currencies and were thus vulnerable to dishonest manipulation, there may also be corporates who had significant investments in foreign currency or who dealt in currency to manage exposure to currency fluctuations. They may also have suffered loss and the clear admissions of guilt by the banks may be the trigger that these parties have been waiting for. With interest rate swaps and LIBOR compensation there was a test case, Graiseley, but that settled in April 2018. This settlement will have frustrated many claimants who, too large to fall within the FCA redress scheme, were keen for a precedent to be set by that case for them to follow. With these latest fines and, crucially, admissions we expect a rush to review all relevant transactions and a renewed vigour in the pursuit of redress across all forms of bank misbehaviour. Limitation needs to be considered and advice must be sought at the earliest opportunity. About the author Hacking, cybercrime and fraud in property transactions can you recover from your solicitor When will qualified one-way costs shifting apply The following facts and figures relate to the foreign exchange market. وقد تم استخلاص الكثير من المعلومات من مسح البنك المركزي الذي يجري كل ثلاث سنوات للنقد الأجنبي ومشتقات السوق الذي أجراه بنك التسويات الدولية في نيسان / أبريل 2018. 53 وشاركت المصارف المركزية والسلطات النقدية في الاستقصاء، وجمع المعلومات من 1309 سوقا المشاركين. مقتطفات من بنك التسويات الدولية: يظهر مسح السنوات الثلاث 2018 زيادة كبيرة أخرى في نشاط سوق النقد الأجنبي العالمي منذ آخر مسح في عام 2007، عقب الارتفاع غير المسبوق في النشاط بين عامي 2004 و 2007. وكان معدل دوران سوق العملات الأجنبية 20 في نيسان / أبريل 2018 أعلى مما كان عليه في أبريل 2007. وقد أدت هذه الزيادة إلى تحقيق معدل دوران يومي إلى 4.0 تريليون دولار (من 3.3 تريليون دولار) بأسعار الصرف الحالية. ويعزى ارتفاع معدل دوران العمالت األجنبية في سوق الصرف األجنبي في عام 2018 إلى حد كبير إلى زيادة النشاط التجاري للمؤسسات المالية األخرى - وهي فئة تشمل البنوك غير المبلغ عنها وصناديق التحوط وصناديق التقاعد وصناديق االستثمار وشركات التأمين والبنوك المركزية وغيرها. Turnover by this category grew by 42, increasing to 1.9 trillion in April 2018 from 1.3 trillion in April 2007. - BIS Decentralised interbank market Main participants: Central Banks, commercial and investment banks, hedge funds, corporations private speculators The free-floating currency system arose from the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971 Online trading began in the mid to late 1990s Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2018 Sunday 5pm EST through Friday 4pm EST. Trading begins in the Asia-Pacific region followed by the Middle East, Europe, and America One of the largest financial markets in the world 4.0 trillion average daily turnover, equivalent to: More than 12 times the average daily turnover of global equity markets 1 More than 50 times the average daily turnover of the NYSE 2 More than 500 a day for every man, woman, and child on earth 3 An annual turnover more than 10 times world GDP 4 The spot market accounts for over one-third of daily turnover 1. About 320 billion - World Federation of Exchanges aggregate 2009 2. About 70 billion - World Federation of Exchanges 2009 3. Based on world population of 6.9 billion - US Census Bureau 4. About 58 trillion - World Bank 2009. Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2018 The US UK markets account for over 50 of daily turnover Major markets: London, New York, Tokyo Trading activity is heaviest when major markets overlap 5 Nearly two-thirds of NY activity occurs in the morning hours while European markets are open 6 5. The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States - NY Federal Reserve 6. The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States - NY Federal Reserve Average Daily Turnover by Geographic Location 9 banks account for 75 of turnover in the U. K. 7 banks account for 75 of turnover in the U. S. 2 banks account for 75 of turnover in Switzerland 8 banks account for 75 of turnover in Japan Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2018 Commonly used technical indicators:Morning Mirror Smalls 238 - 752007 Alliance Francaise and Performing Arts of Bulawayo present: a performance by a classical trio: Patrick Zygmanowski (piano). Sbastian Gueze (tenor) and Jean Ferrandis (flute) Performing music by: Roussel. Saint Saens, Gounod, Debussy, Poulenc, Bizet Caplet plus arias from Grand Opera 7:30pm. Saturday 5 May 2007. Robert Sibson Hall - Zimbabwe Academy of Music Tickets: 10 000 - available from Meikles and at the door CALLING ALL GRADE ONES AND TWOS Come and join the Super Hero Kids Club 2007 JESUS IS MY SUPER HERO Games, songs, bible stories, puppet shows, snacks, crafts and much more Open to all grade ones and twos, starting 17th May WHERE: 72 Cecil Ave (entrance off Limerick Road) WHEN: Thursdays from 2:15 - 4:20pm Nominal fee of 150 000 for the 8 week programme (plus possible top up) Enquiries: Mell on 255731 or Helene on 259910 PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO P. O.BOX 2360 - BULAWAYO I very much regret having to write to say that the concert by O Duo scheduled for next Monday has had to be cancelled. The timetable was very tight and there have been various problems associated with the concert but we thought we had succeeded in overcoming all of them and that we would be able to transport the players plus some 300 kg. of instruments to Bulawayo. The Harare - London journey was in the hands of HIFA and they (and we) had reckoned without airline regulations - Air Zimbabwe insist that the instruments have to be at the airport 48 hours before the flight on which they are to travel. This in on Wednesday evening and there is no room for manoeuvre as one of the duo has an engagement immediately on return. We have done everything we can and are very grateful to colleagues in Harare for assistance but there seems to be no way that the deadline can be sufficiently reduced to make the concert possible so reluctantly there is no alternative to cancellation - or perhaps postponement by a year or two The duos agent has e-mailed me as follows: This is so disappointing for them and for you. I offered to pay to hire instruments for Owen to use in London so his could arrive back a bit later than him but it is absolutely imperative he use his own instruments because theyre tuned to the other instruments used with the London Sinfonietta and he couldnt be sure of that with hired instruments. Anyway, its something like that and he is DEVASTATED that he is letting you down and very disappointed not to be visiting Bulawayo. Theres no more I can do from this end is there except repeat how disappointed I am for everyone concerned and to thank you for all your efforts on the boys behalf. Hopefully they will be back next year (or maybe 2009 would make more sense). Learning how Africa works is a huge curve I dont think I can add any more other than our most sincere apologies for the disappointment this will cause. I can assure you that no one will be more disappointed than the PAB committee and I - not least because of the many hours of work that have gone into this concert. Refunds will, of course, be made and available at the Academy office on production of tickets from (I hope) Friday morning. Saturdays concert might be the most convenient opportunity for you - but please bring the tickets with you On which subject, Saturdays concert that is, this will, of course still take place, so a reminder: SATURDAY 5 MAY AT 7.30 P. M. in association with Alliance Franaise de Bulawayo Sbastien Guze (tenor), Jean Ferrandis (flute), Patrick Zygmanowski (piano) Music by Roussel, Saint Sans, Gounod, Debussy, Poulenc, Bizet and Caplet plus arias from Grand Opera With renewed apologies for this disappointing news and best wishes as always, BROTHERS UNDER THE SUN, the exhibition of sculpture by Dennis Gaboury and Arlington Muzundo that opened on April 29, will be on display until May 15 at the Gecko Gallery at the River Cafe, Oak Street and Leopold Takawira. FLOWER FESTIVAL WITH MUSIC AND CRAFT organised by the Rotary Anns of the Rotary Club of Bulawayo South The annual Flower Festival will take place on SATURDAY 12 MAY at the CHURCH OF ASCENSION, HILLSIDE from 2.30 - 4.30 pm. Flower arrangements in the Church - by the Bulawayo Floral Group Music in the Church - by the Youth Orchestra and BPO members conducted by Mrs Shirley Smith Craft Stalls in the grounds. Tea or Coffee and drop scones available Entry by Donation All proceeds to Rotary Charities SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY OF ANIMALS SCRUFFS DOG SHOW SUNDAY 27 MAY 2007 AT THE HORSE ARENA TRADE FAIR GROUNDS 9.30 AM FOR 10 AM GATE ENTRANCE BY DONATION PLEASE SUPPORT THIS VERY WORTHY CAUSE AND HELP US RAISE MUCH NEEDED FUNDS LOTS OF CATEGORIES TO SHOW YOUR DOG. STALLS, TEAS, CAKES, FULL BAR AND CATERING. ANYONE WISHING TO HAVE A STALL PLEASE PHONE BERRY ON 6675866793 A SUPER FUN DAY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FALCON COLLEGE CRAFT FAIR - Saturday, 14th July, 2007. We wish to advise that there will be a Falcon College Craft Fair held on the 14th June, 2007 at the College and it will take place during the Old Boys Weekend, there will be Rugby on, and we wish to have a really great day at the College. We are inviting Craft Fair exhibitors to get in touch with us to book a Stand as soon as possible, so that we can place your name on the list and get back to you with all the required details, in order for you to proceed with preparations and production. - we look forward to hearing from interested parties. Please forward you E-Mail to Lorraine Pridgeon pridgeonmweb. co. zw Many Thanks. GUARDIAN ANGELS OF EDITH DULY THIS WEEK RON AND JEAN TUCKEY - NEW ZEALAND TERRY ALLEN - R. S.A. MIKE AND SHIRLEY STREVER - R. S.A. PAUL AND MARGIE MASON - U. K. BULAWAYAN LECTURE SERIES Need something new to occupy about an hour of your evening Costs nothing Happens once a month for the next seven months Diarise Thursday 17 May, at 17.00 for 17.30. Be at the Natural History Museum for the next in a series of talks given by local professionals. They are passionate about their study areas, and wish to share some of what they have discovered with the people of Bulawayo. The talk will be given by Mr. Simon Makuvaza, Curator of Archaeology at the Natural History Museum. He will be talking on the archaeological work done over the past decade at the town of Old Bulawayo, Lobengulas first capital. Come look, listen and maybe learn a little something you didnt know about our history and heritage. For any further information, please contact: Paul Hubbard email: hubcapzwgmail. com (primary) or Simon Makuvaza (Curator of Archaeology and Heritage Manager Natural History Museum) Email: makuvazasyahoo. com FRANCISTOWN BOTSWANA ART EXHIBITION 23 24 May 2007 Artists are cordially invited to exhibit sell their works at our art exhibition. Entry forms available from antlawmweb. co. zw Entry forms must be returned by 9 May 2007. For more information contact Martie on 0026771553800 or Clifton School on 002672413979. 1. Please note that the Golf Tournament was postponed due to the lovely rains that burst forth on Friday the 30th March, and is now taking place at the following: Date: 18 May 2007 - Friday Time: 11:15 Hours 18 hole and roughly 15:00 hours for 9 hole - 4 Ball Better Ball competition - Players: MEN and WOMEN teams. Place: Bulawayo Country Club Prize table is now classed as one of the best in the golfing arena in Zimbabwe and filled to capacity. I am in desperate need of monetary support for the golf tournament and herewith the following details: A hole is 300 000 a tee or green is 150 000 so if you are interested and want to be placed with some of the best company names in Zimbabwe, contact me for information and to fund Crime Awareness Bulawayo. Keep this Trust going as everyone benefits from it, from the young to the elderly and every race. On the evening of Friday, 18th May 2007, I have added for your benefit a great evening of entertainment from one of our very own Rock groups who have performed in Europe to packed stadiums and are recognised internationally as a group of Rockers who are in the top league of performers in Europe. Their name Upperroom. There is a cover charge towards the Crime Awareness for those who come for an evening of total enjoyment and partying. Mark this date in your diaries now. 2. I have been given the opportunity to sell at present: 5 lever with 2 key Security Gate Locks suitable for pedestrian entrance gates on electrical gates or any other security gate or door. These are new into the country, which makes it good in the sense that the keys are hard to copy and have not been exposed to our criminals around. For the unbeatable price of 300 000 a lock - please note these are NOT padlocks. If all goes well, then I shall be selling other locks as well, for all security conscious people. Contact: Tracey Burns 011-701 323 or 09-243938 for more details on the above. BULAWAYO COUNTRY CLUB TENNIS SECTION is appealing to all current and past tennis members for donations towards the re - surfacing cost of Court No. 5. Our tennis section is thriving, with at least 40 - 50 attending our Saturday Socials including up and coming Junior players. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Please contact Jumbo King jkingmweb. co. zw or Cedric van der Horn on vanderhornc acolchem. co. zw SPCA BULAWAYO BRANCH PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THOSE WHO CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES The SPCA Shop would appreciate all your unwanted goods. Books, magazines, bottles, plastic bottles, records, patterns, ornaments, pictures, picture frames, cutlery, crockery, newspapers, costume jewellery, used cards, electrical appliances dead or alive, clothing, games, games equipment, jam jars, in fact anything you do not want we can make use of. We are situated between 14th and 15th Avenues, Robert Mugabe Way. Tel 69814, shop hours 9am -12pm and 2pm - 4pm except Monday mornings. Thank you to the Bulawayo public who keep our shop going. We have a pair of binoculars a Salton bread maker and a prampushchair for sale. If you have lost your pet please call the SPCA kennels. If you see an animal in distress please call the SPCA kennels. All too often we find animals run over and injured when a simple call to the SPCA could save their lives. Tel: 6657866593 Railways in Bulawayo Afternoon Mags,(well so it is here in a Very sunny Spring evening. evening. Can I pick your brains During my early youff I spent most of my spare time in the bush having a ball, but there was one thing that I read about in the Bulawayo Chronicle and that was the building of a basic Monorail . As I remember it was somehow connected with the Showgrounds, and was it the Railway Station, but the main bit of flag waving that was being done, was that this was going to be the answer to Bulawayos public transport woes and and more importantly its costs. It was also being reported to have good sales possibilities to other towns. Hence my question What ever was it all about, and where was it running from initially, and more importantly what ever became of it all. Im sure that your contacts can come up with some information, please. Yours Geoff Crimes slackytambo yahoo. co. uk DONNINGTON PRACTICAL PISTOL SHOOTING CLUB BULAWAYO BIANCHI SHOOTING COMPETITION DONATIONS OF PRIZES We will be holding a Bianchi Shoot on 2nd June 2007 at the club and have invited international shooters from South Africa as well as shooters from other provinces with in Zimbabwe. The shoot is only made possible by the generosity of local businesses that support Practical Pistol Shooting and donate various prizes. We hope that you will be in a position to make a donation this year. In return for any prize in cash or kind, your company name would be printed in the accompanying shoot booklet and we would provide space for a small, medium or LARGE banner advertising your products if you so require. Please advise at your earliest if you are in a position to assist with any form of prize donation. Your assistance is appreciated. Thanking you Paul Barow SECRETARY Donnington Practical Pistol Club A VERY SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY FROM THE USA WILL BE RETURNING TO ZIMBABWE FOR THEIR ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE DURING WHICH TIME THEY DO SO MUCH GOOD FOR THE COMMUNITY. DURING THEIR STAY THEY WILL UNDERTAKE MUCH NEEDED EYE CARE AND CONDUCT EYE OPERATIONS INCLUDING CORNEA TRANSPLANTS TO MANY NEEDY PATIENTS IN ZIMBABWE. THEY ARE LOOKING FOR A TWO OR THREE BEDROOMED HOUSE FOR THE PERIOD THURSDAY 12TH JULY TO AUGUST 9TH 2007. E MAIL magskrielmac. com THE DANCE ACADEMY At The Dance Academy students are offered professional training in: Classical Ballet in the Cecchetti Method (from Tiny Tots to Majors) Freestyle Modern Classes (all ages) as well as Pilates for Adults. In addition, we are delighted to announce that The Dance Academy, in association with Enid Wrench and Mark Dooley will be teaching Solo Latin, Solo Energy and Hip Hop. This vibrant new dance technique requires no previous dance experience and is open to all age groups. Exciting Highlights for the 2nd Term: Cecchetti Workshop by an International Russian Choreographer Winter Recital - Live To Dance Solo LatinEnergy Workshops and Competitions At The Dance Academy we foster the gracious discipline of dance in a structured yet fun - filled environment. Term Starts on Monday, 14th May 2007 Our enthusiastic, professional staff look forward to welcoming you. Whitestone School Hostel, Whitestone Way, Burnside, Bulawayo. For all inquiries, please contact. Robyn Smith (h) 245542 (cell) 011 661 305 In order to assist pupils with travel expenses for exams in SA Thistle School of Highland Dance will be holding a COKE CRUNCHIE FUND RAISER for AGES 9 -15 DATE: SATURDAY 12TH MAY VENUE: LIONS DEN CECIL AVE TIME: 6-10PM ENTRANCE FEE 5000.00SCHOLAR REFRESHMENTS ON SALE SPOT PRIZES COME JOIN THE FUN SECURITY WILL BE PROVIDED AND CONSTANT ADULT SUPERVISION BULAWAYO PUBLICITY ASSOCIATION N E W S F L A S H 3 National Parks has increased their entry fee into the Victoria Falls rainforest from 5 000 to 40 000. The fee for the non residents remains at US20. The National Museums and Monuments have also increased their entry charges to the Natural History Museum, Kame Ruins and Old Bulawayo to 16 000. The entry fee to Rhodes grave and the San painted caves is 20 000. Non resident fees remain at US10 or R70. The Museum has on sale pamphlets on Kame Ruins and Great Zimbabwe. The GOOD NEWS is that the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority will be bringing some 55 international travel agents and 16 French golfers to Bulawayo during the Trade Fair period. (ASambeni which runs in conjunction with Trade Fair is devoted to tourism products can be found in Hall 3.) A further group of golfers will also be coming to Bulawayo at the end of next week. The Vice President of the Kellogg Foundation and 6 other members of her team will be in Bulawayo and area for 4 days next week, to examine certain rural community and other projects with the intention of offering assistance where needed. Mr Simon Spooner the Managing Director of Chematek has for many years been involved with the Beautiful Bulawayo Campaign and Watchdog Committee and both these have been successful in lobbying the City Council to improve potholes, litter, dustbin placement, tree planting, etc, particularly in the industrial sites. The Association wishes to make it known that whilst its primary function is to market Bulawayo as a major tourist destination, it would also like to make known the services and products of its commercial and industrial members. However, to do this, it needs input from its members. The Association also takes up with the City Council many concerns of the citizens of Bulawayo. Believe it, there is light at the end of the tunnel THE PIONEERS SOCIETY 130 A Jason Moyo Steet BULAWAYO Telephone 65367 e-mail pioneersgatorzw. co. uk Annes Home 296613 or pioneersgatorzw. com PLEASE PASS IT ON TO AS MANY MEMBERS AS POSSIBLE Please be advised that ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP is no longer available. With effect from 1ST of August 2007 the cost of ALL LIFE MEMBERSHIP (including Spouse Member and child) Will be US 25-00 each (payable in ZIMBABWEAN CURRENCY at the PREVAILING EXCHANGE RATE) The cost of SCROLLS will be additional to this and will be based on Replacement costs (to be advised) These charges could be paid over six months or less but scrolls WILL NOT be processed until the TOTAL AMOUNT including Scrolls HAS BEEN PAID We apologise for any inconvenience caused. King George VI Centre Dont forget to diarise our shows. The show is shaping up beautifully If you have already heard Liyana and Prudence you know you are in for a real treat. Gala Show on Saturday 7 July at 7 pm at the theatre. Tickets for this show will be at the equivalent of R50. Afternoon show on Sunday 8 July at 4 pm at the theatre. Tickets equivalent of R20. We are trying to find 60 bottles of wine for the Gala evening. If you can help please bring a bottle of wine to the Centre on George Avenue or if its easier you can buy at Solomons Supermarket and leave it there for collection by KGVI or we can collect just contact us on 2304345 and talk to Precious or Samantha Ads ART AND CRAFT LESSONS FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS. Commencing: 7th May 2007 Subjects: Land - and seascapes, Birds, Wildlife, Cartoons, Flowers, Still life etc. Crafts: Pencil, Jewellery boxes, collages, blown eggs, ethnic wall hangings, masks etc. All materials supplied. Fee: 100,000 per month (One 2 hour lesson per week) Phone: Mrs. B. Wisselo 245319 To all Bulawayo Mums of grade Ones and Twos - The Tigger and Noddy Club is starting again this term with the theme of Jesus is my Superhero Grade one and two children are invited to join us for Games, Songs, Bible Stories, Puppet Shows, Snacks, Crafts and Much More Meet at 72 Cecil Avenue, Hillside (entrance on Limerick Road) On Thursdays starting May 17th Cost will be 150 000 plus possible top-up which covers the cost of juice, craft materials etc Enquiries: Mel 255731 or Helene (after 8 May) 259910 May 2007 Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired. devastated by medical costs. concerned about the health, well being and future of your family Do you believe theres more to life than just daily survival. wonder why people arent healed through prayer. know the origins of your thoughts. sometimes feel you (or your family) are under a curse Then this is for you 12 week course Make A NEW START Be Made Whole TRUE HEALTH is more than just being FREE FROM DISEASE Includes: Diseases Dont Just Happen - You Dont Have to be Sick, - Get Well, Stay Well - Gods Way to Ultimate Health - Pathways to Wholeness - Choose Your Day - The Spiritual Roots of Diseases - Insights into Cancer and Other Diseases - Understanding Addictions - The roots of blessings, curses, iniquities and more Be Made Whole Second Term 2007 Tuesdays 15 May - 31 July 2007 OR Times: 2-4 p. m. OR 6.30 - 8.30 p. m. Venue: 16 Chipping Way, Burnside, Bulawayo Thursdays 17 May - 2 August 2007 Times: 8.30 - 10:30 a. m. 85 Wellington Drive, Morningside, Bulawayo Hosted by: Glendyr Nel (Health Minister and Pastors wife for over 30 years: has 4 children, 13 grandchildren and loves life) To register or for more information contact Glendyr: Telephone (04) 241193 Cell: 011 643347 Email:glenwillmweb. co. zw Cost: US10 Zimbabwe equivalent (includes price of course materials) Come and hear amazing testimonies on: Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Osteoporosis, Weight Issues and more Topics include the following international speakers, authors and ministries (through videos, DVDs and audio tapes): Hallelujah Acres, North Carolina, USA. Be in Health Ministries, Georgia, USA. Dr. George Malkmus, Henry and Donna Wright, Cheryl Townsley, Lorraine Day M. D. Ed Foreman and others Scripture References: 3 John 2, 1 Thess 5:23, Psalm 103:2-3, John 8:36, 1 Cor 3:16-17, 6:19-20, Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 4:12-13. A ministry of: revivalcentreminist ries I will be commencing regular trips to Mussina and Makhado soon using a large combi (with collapsing bench seats - a safe, secure and reliable vehicle) to shop for Bulawayo residents. I will purchase groceries, stationary and clothing articles etc..for customers (non-luxury articles) for a minimum of 5 customers. So if you want to cut fuel costs and the hassle of the border contact Mike Barry on 011505781 for further details. Book early to avoid disappointment It will be of interest to know that the sister company of Chematek, Interco, keeps spare parts for air conditioning units and fridges as well as Newhope Trading, Servac and Gees Refrigeration. A One Stop Communication Centre with adjoining coffee bar, has recently been opened at Mership House, Main St 9th Ave. It offers internet access and phone service, laminating, book binding, faxing and photo-copying. Binary Options Bank re-opened its branch in L Takawira Avenue opposite the police station on December 2006. They hope shortly to open a branch in Nkulumane. The branch has a direct sales team which is targeting potential individual customers as well as small to medium businesses. Munn Publications in 10th Ave stock a large selection of magazines as well as romances in paperback and certain newspapers. Eurotex located where Woolworths used to be, stock everything for the house as well as a selection of casual wear. OVER THE BORDER WEEKEND GET AWAY OVERNIGHT STOPS Mpofu CampFarm located between Musina and Makhado 14km after 1st tollgate, 2km off main rd. down Huntleigh st. SELF CATERING CHALETS Priced between R50 and R75 per person, children half price Horseback game trails and game drives available Phone JACKIE 011 766 185 THE DANCE ACADEMY At The Dance Academy students are offered professional training in: Classical Ballet in the Cecchetti Method (from Tiny Tots to Majors) Freestyle Modern Classes (all ages) as well as Pilates for Adults. In addition, we are delighted to announce that The Dance Academy, in association with Enid Wrench and Mark Dooley will be teaching Solo Latin, Solo Energy and Hip Hop. This vibrant new dance technique requires no previous dance experience and is open to all age groups. Exciting Highlights for the 2nd Term: Cecchetti Workshop by an International Russian Choreographer Winter Recital - Live To Dance Solo LatinEnergy Workshops and Competitions At The Dance Academy we foster the gracious discipline of dance in a structured yet fun - filled environment. Term Starts on Monday, 14th May 2007 Our enthusiastic, professional staff look forward to welcoming you. Whitestone School Hostel, Whitestone Way, Burnside, Bulawayo. For all inquiries, please contact. Robyn Smith (h) 245542 (cell) 011 661 305 Thinking of Immigrating to Australia Contact Nabeel Lang (Registered Migration Agent No.0637803) on Perth 0061 9301 4056 or email on nabeellangyahoo. co. uk for advice on Skilled Migration to Australia. Nabeel was a Legal Practitioner in Bulawayo with Ben Baron and Partners for many years and has been through the Immigration process himself and can offer you personal and professional advice on migrating to Australia on a Skills visa. ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE DONE REPAIRS, SWITCH BOXES, HOUSE WIRING NEAT WORK CARRIED OUT. CALL MARIO CELL NO. 023216210 Margaret Bernard in Douglasdale, phone 242979 is still available to look after your pet as is Christopher to beautify your dog. MULATTOS COFFEE SHOP IS AT 22 CLARK ROAD SUBURBS. DELIGHTFUL COFFEE, TEA, CAKES, ICED COFFEE, FESH FRUIT DRINKS, AND DELICIOUS LIGHT LUNCHES. OPEN ON SUNDAYS FOR BRUNCH TOO. MULATTOS 22 CLARK ROAD SUBURBS. SPIRITUAL BEAUTY For all the overworked Dads and stressed out Moms, come and enjoy a relaxing complimentary treatment of spiritual nature Clear your minds and give that negative energy the boot With the following treatments on offer in a quiet, positive room youre sure to leave feeling pampered and refreshed. HolisticSwedish Massage: Full body or back Basic Facial ManicurePedicure Leg wax: HalfFull Bikini wax Underarm wax Lip waxbleach Eye brow tint andor shape Eye lash tint All the above treatments have been acquired through British and South African Levels of High Standard Complimentary Therapies. To book please contact: Tanya Peters - 247010 091 2330 675 ARE YOU TOO TIRED TO COOK TONIGHT, OR HAVING THAT DREADFUL POWER CUT WHY NOT HAVE A PIZZA PREPARED AND BAKED BY FRANZ WHILE YOU WATCH WE DO TAKE AWAYS OR IF YOU WISH TO EAT IN OUR INDOOR SEATING AREA WITH HEATING SURROUNDED BY BEAUTIFUL PAINTINGS FOR SALE FROM OUR VARIOUS STUDENTS. THE KIDS CAN RUN AND PLAY IN OUR GARDENS. LIMITED REFRESHMENTS ON SALE OR BETTER STILL BRING YOUR OWN COOLER BOX. LOTS OF PIZZA TOPPINGS TO CHOOSE FROM OR ASK FRANZ TO HELP YOU MAKE UP YOUR OWN PIZZA TOPPING. OPEN WED. THUR. FRI. AND SAT. NIGHTS FROM SIX TO NINE P. M. PHONE 286628 or 281664. PS 2 AND GAMES FOR SALE PAL PS2 with 3 controls. 2 x 32 MB memory cards GAMES 16 Games: Madden Nfl 2006 Madden Nfl 2002 Def jam vendetta Tiger woods 2004 Fifa 07 Tony hawk pro skater 4 NBA jam Medal of honour frontline Gta san andreas Brian lara cricket Medal gear solid 3 Nfl street 2 SSX3 Rugby 2005 Spiderman 2 The getaway And 2 demos Price: Rand only R 3500.00 for all. Sold only as whole. Not selling games separately. All in Good condition and some games from UK. Email: dextermweb. co. zw Tel: 282681 or Work 72071: Johanna Excellent Maid: Looking for good job. Over 40 years. She is truly a wonderful maid. She cleans well and works without supervision. Good Cook. I am not able to keep her and she has been getting a good salary and lives on the property. If you would like to meet her, please email me. Dextermweb. co. zw Johanna Instant Flowers. BIG BEAUTIFUL PETUNIAS Double and single hybrid and variegated Exquisite and assorted colours. Phone 246328 or 091 2302208 14 Gwanda Road MICHAELS SATELLITE TV SERVICES WE ARE SUPPLIERS OF ALL YOUR DSTV REQUIREMENTS SUCH AS:- SALTILY DISHES SINGLE LNBS, TWIN LNBS INVERTERS TVS, AND WIZTEC AUTO ROLL DECODER WATCH SABC 123,ETV, FASHION TV AND MORE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT MICHAEL 263-912710104 263-912330545 FOR SALE AKAI 84CM TV FOR SALE (COLOUR)AND 74CM LG CONTACT MICHAEL 263-912710104 263-912330545 Tired of Power Cuts. Dont Despair - buy your own power station We supply an Auto Inverter with deep cycle battery installed in its own box. Swich on and relax. Ideal for tv, decoder, video etc Pabx Office or Home computers Shop Tills Lights For more information call 6730060824 MICHAELS SATELLITE TV SERVICES WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE FOLLOWING:- SATELLITE INSTALLATIONS EXTENSIONS SIGNAL PROBLEMS MISSING CHANNELS AND THE REPAIR OF TVS, VIDEOS, DECODERS, HIFIS, DVD PLAYERS, MICROWAVES ETC. WE OFFER THE ABOVE WITH THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS:- 1) CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 2) AFFORDABLE PRICES 3) DISCOUNT TO PENSIONERS 4) COLLECTION AND DELIVERY SERVICES AVAILABLE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT MICHAEL CELL. 0912710104 0912330545 51 MAIN STREET 4TH AVE BULAWAYO. N E S B I T T C A S T L E M O T H E R S D A Y L U N C H SUNDAY 13TH MAY 2007 A DELICIOUS 3-COURSE MENU ON OFFER SET IN OUR BEAUTIFUL GARDENS ITS GOING TO BE A REAL TREAT, SO BRING ALONG YOUR LOVED ONES AND ENJOY A MEMORABLE MEAL Price not yet available. BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT To join our mailing list, simply email castlemailgmail. com You will receive special offers and other info about Castle and menus, via email. The Nesbitt Castle 6 Percy Avenue Hillside Bulawayo Tel: 263 9 282726 Fax: 263 9 281864 Email: nesbitt. castle nandb. co. zw Website: nesbitthospital ity. co. zw Thee Coffee Shoppe, Ascot Race Track Hours 9.00am - 3.30pm Monday - Friday 9.00am - 12.30pm Saturday Freshly baked cakes, healthy light lunches, hearty English breakfasts served all day and the best coffee in town. Secure parking with beautiful views overlooking Ascot Race Track. DREAMS AND WISHES BEAUTY THERAPY Situated in pleasant surroundings in Malindela TO ALL THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OUT THERE (OR HUSBANDS WHO WANT TO SPOIL THEIR VERY DESERVING WIVES) SEND YOUR MOTHERS FOR A TREATMENT THAT WILL LEAVE THEM FEELING LIKE A BRAND NEW PERSON, COME ON YOU KNOW THAT THEY DESERVE IT AND PERHAPS EVEN NEED IT. CHOOSE FROM ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TREATMENTS: Facial Manicure Pedicure Lash Tinting Brow Tinting Brow Wax Facial Wax Leg Wax Full Leg Wax Arm Wax Underarm Wax Bikini Wax Back Treatment (This is a Facial on the back) Body Exfoliation Hot Stone Therapy Make-up (Bridal, Trial and on your Big Day) Pampering (This includes Hot Stone, Body Exfoliation, Facial, Tinting, Manicure, Pedicure, and Make - up. Perfect as a gift for anyone. ) Contact: Kelly on 011 212 264 or (09) 244388 (Professionally trained in all of the above in South Africa) (ITEC Qualified) Gift vouchers available. Houseboats and Self catering chalets. Game viewing, fishing and relaxation for approximately 120 000 pppdy. Call on 015 581580 cell: 011 716784 POWER CUTS. DONT DESPAIR - BUY YOUR OWN POWER STATION We supply an Auto Inverter with deep cycle battery installed in its own box. Switch on and relax Ideal for:- TV, DECODER, VIDEO, ETC PABX (Telephone system) OFFICE OR HOME COMPUTERS SHOP TILLS LIGHTS In stock at the moment we have the following: 300 watt U420 R3000 500 watt U460 R3300 600 watt U500 R3600 We can get 1200 watt inverters too. These inverters are imported from Taiwan and prove to be EXCELLENT. These prices are quoted in forex, however you can pay in Zim but will be at a higher roe as we have to replace the forex. Cash payment is preferred. MEGA LUBE PRODUCTS. Mega Lube Grease 500ml U8 Mega Lube Performance Booster 500ml U14 Mega Lube Penetrating Lubricant Spray 350ml U8 Mercury Gold Brake Fluid 1 litre U11 Mega Lube product made in South Africa Mercury Gold made in U. A.E. IF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT MYSELF ON 011 209532 OR 09 215844 OR EMAIL ADDRESS chezmweb. co. zw WATER FOR SALE We supply beautiful clean water for domestic use or for your gardenpool or building requirements. 5,000 Litre bowsers delivered to your premises( costs depending on which area you live in) or you can collect your own 1,000 ltr bowser or 200 ltr drums from us here. Phone: Joey or Shayne at Daro on 72071 GENERATORS AND INVERTERS Sparkys Tackle has a full range of domestic and industrial machines. Spares and after sales back up available. Phone for free evaluation 011601751 or (09) 888053 TRAILER Off road white trailer available, 160l fuel carrying capacity, 2.5t axle, camping table, excellent condition. 011601751 or (09) 888053. (We have confirmed that we are asking half the price of a new trailer) ROOF TOP TENT Brand new roof top tent, imported, comes with roof carrier, hi-lift jack, side awning, very fair price. Phone 011601751 or (09) 888053. BEAVER TREE-FELLING Reliable, responsible and professional tree felling service offered. Garden refuse removal. Please telephone Mr Hajat on home 476569 or cell 023 896 375. Miombo Safari Lodge, bordering Hwange National Park - excellent value for money, family-friendly lodge, sister lodge to Antelope Park - offering game drives, nature walks, night drives, large swimming pool. ideal base for self-drives into the Park. Contact Simon on 018 446 or 011 612050 or miombo2mweb. co. zw. More info on africanencounte r. orgmiombo. htm A. T.C. At the cross Christian Literature and Gifts Shop 4, Ground Floor Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo Tel. 011 613 771 We LEAD, others follow. The Leaders in Christian Literature and Gifts. 1 2 PRICE SALE ON NKJV BIBLES WHILE STOCKS LAST. Offer valid only on NKJV Bibles. Please ask in store for more details. Please come early to avoid disappointment. Join our MUSIC club and get 1 X FREE music Cd of your choice with every 10 Music discs you purchase. NEW STOCK JUST IN. We have the following Bibles in stock, Holy Bible, KJV, Ndebele, Shona, Revised Standard Version, Daily Bible, Good News Bible, NIV NKJV. The BIGGEST range of Kiddies and Adults Books available in Zimbabwe now. Books by T. D.Jakes, John Piper, Joyce Meyer, Angus Buchan, Dr James Dobson, Tim La Haye, Francine Rivers, Stormie OMartian and many, many more. Pens Sets, Magnetic Gold Plated Bookmarks, Bracelets, Wristbands, Necklaces and Bangles, Bible Covers, Inspirational Cards and a whole lot more. We have over 100 different Music titles on Cd available and A huge Range of Christian Dvds, Kids and Adults titles available. A Wide variety of Mens, Ladies and Kiddies Christian Caps NOW IN. Our Cd and Dvd catalogue is now complete and available on E Mail. Our Book catalogue will be available shortly on e mail, please be patient. If you would like to be on our Christian E Mail Newsletter, please write to jackzol. co. zw or true2lifezol. co. zw and you will be added automatically. God Bless. PLEASE NOTE THAT AT THE CROSS IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER CHRISTIAN SHOP THROUGHOUT ZIMBABWE, WHO IS SELLING CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. HTH 70 GRANULAR CHLORINE We stock HTH Chlorine. In 50kg drums or 2kg and 4 kg bags. We also stock HCL pool acid and Hydrogen Peroxide Phone: Joey or Shayne at Daro on 72071 HAVING A PROBLEM WITH YOUR WATER Then you need to come and see the New Range of Domestic Water Filters that we have to offer at Bateman Water Zimbabwe. Description Application FH 4 200BL 10 Housing Filter Housing 10 Countertop Unit Countertop Housing Filter Cartridges PAC-10 10 Activated Carbon Wound Cartridge Filters Dirt, Rust and Improves Taste P10-100MC 10 Wound Cartridge Filters Dirt and Rust Ultracarb OBE Cartridge Bacteria, Cysts, Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Taste Odour, Dirt and Rust Melltblown 10 Cartridge Filters Dirt and Rust Scale Stopper Filter as well as Suspends Hard Water Crystals Recharge (For Descaler) Crystals Recharge (For Descaler) Desaclers (Includes Housing and Crystals) Suspends Hard Water Case Klorman Cartridges (Cartridges 16 case only) Chlorination Klorman Housing Chlorination Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate in contacting the undersigned or come in and see us at the following address Bateman Water Zimbabwe Suite 703 7th Floor Pioneer House Cnr 8th Avenue Fife Street Bulawayo Phone. (263) 9 60374 60438 Fax. (263) 9 884235 Cell. (263) 91 236 326 e-mail. bwwdszol. co. zw Many thanks Wayne de Swardt PROJECTS ENGINEER BWT ZIMBABWE ZIMBABWE SHOPPING from SA Are you wanting just about ANYTHING from South Africa. SAVE a fortune by doing it through us. We travel to South Africa on a Monthly Basis and will bring back just about anything that YOU are wanting. a For further enquiries please E mail me on. true2lifezol. co. zw or jackzol. co. zw CARDS GIFTS Dont Forget MOTHERS DAY, Sunday 13th MAY. Your one stop card and gift shop under one roof. For friendly, warm and helpful service, we offer the following :- Imported Mens and Ladies Aftershaves and Perfumes. A fantastic range of greetings cards and gifts for all occasions. We stock the latest DVDs and also have an exciting childrens range. Our giftware includes fashion jewellery, a large selection of pictures frames in all sizes, teak clocks, natural paper products, glassware, beautiful candles in all shapes and sizes, a stunning selection of scented bath salts, scented soaps, ladies and gents wallets and purses, coffee mugs, teddy bears, wrought iron candle holders, key rings, DVDCD pouches, a delightful selection of book marks, photo albums, ornaments, vases, pottery, gift boxes, wind chimes, balloons, 21st keys, beaded crochet handbags, dried flowers, bottle openers, gift bags, gift wrap, ribbon and much much more. Shop 3, Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo, Tel 09 - 76333 IF YOU WISH TO BE ON OUR DVD MAILING LIST, PLEASE REPLY TO E MAIL BELOW. E Mail. jackzol. co. zw STATIONERY GIFTS The largest Range of Childrens Toys. Office School Stationery all under one roof. We offer discounts to Schools and Businesses on large quantities. Please come in for a FREE quotation. Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo Tel 09 76333 E Mail. jackzol. co. zw May - Specials Top Quality Pipe Wrenches Now in Stock - Workshop Tools Rechargeable Lanterns and Torches Brand new 26L and 50L Air Compressor as well as Air Line Hose 12V HDuty Mini Air Compressor Kit comes in case (Ideal for 4x4) 4 12 Bosch and 9 Ryobi Industrial Angle Grinders - Fragram Jigsaws 13mm and 16mm Bosch, Black Decker Drilling machines including drill bitmasonry drill bit sets Rechargeable 3,6V Screwdrivers Kits Battery Load Tester 0-16V - BatteryAlternator Tester 12A HDuty Battery Chargers. Mini Engraver Kit Steel cutting and Grinding discs Pneumatic grease guns, spray guns(High, Low Gravity Feed, Water Trap Regulator), die grinder kit Welding machine 140A, Cutting Torches, 1 and 2ton chain blocks, tap and die sets 6-24mm 2ton to 50ton Bottle Jacks 4piece micrometer set and vernier callipers Spannersocket sets 38,12 and 34dr, Pipe and shifting wrenches Engine Brake cyl-hone, tubeless tyre repair kits, Multi-meters, Screwdriver sets, Pliers and Allen keys sets e. t.c High Voltage 110-750V Wibretest Testers Panel Beating Kits in Case 38dr. Torque Wrench 6-30nM, 12dr. Torque Wrench 42-210nM 4ton Elasticised Tow Rope Various Size Cable Ties, Insulation Tape, Workshop Assortments in cases eg. Split pins, copper washes, Fibre Washes, Machine screws, etc. 1mm Mig Steel Welding Wire 15kg 5pce. Quick Coupler Sets And Much Much More MacTech ToolBoys Tell 09-280576, cell 011 885 682 or 0912 227 359 e-mail mactechgator. co. zw KITCHENS, BUILT-IN-CUPBOARDS, PUBS, TEAK FURNITURE, WINDOWS DOORS Contact. Trevor or Mike McAllister at WOODSTOCK MANUFACTURING 8 Stoke Street, Belmont Telephone. 78525 or 881176 - Building alterations, walling, carports and garages Please contact Mike McAllister (011613314) CarsBoatsCaravansMotor-Cycles FOUR WHEELER FOR SALE Honda FORTRAN 250cc Quadbike for sale in very good condition with new tyres. Contact 09-280731 or 0912-233941 or email simonandkaren zol. co. zw TRUCK FOR HIRE-FLAT BED LOCAL - 10TON CROSS BORDER - 8TON 8TON SPACE AVAILABLE FOR 13TH MAY TO JHB CONTACT: CHRIS 01140863709 462760 NISSAN 1600 TO SWAP - I would like to swap for a Toyota or Madza pick-up (diesel) call on 218873 or 011 862 813 Vehicle for Sale Toyota Corolla 1.6 Jap Assembled 1997 model, Metallic Grey Mag wheels Anti Hijack Excellent condition Cell: 011 651 315 LANDCRUISER PUP 1HZ 1998 MODEL 150 000 KM AIR CON, 2 TANKS, HEAVY DUTY BACK AXLE, RUBBERISED. EXCELLENT CONDITION CONTACT NUMBERS: 011 615 096 OR 011 802 836. VEHICLE FOR SALE Mazda 626, 2000 model, white, imported, full house, one owner, 38000km on clock. Immaculate condition. Phone to view 011601751 or (09) 888053 FOR SALE: One cream coloured Ford Bantam, one owner since new, 17600kms(genuine mileage). Immaculate condition, comes with Dawlisa canopy. Price: USD 12000.oo Vehicle in excellent condition, must be seen. Only serious buyers should contact. NO CHANCERS. Call: 0912-418-228 or 0912-418-227 land rover series 3 short wheel base diesel good condition US3000 neg. FOR SALE Toyota Twin Cab KZTE, 2002 model in excellent condition with five brand new tyres, CD player, cell stop and satellite tracking. White in colour. Kazuma 4 wheeler, 50CC, also with four brand new tyres and a full service record from Steves Motors Almost new GT mountain bike, excellent condition. Ex Racing Snakes. Please call 77164 (office hours only) TOYOTA CARINA 1.8si (silver) 1996 130 000km Full house. Central locking Alarm and anti hijack Electric windows and mirrors Power steering Airbags A. B.S Alloy rims Front loading C. D system. This car has the 7AFE motor with computer driven economy and will give you over 16km to the litre at 120kmph. It is in immaculate condition and is being sold only because we are leaving the country. To view call Colin 011 630 552 259064 or Di 011 217 213 FLEXI TIME WORK WANTED - I am a young lady wanting flexi time work can do your books, call on 218873 MATRON WANTED FOR BARBARA BURRELL CENTRE FOR THE BLIND. THE APPLICANT SHOULD BE KIND AND LIKE ELDERLY PEOPLE. THE MATRON IS REQUIRED TO TAKE CARE OF THE KITCHENS, THE WELFARE OF THE RESIDENTS AND THE GENERAL RUNNING OF THE HOME. ACCOMMODATION AND MEALS ARE PROVIDED. PLEASE PHONE JUDY OWENS 252678 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEEKING EMPLOYMENT MATURE LADY LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT. HAS 9 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE BOOKKEEPING FIELD - CASH BOOK, BANK RECONCILIATIONS, VAT, WAGESSALARIES, INVOICING, COSTING, DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. HAS GOOD INITIATIVE AND IS ABLE TO WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION. VERY HARDWORKING, HONEST AND RELIABLE. CLEAN CLASS 4 DRIVERS LICENCE. PLEASE CONTACT 091 2 420 746 SKILLED ELECTRICIAN CLASS ONE WITH VALID DRIVERS LICENSE SEEKS EMPLOYMENT IN BULAWAYO. TELEPHONE C. MAKUYANA IN CHIMANIMANI ON 026 2530 Retired working pensioner couple seeking to housesit on long term basis or find small house or suitable cottage. Bulawayo residents of long standing, traceable references can be provided. Please contact 66606 - work, 257716 - home or e-mail rmpresshmweb. co. zw. Required by the end of May if at all possible, 30th June, by the latest. Regards Lyn and Denis Haddon SITUATION WANTED: Mature Gentleman seeking employment in the sales field. Has 8 years experience in Dispatch, Receiving, Cashier and Assistant Dispatch Manager. A further 15 years experience as a Senior Sales Rep, Shop Manager and ReceivingFloor Manager. Is very capable, honest and hardworking. Has a vast amount of travelling experience. Valid passport and clean class 4 drivers license. PLEASE CONTACT: 091 2 741 213 Vacancy A Bulawayo based International Non Governmental Organisation is looking for a mature part-time FinAdmin Officer for three months. Knowledge of Tax returns, Zimra, Nssa, Salaries and Cash book management. NGO experience an added advantage. Computer literacy a must. Flexible hours. To start immediately. Submit CVs 2007. Telephone 09 76033 Email at deploysafdem. org. zw or infosafdem. org. zw. شكرا لكم. SEEKING EMPLOYMENT GENERAL MANAGER EXPERIENCE: CLOTHING INDUSTRY 12YRS BUYING 5YRS SALESMARKETING 4YRS TRANSPORT 3YRS CHARACTER: LEADER, HONEST, PRO-ACTIVE RELIABLE REFERENCES CONTACT: CHRIS SECKEL 011 408 637 09 462760 SITUATION WANTED: Mature Lady seeking employment in any of the following fields: Secretarial, Bookkeeping or Reception. Has 12 years experience ReceptionSecretari al, Banking, Bank Reconciliation, Debtors Creditors, Vat, Wages, Paye, Nec and Costing. Is very reliable, meticulous, honest and hardworking. PLEASE CONTACT: 091 2 741 213 School leaver wanted for a Clearing Agency, to do reception and general office duties. Must have 5O levels some accounting knowledge. Please send CV to zaheraforward. co. zw SEEKING POSITION Single male looking for a position. I have done small scale gold mining, stamp milling. Also have experience in crop farming, including vegetables and livestock, have mechanical experience aswell. Willing to learn anything new. Phone Byo 282686 Applications are invited from suitably qualified personnel to fill in the following position. RECEPTIONIST TYPIST: Requirements from Applicant: Pleasant and friendly disposition - good manner and telephone etiquette in handling clients telephonically office. General office work - to be an all rounder, required to assist in other duties. To be computer literate in Word and Excel. Must be able to integrate well with staff members. Applicant to be self motivatedlooking to advancement. To have Drivers Licence. Please reply to. The Director, P O Box FM655, Famona, BULAWAYO OR E-MAIL. softritebmweb. co. zw YOUNG LADY SEEKS EMPLOYMENT. HAS EXPERIENCE IN DEBTORS, CREDITORS, PAYROLL, SECRETARIAL ADMN DUTIES. CALL - 0912 582 504. Looking for girl who can wash, iron and clean - no cooking required. Hours Monday - Thursday 7.30am - 5.15pm Friday 7.30am -1.00pm Saturday 8.00am -12.20pm Free accommodation available. Morning tea, bread, etc. Salary per month:200 000.00 Contact No: Work: 60511 69870 Cell No: 0912414172 Colette Neilson POSITIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE IN A BULAWAYO-BASED NON - GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION Finance Officer: we need an organised, confident person to join our administrative team. Good salaries are on offer to mature, experienced candidates, who must be able to work without direct supervision. Working from your own home part-time an option. Basic Requirements: At least three years working experience in a similar field computer literate education qualifications commensurate with the position being applied for. The post holder will establish financial systems for the organisation and maintain and monitor these. As well as keeping all accounting records, you will prepare project budgets, manage and monitor all grants and provide adequate reporting to donors. The applicant musht have the ability to balance conflicting priorities and work calmly and effectively under pressure. Key Responsibilities Set up and manage financial systems, procedures and controls Maintenance of accounting records on a monthly basis Responsible for managing all bank accounts Preparation of annual budget and cash flow projections Accountable for the cohesion and completion of financial reporting, including budgeting, internal and donor reporting and follow up of the use of restricted funds Preparation of accounts for audit Review of financial information for donors and project partners DRIVER. Clean Class 4 and Defensive Driving licence holder with 10 years experience. Only a mature person will be considered. Please submit a covering letter explaining your suitability for the position you are applying for and your salary expectations, together with your C. V. to sisterhoodzimbabwe yahoo. Applications close 20 May. Vacancy Accountant Book-keeper RetailWholesale Company is looking for the above mentioned person to control their accounts department. The job includes. Control over two book-keepers and two admin staff Review of monthly reconciliations Inter-branch transfers Branch reconciliations Executive payroll Tax and VAT Returns The right candidate should have at least 10 years experience in a similar position and must be well versed in Pastel 8 or 9 and Excel Interested persons should send their CV to georgiemweb. co. zw For Sale 1 Digital Vivitar 3605 XI Camera USB Cable Camera Pouch Hand Strap Instruction Manual CD Rom with Camera Driver Takes 3 AAA Alkaline Batteries. R3000 o. n.c. o 1 Metal Go Kart as new (Photos can be sent if e-mail is provided) 1.5 million o. n.co. Contact: Barbara or Nikkie H. 202018 E-mail bbfcaths. co. uk or barbarafieldcoleman yahoo. co. uk Anyone interested in four large King Palms growing in my garden. Dig out and take away. Phone Pat Landman 8.30am to 3pm daily on 71596. FOR SALE: 1) Second hand bath, toilet bowl and basin in neat condition. 2) Brand new unused Betta trio basin bought in Botswana. Please phone Fay or Jon on 09-285326 or email jonfayrheam gatorzw Defy deep-freeze for sale - Z cash offers Telephone Mrs Bishop 471591 4 (8am - 4pm) 217084 (5pm - 7am) 4 second hand Petra boys shirts to fit a Grade 23 - 150 000 for all 2 brand new Petra Primary school hats (Large) 100 000 each Phone 467887 after 5pm Please put the following advertisement in the next edition of the Mirror under FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE MUST GO ASAP. Single Bed 1000 000.00 2 x side cupboards 600 000.00 Dbed, BaseHeadboard Dresser 5 500 000.00 Double Bed 2 000.000.00 Dinning Room Table 6 Chairs 3 000 000.00 Coffee Table 500 000.00 Phillips TV 3 000 000.00 Cot 1000 000.00 Car Seat 250 000.00 Mens Bicycle 600 000.00 BMX Childs Bicycle 400 000.00 Aluminium Ladder 1 000 000.00 Tools 5 000 000.00 Hose pipe 200 000.00 Boys Bedroom Curtains 150 000.00 2 x Deck Chairs 600 000.00 2 x Bedside Lamps 300 000.00 4 x side Tables 150 000.00 Baby Crib 600 000.00 Double bed Duvet 600 000.00 Duvet Set for Cot 500 000.00 2 x dinning room chairs 400 000.00 CONTACT TONI OR DONOVAN - CELL 011 615039 OR 09 474491 DVDs CDs 1. Is there a movie you have watched that is so great you just have to add it to your collection Or does a friend have a music cd of your favourite music artist you really MUST possess. If you have the original and a blank disc I can burn it for you for a minimal fee of: DVD - 20,000.00 CD - 10,000.00 Contact Terry on 0912 975 072 2. Is there anyone out there who can copy from video cassette onto a CD or DVD Please contact Terry Cell: 0912 975 072 for sale musgrave 270, bushnell scope, digital scale 0.01-600g, sony ps2 silver new, angle iron 80x80,90x65, 50x50,galv high strain wire 50kg call 011617292 FOR SALE: 1 x Motorola V3 - 5.5million 1 x Nokia 7250i - 3.5million 2 x iPod Shuffle - 3.5million(each) Any interested parties please call 0912-418-228 Accommodation wanted for young Christian couple (wife expecting) of outstanding good character, quiet, respectful. They will require a small garden cottage or property on one level with more than one living room at an affordable rate (for Zimbabwe). Any area considered but close to town and Hillside preferable. Contact: 011875172 Home for Sale in Hillside Brick under Tile 3 Bedrooms Bathroom with shower Separate toilet Large living area Dining room Bar Area Study Kitchen with separate Kitchen Nook Swimming Pool with Gazebo and Braai area Borehole Electric Gate Double Car Port Single Lock up garage Store Room 2 x Staff Quarters The house is under a company name so no transfer fees etc, it also comes with approved plans by council for extending for extra bedroom on suite Please phone Mrs L Campbell 011 207 907 or 244619 (after 2pm) for further details House to rent wanted or a two bedroom cottage in Malindela, Hillcrest, Famona, Bradfield. Please contact me on 011 729 263. HOUSE FOR SALE - BINGA Beautiful single storey home for sale in approx. four acres with superb views of Lake Kariba. The property comprises three double bedrooms (main en suite). An additional toilet shower room. Large open-plan fitted kitchen and lounge area. Open under thatch dining area with bar. Large veranda overlooking a sparkling swimming pool with spectacular views of Lake Kariba. Lock-up storeroom Separate outside building with kitchentoilet and shower room and large bedroom and veranda. Staff Quarters The home is sold on a walk-in walk-out basis including all furniture and fittings, beds, freezers fridges, crockery, cutlery, stove, curtains etc etc DSTV Satellite Dish and Decoder Also included is a PleasureRiver Cruise Boat approx. 7 metres x 3 metres with fishing deck, toilet, steering consul and 40 hp motor. Telephone: 280283 Cell: 011 423 226 or email bolingermweb. co. zw Only serious enquiries please. BULAWAYO HOUSE FOR SALE Executive double storey house on the Matopos road. 4 upstairs bedrooms, main en suite, family bathroom and separate toilet. Downstairs guest wing with en suite and dressing room. Large, well fitted kitchen, with hob. Lounge, with jet master fireplace, and bar area have French doors leading onto secure veranda and well established garden with swimming pool, change rooms and jet master braai. Dining room, study and downstairs toilet. All rooms feature custom built cupboards and fittings. Lock up garage with laundry room, carport and tarred driveway. Servants quarters. EXTRAS Air conditioners in lounge and master bedroom. Excellent borehole with pressure tank, services both garden and house, ( no water rationing problems). Sauna Electric gate. Property is alarmed, walled and has electric fence. To date, due to location, we experience no power shedding. US 100 000.00 Phone 0912 340221, landline 247010 1. Flat Wanted I am a single woman with sober habits desperately seeking flat or cottage preferably in or near town area. Please contact me, Dale, on PH: 76781-5 (bus hours) or PH: 887696 (after hours) or e-mail: terrykaschula zol. co. zw HOUSE FOR SALE - Ilanda Incredibly secure - walled, electric fence, burglar bars, slam-lock gates on all outer doors, metal doors, rapid response siren. Prolific borehole. Fenced swimming pool. Beautiful garden. 3 bedrooms all with fitted cupboards, fans wall to wall carpeting. 2 bathrooms with both bath and shower - one ensuite with sunken bath. Fitted kitchen. Fire place in the lounge. Veranda with built in gas braai. Lock up garage, a double car port a single car port. 3 roomed domestic quarters with shower toilet. Call 011 437 357 011 630 964 We are looking for a maltese poodle puppy, and guarantee a loving home. Please phone Mike and Sue Laurent, 085 361 or 011406995. If you cant get through, contact Shirley 67041-1work, or 0912 240 350. ADORABLE MINIATURE TOY POM DESPERATELY NEEDING TO BE RE-HOMED. THIS IS A MATURE DOG AND WE WOULD LOVE TO FIND HER A SPECIAL NEW OWNER. FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE PHONE BERRY AT SPCA ON 66576. Other I attended a Commercial College in Bulawayo in 1961 and lived at the Fenella for that year. Would you know if there are any records available to confirm this or is there by any chance anyone I can contact in this connection. I would so appreciate your acknowledgement of this email and thank you for any information you might be able to give me. Ruth Bester (nee Shreeve) buffalostone bluedust. co. za Wanted WEZ, in conjunction with Friends of Hwange, are looking for some implement - ie tractor drawn dam scoop, front end loader - to be used for assisting with back filling some of the troughs which have been eroded and vandalised by the elephants in Hwange National Park. Any suggestions We are, obviously hoping for a donation but would consider purchasing should the price be right. Please contact John Brebner at brebnerjacolchem. co. zw Telephone 4704815 or 011606819 Required for stroke victim - wheelchair or old pram ( the patient is abnormally short ). We are battling to get the patient to and from the hospital for check-ups and also to get her out and about. Please contact Baileh if you can help. Cell - 0912231365 Looking for the following journal: Edition No.3 Heritage Journal of The History Society Looking for the following books: Contemporary Rhodesian history books covering military political affairs Please email andrewfield. co. zw c) LIFTS WANTED AND OFFERED Would anyone, from Byo, care to give me a lift from Gweru up to Harare. Contact 054 - 22 3933. Im willing to make a contribution as things are sky-rocketing at an alarming rate. Does anyone know of someone who does Chimney Sweeping We have a VERY old house with three Chimneys that need to be swept. Please email leenandb. co. zw I am looking for a medium sized portable CDtape cassette player which is a good make e. g. Panasonic and in good condition - Contact 011875172 . W A N T E D WOODEN DOG KENNEL MEDIUM SIZE Desperately trying to find a WOODEN DOG KENNEL for my Staffie. Email leenandb. co. zw or phone 091 236 3409 SCHOOL UNIFORMS WANTED - Good second hand uniforms for Hillside Infants Grade 2 wanted for third term please call Helena on 242976. WHITESTONE UNIFORMS FOR SALE - GRADE 2 CALL 242976 Miscellaneous Does anyone have good secondhand boys schoolsports uniformstracksuit for Petra High School for 6th Form. (Size 36 or so) that I can buy off you. If you do please contact me on 241618 023 408 300 or email me at thejfamzol. co. zw. I am looking for 1 Tonne of sunflower seeds. Please contact Sue on 0912 320 688 if you are able to help. Wanted to buy: Rhine Valley, cast iron garden furniture set required in good condition. 5 piece or more. Contact: Paul on 09-64839 (w)or jewelsnetconnect. co. zw PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MIRROR CAN ONLY DEAL WITH E MAIL QUERIES, PLEASE DO NOT PHONE IN YOUR ADVERTS AND QUERIES. ONLY E-MAILS WILL BE CONSIDERED ADVERTISERS. All the adverts in the Morning Mirror are based purely on TRUST. Please ensure you make the effort to pay for your adverts. All monies raised from the payment of advertising on the Mirror go towards Zimbabwes precious old folk in on way or another. For information on how to pay for your advert email - magskrielmac. com Banking details can be obtained from (Edith Duly Nursing Home )Morning Mirror Smalls 233 - 142007 ART MUSIC AND BRAAI What could be better for a Sunday afternoon Come celebrate the new stone sculpture of Dennis Gaboury and Arlington Muzundo, BROTHERS UNDER THE SKIN, a fusion of their American and Zimbabwean styles, on the afternoon of April 29 at the River Cafe. Listen to some jazz, eat some boerewors and let the art help you forget all our troubles FALCON OLD BOYS WEEK END: Friday 30th June 2006 Old Boys Dinner at the Cattleman 7 for 7:30 in Bulawayo please telephone or email Yvonne to make a reservation Saturday 1st July 2006 Old Boys AGM in the College Library at 12 noon followed by lunch at the Bushtick Rugby - Falcon vs CBC 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th Teams Sunday 2nd July 2006 Tour de Falcon Cycle Ride - Ascot to Falcon College 8am Craft Fair all day Accommodation Queries only: Limited accommodation in Quiet Waters Unlimited camping - swimming pool area booking and enquiries telephone: Joan Bancroft (0)88 - 346 or email jbancroftfalconcol lege Other Enquiries Bookings for numbers: Friday Old Boys Dinner Saturday AGM Saturday lunch dinner Sunday Tour de Falcon Telephone Yvonne (09) 245768 or email ythomsonmweb. co. zw Performing Arts Bulawayo presents two concerts at the beginning of April JEANNE-LOUISE MOOLMAN (VIOLA) PIET MOOLMAN (PIANO) AT THE ROBERT SIBSON HALL, ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC ON TUESDAY 3 APRIL AT 7.30 P. M. Jeanne-Louise and Piet Moolman are now husband and wife but they started performing together when they were both students at the University of Pretoria and since their marriage they have played regularly throughout South Africa. Jeanne-Louise is the principal viola of the Chamber Orchestra of South Africa and has also been the violist of the leading string quartet in South Africa, the Rosamunde String Quartet, since its inception in 1992. As well as his work as a pianist, Piet is the CEO of the Chamber Orchestra of South Africa. Their programme includes: Marcello: Sonata in E minor Schubert: Arpeggione Sonata Vieuxtemps: Elgie Brahms: Viola Sonata in E flat, Op.120 2 Booking is at Meikles - tickets 6000 4000 PAB IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE ALLIANCE FRANAISE PRESENTS DIDIER WITH ANNETTE EASTWOOD (PIANO) AT THE ROBERT SIBSON HALL, Didier Kaiser is a singer who will present Chansons de France, a programme of French song by such as Jacques Brel, Georges Brassens, Jean Ferrat, Charles Aznevour, Charles Trenet, Gilbert Becaud and more. An evening of nostalgia for the older generation and Performing Arts and the Academy of Music offer the concert as a gift to the over-sixties - though everyone is welcome Transport is being arranged from old age homes, etc. There will be no advance booking or reserved seating donations after the concert if desired. In order to assist pupils with travel expenses for exams in SA Thistle School of Highland Dance will be holding a COKE CRUNCHIE FUND RAISER for AGES 9 -15 DATE: SATURDAY 12TH MAY VENUE: LIONS DEN CECIL AVE TIME: 6-10PM REFRESHMENTS ON SALE SPOT PRIZES COME JOIN THE FUN SECURITY WILL BE PROVIDED AND CONSTANT ADULT SUPERVISION As you may know, Eric Harrison wrote a wonderful book Jambanja and at his own expense he printed it and is trying to get it out to all and sundry. The hard copy is 10. As he has been having problems with the hard copy reaching its intended destination, I suggested to Eric that we make the book available on the internet as an electronic book, or e-book. This we have now done. Eric still stands by his pledge to donate 15 of his sales to SOAP, equally split between the Harare and Bulawayo offices. So, to this end, please be advised that Jambanja, the story of Eric and his familys eviction from their beloved farm at Mkwasine Estates in the Lowveld, is available to purchase in electronic format on the internet at straight talk. co. za shop. BULAWAYO FLORAL GROUP The next meeting of the BULAWAYO FLORAL GROUP will be held on Wednesday 4th April 2007 at 2.30pm in the hall at Church of Ascension, Hillside. Our special guest will be Mike Gardiner who is coming to enlighten us on Butterflies. Titles for exhibitors arrangements - Easter and Go Green Admission is 500 and we will have our usual plant raffle at 100 per ticket. If you have any items suitable for the Sales Table they will be most gratefully received. Tea and coffee will be served. Do come along for a pleasant, relaxing and informative afternoon. Island Hospice Services here in Bulawayo request that when you are clearing or cleaning out, Please let us have any unwanted items. clothes, bottles. furniture. tools, books papers etc. We continue to support our many patients and it is through donations and sponsorships that we can carry on this work. Please help us to help others. Thank you Yours in Hospice Peggy Schonken. Telephone 77972 or email hospicebyogator. co. uk This evening I read a set of letters written by Fr Odilo Weger, collected by a parishioner over the years. As you know he was an addicted respondent to all that came his way and the smallest act of charity rolled the note paper into the ancient type writer for the letter of thanks. Most wonderful typing. he would never have passed a Pitmans exam Do you think that it would be possible to ask your readership in Matabeleland, places and lands afar if they have any material by way of letters written by Fr O that they might wish to contribute to the archive. Im sure there is a container-full of stuff out there. The long, the short and the tall. dimension matters not. It is the heart of the matter that counts. McCauseland Ian CREMATORIUM RESTORATION LATEST KIND DONORS R Wakefield Davis Granite Colbro TPort Liz Brokensha Doreen Posselt BARBARA BURRELL CENTRE FOR THE BLIND WOULD LIKE TO THANK GEORGE BOSWELL FOR THE KIND DONATION OF A DISH, MONITOR AND SATV. THIS HAS BEEN ASSISTED BY THE DONATIONS HE WOULD HAVE PAID FOR ENTRIES INTO THE MORNING MIRROR, SO THANKS TO MAGGIE KRIEL FOR YOUR PART IN ALL YOU DO FOR OUR COMMUNITY. THANKS ALSO TO MARY FRIEND WHO DONATED HER TV, MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR THE RESIDENTS TO SIT AND ENJOY TV IN THE EVENINGS. THEY USED TO EAT AT 6 PM THEN GO TO THEIR ROOMS BY 6.30PM TO SPEND A VERY LONG NIGHT ALONE. GUARDIAN ANGELS OF EDITH DULY THIS WEEK RICK KRIEL - MANY HALOES. HANNES BOTHA ROSY SHEARING FRED AND MAUREEN JOCKS MANNIE FROM GEERS FRUIT AND VEGETABLES As Administrator of Edith Duly Nursing Home and on behalf of the Management Committee and Residents, I would like to thank our many very generous donors. This year has seen a continual worsening of the economic situation in the country with spiralling increases in all our inputs and operational costs, and inflation remains out of control and we do not forsee any changes in the current situation. Maintaining a decent standard for our precious old people has become very difficult, however with the help of so many wonderful generous people of Bulawayo and especially the business community whose assistance has been over whelming, we are managing to keep our heads above water. To each one who has given so generously in cash and kind, thank you for helping to keep Edith Duly viable. May God bless you richly. A big thank you to our Chairman Mr Kriel for his tireless efforts in maintaining good staff relations and the smooth running of the Home, to Mrs Kriel a Trustee and our main fundraiser, thank you, you both are indeed God sent. I dont know what we would of done without you. As our very special Guardian Angels, triple halos for you. Val Frankl Administrator HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DONATION FOR THE BULAWAYO CREMATORIUM. A Committee has been set up to raise the required funds outlined above and it presently consists of: Mr D Hubbard (Chairman) Rev Noel Scott Mr Neil Todd Mr Roger Enslin (City Council) Mr Mike Burns Mr Roger Smith (ABUZ) SPCA BULAWAYO BRANCH PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THOSE WHO CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES The SPCA Shop would appreciate all your unwanted goods. Books, magazines, bottles, plastic bottles, records, patterns, ornaments, pictures, picture frames, cutlery, crockery, newspapers, costume jewellery, used cards, electrical appliances dead or alive, clothing, games, games equipment, jam jars, in fact anything you do not want we can make use of. We are situated between 14th and 15th Avenues, Robert Mugabe Way. Tel 69814, shop hours 9am -12pm and 2pm - 4pm except Monday mornings. Thank you to the Bulawayo public who keep our shop going. We have a pair of binoculars and a Salton bread maker for sale. FOUND: Black and white male Jack RussellFoxie, long tail wearing a brown leather collar in the Ilanda area. FOUND Long haired Jack Russell male, black patches over eyes and black spot on tail, no collar, in the Woodlands area. FOUND Black and white male Jack Russell cross Foxy very small in Chipping Way, Burnside FOUND: Brown GSD cross, female IN SEASON, no collar, in the Hillside area. Please call Berry at the kennels on 6657866593 to claim these dogs. If you have lost your pet please call the SPCA kennels. If you see an animal in distress please call the SPCA kennels. All too often we find animals run over and injured when a simple call to the SPCA could save their lives. I am enjoying the cricket on TV. Can anyone out there tell me what a Power Play is please Judith Smith smithiesmweb. co. zw T R A V E L T I T B I T S Air Zimbabwe increased its fares by 160 as from 21 March 2007, due partly to the increase in the price of Jet A1 fuel from Noczim and private dealers. Construction on Durbans new King Shaka International Airport is to start in June 2007 and will be completed at the end of 2009, in time for the Fifa World Cup which starts in South Africa in June 2018. About eighteen thousand passengers are expected to pass through this airport two days before and after the matches are played in the city. Nine new hotel projects valued at over R1.6 billion are being built around South Africa to be ready in time for the Soccer World Cup event. The Zimbabwe Minister of Transport has stated that by 2018 Government will have finished the construction of toll gates at Beitbridge border post. It also intends to construct a new air terminal in Masvingo. South African Airways will no longer fly between Johannesburg and Zurich from the end of April 2007, but it will still maintain its four EU routes viz Frankfurt, Munich, Paris and London. An additional 300 parking bays have been opened at the Super South Gate near Emperors Palace some ten minutes from the Oliver Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg. A free shuttle service runs from the parking area to the airport every 15 minutes. The parking facility is a low-cost, long-term parking option with 24 hour security and costs R10 for one day. Rove-Africa Islands and Safaris, Johannesburg, is offering a 7 night package to Zanzibar from R5 283 per person which is valid until the end of May. The rate includes return airfare from Johannesburg, transfers and accommodation with breakfast. Nationwide Airlines is now charging economy-class passengers for food and beverage on its domestic flights. It is expected that this move will soon be introduced on other full - service carriers, following European trends. A cup of tea or coffee at the moment costs R8. Nationwide Airlines is offering special domestic one-way fares from R80 exclusive of tax up until 30 May. Rugby enthusiasts take note - the IRB Rugby World Cup will take place in Paris in September October 2007. Booking for hotel accommodation, self catering apartments, Hop on Hop Off buses and sightseeing tours may be done through BRITISH T. I.P. S on Fax 021 975 5021 or telephone 021 975 2047 email salesbritishtips. com People wishing to travel to Paris from London may obtain tickets on the Eurolines or Eurostar bus service through British Tips. Air France and South African Airways offer daily flights to Paris from Johannesburg. The Association has just received from 1time Airline, which is based in Johannesburg their timetable. This is a private airline which services the domestic routes in South Africa. My son (Andrew) in UK wants to get in touch with anyone who was involved in embroidering the panels on display in the museum. I think they were done by the WI clubs at the time. Does anyone have photos or postcards - they used to be on sale at the museum in the 60s and 70s. Thank you again To: Dave Judith Smith SHUT DOWN OF KARIBA DAM COMPLEX ON SUNDAY 8TH APRIL 2007 FROM 08.00HRS TO 14.00HRS ZESCO WOULD LIKE TO INFORM ITS ESTEEMED CUSTOMERS THAT The two power stations on the Kariba Dam, i. e. both Kariba North Bank (Zambia) and Kariba South Bank (Zimbabwe) are scheduled to be shut down on Sunday 8th April 2007 for about six hours FROM 08.00HRS TO 14.00HRS. The shut down is at the request of the Zambezi River Authority (ZRA), who are responsible for operation and maintenance of the Kariba Dam Complex. The purpose of the shutdown is to facilitate inspection of the down stream side of the dam by International Consultants engaged by ZRA. On the Zambian side, shutting down of the Kariba North Bank power station will mean that 600MW capacity will not be available to the Zambian system. during the period of shutdown massive load shedding will be carried out by ZESCO in order to balance the remaining generation capacity with the demand. ZESCO requests ALL ITS customers to contribute to this effort and help to stabilise the Zambian power system by voluntarily reducing your power consumption and demand by at least 50 during the period of the Kariba North Bank Power Station shutdown. ZESCO will provide updates to all its customers on specific issues as they arise regarding the outage. We hope you will support ZESCO during this outage so that inspections can be carried out efficiently and power restored without major disturbances to the system ZESCO WISHES TO THANK ITS CUSTOMERS FOR THE CONTINUED SUPPORT THEY HAVE RENDERED TO IT. ZESCO, POWERING THE NATION BULAWAYAN LECTURE SERIES Need something new to occupy about an hour of your evening Costs nothing Happens once a month for the next eight months Diarise Thursday 12 April, at 17.00 for 17.30. Be at the Natural History Museum at 17.30 sharp, for the first of a series of talks given by local professionals. They are passionate about their study areas, and wish to share some of what they have discovered with the people of Bulawayo. The first talk in this series will be given by Mr Pathisa Nyathi, a notable local historian and spokesperson for the Bulawayo City Council. His field of expertise is Ndebele History and Culture. Mr Nyathi has had several books published. Come look, listen and maybe learn a little something you didnt know about our history and heritage. On 10 May, another talk will be given by Mr Simon Makuvaza on the investigation and restoration of Old Bulawayo. For any further information, please contact: Paul Hubbard email: hubcapzwgmail. com (primary) email: dhubbardmweb. co. zw (secondary) or Simon Makuvaza (Curator of Archaeology and Heritage Manager Natural History Museum) Email: makuvazasyahoo. com ZIMBABWE CONSERVATION TASK FORCE 28th March 2007 TRAGEDY IN HWANGE NATIONAL PARK On Saturday, 24th March 2007, two tourists were killed by a young elephant bull in musth. The tourists were part of a group who were walking with a game guide inside Hwange National Park. During the walk, the young bull charged the group. The guide was knocked over after discharging his rifle but he was unable to stop the elephant. We would like to offer our deepest sympathies to the friends and family of the deceased and to warn anybody planning a trip to Hwange National Park to exercise extreme caution whilst in the presence of elephants. The elephants in Hwange do not have a peaceful existence. They have become increasingly skittish around humans because they associate them with gunfire due to subsistence poaching, commercial poaching (for ivory) and the fact that Zimbabwe is the only country in Africa where shooting game for weekly rations is legal. The recent removal of 12 juveniles from their herds for use in the tourist industry and elephants being trapped in wire snares doesnt help their mood either. Professional hunters and elephant researchers have stated that it is not usual for an elephant to charge and kill humans for no reason. A recent newspaper article stated Zimbabwe plans to cull its growing elephant population to limit damage to the environment and reduce conflict with humans. It went on to say that the elephant population has grown to over 100 000, more than twice the carrying capacity of 45 000. We dont believe anyone really knows how many elephants there are in Zimbabwe. Research has revealed that in Hwange National Park, where there is the highest concentration of elephants in the country, the elephant population fluctuates between 25 000 in a dry year and 45 000 in a wet year. It is very difficult to ascertain the number of elephants we have in Zimbawe because they migrate between the neighbouring countries in search of water. An interesting point is that according to a census conducted in Hwange National Park in 2001, which was an extremely wet year, it was estimated that there were 45 000 elephants in the park and a similar figure was estimated in 2006, another wet year. This suggests that the population growth has stopped because the figure for 2006 should have been in the region of 54 000, based on a 3.7 growth rate per annum. Even so, it cannot be concluded that there are 45 000 elephants in Hwange National Park because the estimates during the drier years were between 25 000 and 30 000. With regard to elephant influence on other large herbivores, even though most herbivore populations have declined in parallel to the increase in the elephant population, research has been carried out and no drastic change in the vegetation structure at the landscape level could be identified. A paper has been published (Valiex et al.2007 in J Trop Ecol) that shows 2 vegetation structure maps of a study area in Hwange National Park. The first map shows the vegetation structure for the period 1979-1984 when there were approximately 13 000 elephants in the park and the second shows the vegetation structure for the period 1999-2005 when the elephant population had increased to approximately 35 000. It is quite clear even to the layman that the changes in the vegetation structure are minimal. If anyone would like further clarification or to see these maps, please email mvaleixyahoo. الاب. The Zimbabwean authorities reasons for wanting to cull are: The elephant population has grown to over 100 000 - but there are indications that it is not growing at all in Hwange National Park and can they prove there are over 100 000 elephants If the population in Hwange hasnt grown, then how can we assume that it has grown elsewhere Despite poaching and other disturbances, the elephants in Hwange are probably safer than anywhere else. The elephants are damaging the environment - but research has been carried out that shows that the presence of large numbers of elephants in a specific area over a 20 year period does not cause any drastic identifiable changes in vegetation structure. There are increasing incidences of elephants attacking humans - but if the elephants were allowed to enjoy a peaceful existence and had not been given a reason to fear humans, they would not be acting in this abnormal manner. If the authorities persist in claiming that there is a population explosion of elephants in Zimbabwe, surely culling isnt the only way of solving the problem. There are areas in Zimbabwe such as the Umfurudzi Wilderness where some of them could be moved to. Contraception is also an option. We believe that culling will only worsen the problem of the elephants aggressive behaviour towards humans because it involves gunfire and trauma. Elephants targeted for a cull could conceivably communicate their trauma to other elephants within a 50km radius. It has been scientifically proven that they are capable of doing this. If this happened, they would be extremely dangerous to humans. Johnny Rodrigues Chairman for Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force Tel: 263 4 336710 FaxTel: 263 4 339065 Mobile: 263 11 603 213 Email: galorandmweb. co. zw Website: zimbabwe - art Website: zctf. mweb. co. zw Holiday Art Workshops Technique Experimentation Form 1-4 23 - 26 April 2 -5 pm each day Grade 3 - 7 30 April - 03 May 2 - 5 pm each day To Bring Sketchbooks and pencils Specialised materials to be supplied BOOK NOW as limited places are available. Phone T. MacLean on 244147 0912 359 994 Ads TROPICA NURSERY 4 Gibbs Road Glencoe Tel: 288873 Tropica nursery will be open over Easter - usual working hours - but we will be closed on Sunday. Calligraphy Make those Wedding Party invitations, certificates, place cards or name tags etc. SPECIAL With Professional hand written Calligraphic Script Call 244147 0912 359 994 Are you leaving the country Do you need to dispose of your household contents Why not pass the problem over to us. Kings Auction Centre can hold an on-site auction at your home, sell everything at once, and then hand you a lump sum payment. If you think this sounds better than selling your goods piece by piece, and receiving your money in dribs and drabs, give us a call for a confidential discussion. We are located at 141A Fife Street (between 14th and 15th Avenues). Telephone 70316 or 880058126918. HAVE YOU WRITTEN A BOOK. WOULD YOU LIKE TO PUBLISH IT. CALL US, WE CAN GET YOU INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION. Sheltom are now happy to be affiliated with a Canadian Publishing House, TRAFFORD, we design and layout your book your way, then Trafford publish it and market it for you internationally. Call now and get yourself read, well gladly help you get there. Tel: 263-9-77379 77292, Fax: 263-9-66550, email: sheltomshel yahoo. co. uk or sheltommweb. co. zw advertsingshelt om Kings Auction Centre will sell your unwanted goods. Please bring us your furniture, household appliances, antiques and collectibles, smalls (china, books, kitchen appliances, tools, toys etc), cars, boats, caravans, office equipment - in fact we are able to sell almost anything. Collections can be arranged. We are located at 141A Fife Street (between 14th and 15th Avenues). Telephone 70316 or 880058126918. FINE THINGS (EX Ascot Shopping Centre). Mandy wishes to advise her valued clientele that until more suitable premises can be found she is still continuing buying and selling her quality furniture, china, crystal, silverware etc. and has for sale antique dining table with 6 chairs, 2 of which are carvers. Round extending oak dining table, with 6 high-backed chairs. Beautiful, oak square occasional table, porcelain dolls, teddy bears, Beswick, Doulton, Sylvack, ornaments and lots more, including Chinese rugs. Should anyone be able to help with premises or premises to share, kindly contact me on Cell 0912370504 L. Line 236931 NEED HELP WITH YOUR ADVERTISING. Call us for all your printed work, brochures etc, all your promotional powerpoints and setting up your websites. Sheltom will help you promote yourself and get you the recognition you need to succeed. Tel: 263-9-77379 77292, Fax: 263-9-66550, email:sheltommweb. co. zw, advertsingshelt om Are you feeling stressed Need to get away for a break Need a change of scenery Well, we have just the solution BINGA BY THE SEA There are plenty of holidays coming up in the next two months, so why not come and relax. Enjoy the breathtaking sunsets that only Lake Kariba can offer, be awakened by the early morning cry of the African Fish Eagle or catch the elusive Tiger Fish. We have affordable houseboats and self-catering chalets available during holiday weekends and school holidays. So book now and avoid disappointment. For further details, please contact Armanda on (015) 580 or 011 716 784. ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT SOMEONES DRINKING. You dont have to drink to suffer from alcoholism. Are you confused, depressed and nervous. Are you losing sleep. Are fears overwhelming you. Do you feel sorry for yourself. Do you refuse invitations to family and social functions. Do you take your frustrations out on others. Are you resentful. Do you lie and try to cover up the drinking problem. Are you ashamed of your situation. There is help available for you in AlAnon Phone 011 218 314 Tuesday evenings 7.30 pm Christ The King Church, corner of Matopos Rd and Cecil Avenue (entrance off Oxford Road), Hillside, Bulawayo. Thursday lunchtime 1 pm (or as near as) Mini Street Methodist Church. corner of 11th Avenue (entrance in small gate to the house), Bulawayo. PHILS AUTO REPAIRS For all your auto electrical repairs, car maintenance, servicing and overhauls. contact phil tel: 263-9-70403 263-91264 455 BREAKING FOR SPARES: NISSAN E20 ENGINE AND GEARBOX, ISUZU BACK AXEL, ISUZUELF BODY ON WHEELS HIGHEST CASH OFFER contact phil tel: 263-9-70403 263-91264 455 CARDS GIFTS Your one stop card and gift shop under one roof. For friendly, warm and helpful service, we offer the following :- Imported Mens and Ladies Aftershaves and Perfumes. A fantastic range of greetings cards and gifts for all occasions. We stock the latest DVDs and also have an exciting childrens range. Our giftware includes fashion jewellery, a large selection of pictures frames in all sizes, teak clocks, natural paper products, glassware, beautiful candles in all shapes and sizes, a stunning selection of scented bath salts, scented soaps, ladies and gents wallets and purses, coffee mugs, teddy bears, wrought iron candle holders, key rings, DVDCD pouches, a delightful selection of book marks, photo albums, ornaments, vases, pottery, gift boxes, wind chimes, balloons, 21st keys, beaded crochet handbags, dried flowers, bottle openers, gift bags, gift wrap, ribbon and much much more. Shop 3, Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo, Tel 09 - 76333 IF YOU WISH TO BE ON OUR DVD MAILING LIST, PLEASE REPLY TO E MAIL BELOW. E Mail. jackzol. co. zw STATIONERY GIFTS The largest Range of Childrens Toys. Office School Stationery all under one roof. We offer discounts to Schools and Businesses on large quantities. Please come in for a FREE quotation. Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo Tel 09 76333 E Mail. jackzol. co. zw CAPE TO CAIRO RESTAURANT FRI 30th MARCH - STEEL-BAND PLAYING 60s PUB MEALS AVAILABLE ONLY. GARY STANLEY - FRI 6TH APRIL - 60s PUB NITE BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT TEL: 885088 FOR ANNIVERSARIES - COCKTAIL PARTIES A LA CARTE PUB MENU WITH LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS School of Hospitality and Tourism in Bulawayo are running the following short courses: Basic cooking. Basic baking These courses run on Saturday mornings from 0800hrs to 1300hrs. The basic cooking course is four Saturdays. The school also runs custom made courses. So come on ladies andor gents, get together a group on any aspect of cooking and contact the school. They will be only too willing to oblige. Enrolment is by payment of fees by the Thursday prior to the start of the course. Also avail for purchase is ready made Puff Pastry. For more information phone the school on the following numbers. 263-9-258442: 258174. 238084 or e mail: schotozimyahoo. com The Roasted Berry is now open under new management. We are open from 9am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday 9am to 10pm on Saturdays 9am to 2.30pm on Sundays and Evenings from 6pm to 10pm. Please assist us by making reservations for dinner. We offer take-aways from our menu as well. Call us for your Business Lunches and Dinners, Cocktail Parties and for those Special Occasions. Join us in very pleasant surroundings for breakfast, tea and cake, healthy light lunches and dinner in the garden, on the veranda or indoors. Telephone. 237335 26 Park Road, Suburbs HOUSE SITTER AVAILABLE I am a mature male Reliable Of sober habits Trustworthy Love all animals Character References Mr Ian Pugh. Telephone 280503 Cell 091 235 687 Mrs Lorraine Pridgeon. Telephone 239849 Cell 011 616 236 Mr Wayne Nel. Telephone 880119 Contact Michael Maroukis Telephone 242353 (After 6 PM) Reasonable Rates Offered Going away for a while and want your pets well cared for Want to beautify your pet with a wash, dip, brush andor clip Contact Margaret Bernard at Pet Hilton on 242979. Excellent livery for your horse - jumping and dressage arenas, lunging undertaken, tack cleaned, good bush out-rides - contact Margaret Bernard in Douglasdale on 242979. NEW ORLEANS MASKED MARDI GRAS THURSDAY 12TH APRIL 2007 Come and join us for an unforgettable stress releasing evening of scrumptious food, tropical strength moonshine and masked mystery, Mardi gras style. Our bill of fare consists of Smoked ostrich carpaccio Deep fried haloumi cheese with sweet chilli jam Beer battered bream fillets Stuffed Roquefort and herb fillet New Orleans roast Vintners enchanted chicken Lime and basil sorbet Candied orange filled crepes with brandy syrup Banana split smothered in chocolate sauce Price to follow. Its an evening not to be missed. Call us now to avoid disappointment on 2431767 0r email. banffmweb. co. zw. Boardworx - Now open - 18 Plumtree Road, Belmont, Byo (within the Romeo Kitchens building). Suppliers of a wide range of Melamine Board, Masonite, Chipboard, Formica Worktops, Melamine Doors, Hardware, Sinks - Just about everything. Perfect for D. I.Y. Applications. Our prices and ranges are very competitive. For more info please contact:- E-Mail: linsnelmweb. co. zw Tel: 09 - 72805 888490 Fax: 888465 Open every day Monday to Friday. A. T.C. At the cross Christian Literature and Gifts Shop 4, Ground Floor Haddon and Sly Centre Fife Street, Bulawayo Tel. 011 613 771 We LEAD, others follow. The Leaders in Christian Literature and Gifts. 1 2 PRICE SALE ON NKJV BIBLES WHILE STOCKS LAST. Offer valid only on NKJV Bibles. Please ask in store for more details. Please come early to avoid disappointment. Join our MUSIC club and get 1x FREE music Cd of your choice with every 10 Music discs you purchase. We have the following Bibles in stock, Holy Bible, KJV, Ndebele, Shona, Revised Standard Version, Daily Bible, Good News Bible, NIV NKJV. The BIGGEST range of Kiddies and Adults Books available in Zimbabwe now. Books by T. D.Jakes, John Piper, Joyce Meyer, Angus Buchan, Dr James Dobson, Tim La Haye, Francine Rivers, Stormie OMartian and many, many more. Pens Sets, Magnetic Gold Plated Bookmarks, Bracelets, Wristbands, Necklaces and Bangles, Bible Covers, Inspirational Cards and a whole lot more. We have over 100 different Music titles on Cd available and A huge Range of Christian Dvds, Kids and Adults titles available. A Wide variety of Mens, Ladies and Kiddies Christian Caps NOW IN. Our Cd and Dvd catalogue is now complete and available on E Mail. Our Book catalogue will be available shortly on e mail, please be patient. If you would like to be on our Christian E Mail Newsletter, please write to jackzol. co. zw or true2lifezol. co. zw and you will be added automatically. God Bless. PLEASE NOTE THAT AT THE CROSS IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER CHRISTIAN SHOP THROUGHOUT ZIMBABWE, WHO IS SELLING CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. ZIMBABWE SHOPPING from SA Are you wanting Groceries from South Africa. SAVE a fortune by doing it through us. Delivered right to your door. We travel to South Africa on a Monthly Basis and will bring back what ever Groceries, etc, etc that YOU are wanting. a For further enquiries please E mail me on. true2lifezol. co. zw Mobile. 011 613 771 For all Hardware and software computer repairs as well as spare parts please contact the following: Dave Hatton Cell: 091 232 0195 Phone: 284740 And If there is anyone who is keen to learn the how to on computer programs such as Word, Excel, and other programs I will be available to come and teach them how to do it. THE SATELLITE SHOP Are you moving house and need your DSTV equipment moved and reinstalled. Then contact Michael for affordable prices We also do room extensions more For further information please contact: 091 2 710 104 April - Specials 3m 5m Senator Measuring Tapes (Top Quality). Now in Stock - Workshop Tools Rechargeable Lanterns and Torches Brand new 26L and 50L Air Compressor as well as Air Line Hose 12V HDuty Mini Air Compressor Kit comes in case (Ideal for 4x4) 4 12 Bosch and 9 Ryobi Industrial Angle Grinders - Fragram Jigsaws 13mm and 16mm Bosch, Black Decker Drilling machines including drill bitmasonry drill bit sets Rechargeable 3,6V Screwdrivers Kits Battery Load Tester 0-16V - BatteryAlternator Tester 12A HDuty Battery Chargers. Mini Engraver Kit Steel cutting and Grinding discs Pneumatic grease guns, spray guns(High, Low Gravity Feed, Water Trap Regulator), die grinder kit Welding machine 140A, Cutting Torches, 1 and 2ton chain blocks, tap and die sets 6-24mm 2ton to 50ton Bottle Jacks 4piece micrometer set and vernier callipers Spannersocket sets 38,12 and 34dr, Pipe and shifting wrenches Engine Brake cyl-hone, tubeless tyre repair kits, Multi-meters, Screwdriver sets, Pliers and Allen keys sets e. t.c High Voltage 110-750V Wibretest Testers Panel Beating Kits in Case 38dr. Torque Wrench 6-30nM, 12dr. Torque Wrench 42-210nM 4ton Elasticised Tow Rope Various Size Cable Ties, Insulation Tape, Workshop Assortments in cases eg. Split pins, copper washes, Fibre Washes, Machine screws etc 5pce. Quick Coupler Sets And Much Much More MacTech ToolBoys Tell 09-280576, cell 011 885 682 or 091 222 7359 e-mail mactechgator. co. zw 1. PENTAX ESPIO 738 CAMERA WITH 38 -70MM LENS 2. POLAROID 636 INSTANT CAMERA 3. ROSSI 38SPL CALIBRE REVOLVER (AS NEW) - INCL SOME AMMO 4. DURATOOL LIGHT DENSITY COMPRESSOR - SUITABLE FOR SPRAY PAINTING 5. WELDING MACHINE - SINGLE PHASE 180 AMP, 4.8KVA, 380220V PHONE DEBBIE ON 091 2301 801 OR IAN ON 011 412 035 FOR PRICES The Latest Catering Edition Samoosas, Rooties, Snack Trays, Sizzling Curries, Biriyanis, Oriental Dinners For your family, to small parties, to an indulgence of Indian Cuisine for your special guests. Guaranteed you will be back for more. Call Faith on 240859 or call in at No. 117 Cecil Avenue, Morningside Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. CELL. COM shop 3 monte carlo centre bulawayo inside Bulawayo Office Sales Services Over 1500 dvd titles to choose from: TOP Twenty SELLERS TO DATE 1. BLOOD DIAMOND 2. APOCALYPTO 3. FAITH LIKE POTATOES 4. HAPPY FEET 5. FLICKA 6. BORDER TOWN 7. HANNIBAL RISING 8. ONE NIGHT WITH THE KING 9. OPEN SEASON 10. SMOKING ACES 11. STRANGER THAN FICTION 12. THE DUKES OF HAZZARD 2 13. THE HITCHER 2 14. UNKNOWN 15. BABEL 16. CHOK DEE THE KICK BOXER 17. CROSSOVER 18. HALF NELSON 19. LITTLE BOY BLUE 20. MACHINE Many more titles to choose from email creweecoweb. co. zw for complete lists weekly updates CELLPHONE REPAIRS SOFT UNBLOCKING (on various brand names) OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS (on laptops, desktops, fax machines, copiers, money counters, etc. ) your business is greatly appreciated call in to see us SHOP 3 MONTE CARLO CENTRE TELFAX 09-75258 CELL 0912742707 ARKELL BARHAM GREEN NURSERY SCHOOL WE STILL HAVE A FEW VACANCIES LEFT WITH REASONABLE FEES CONTACT MRS CARLSSON ON TEL. 469804 - OR CALL AT NO. 2 MENDELSSOHN AVENUE BARHAM GREEN (OPPOSITE THE B. G. POOL.) SOLID TEAK FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER. SPECIAL WORK UNDERTAKEN. BAOBAB INDUSTRIES BULAWAYO TEL: 60319, 76523, OR 882586. E-MAIL: baobabmweb. co. czw ASK FOR JOHN HEWITT OR BRIAN SINCLAIR FINE THINGS (EX Ascot Shopping Centre). Mandy wishes to advise her valued clientele that until more suitable premises can be found she is still continuing buying and selling her quality furniture, china, crystal, silverware etc. and has for sale antique dining table with 6 chairs, 2 of which are carvers. Round extending oak dining table, with 6 high-backed chairs. Beautiful, oak square occasional table, porcelain dolls, teddy bears, Beswick, Doulton, Sylvack, ornaments and lots more, including Chinese rugs. Should anyone be able to help with premises or premises to share, kindly contact me on Cell 0912370504 L. Line 236931 SAN-JANAE BEAUTY COLLEGE - 2007 BEAUTY COURSES - I. B.H. C ACCREDITED. MAY MODULE - FULL FACIAL DIPLOMA. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND COURSE PRICES PLEASE PHONE 09 230115 OR 011 430 276. CROWN (PLASCON PAINT) UNIVERSAL ACRYLIC PVA (INTERIOR, EXTERIOR) 20 LITRE CONTAINERS 720 000.00 TELEPHONE 881242 66263 N E S B I T T C A S T L E E A S T E R M O N D A Y L U N C H A DELICIOUS 3-COURSE MENU ON OFFER ON MONDAY 9TH APRIL, INCLUDING EASTER EGGS. SET IN OUR BEAUTIFUL GARDENS ITS GOING TO BE A REAL TREAT, SO BRING FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND ENJOY A MEMORABLE MEAL TOGETHER. Price not yet available. Due to private functions, we regret that we will only be offering teas, hot-cross buns and other pastries on Sunday 8th April. To join our mailing list, simply email castlemailgmail. com You will receive special offers and other info about Castle and menus, via email. The Nesbitt Castle 6 Percy Avenue Hillside Bulawayo Tel: 263 9 282726 Fax: 263 9 281864 Email: nesbitt. castle nandb. co. zw Website: nesbitthospital ity. co. zw PLASTIC WATER TANKS. 5OOO LITER, 2500LITER TEL 09 207379 OR 011631846. MICHAEL SATELLITE SERVICES We are the professionals in satellite installations Signal problems, Room extensions Repairs of TVs, Videos, Hi Fis, Decoders, DVDs Microwaves, etc We offer the above with the following benefits:- Affordable Prices Customer Satisfaction Pensioners Discount Guarantee on all jobs done View in comfort For further information, please contact Michael on 091 2 710 104 THE SATELLITE SHOP For all your DSTV requirements such as: Satellite Dishes LNBs Delsat Autoroll Decoders Wiztec Autoroll Decoders With SABC 1, 2, 3, etv, Fashion tv, Botswana plus many more. Installations done the same day For further information, Contact Michael on 091 2 710 104 CALL WHILE STOCKS LAST. ANTE NATAL CLASSES If you are PREGNANT and want to know all about pregnancy, LABOUR and what to do with your NEWBORN BABY look no further. I offer a PROFESSIONAL COURSE of 6 classes giving you LOTS of information that youll need to know and answer your queries. I offer a CONDENSED COURSE for out of townwers or women who have transport problems. I can also be your BIRTH ATTENDANT and be with you while youre in labour helping you to BREATH and PUSH properly. Please contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on 237240 or 011 728 350 KULIZWE LODGE BINGA ONE ALWAYS THINKS OF BINGA AS DRY AND DUSTY. WELL YOU COULD NOT BE MORE WRONG. KULIZWE LODGE IN BINGA IS RIGHT ON THE SHORES OF LAKE KARIBA. IT HAS GREEN VERDANT GARDENS, TWO SWIMMING POOLS, EXCELLENT SPACIOUS CONFERENCE FACILITIES UNDER THATCH AND 8 FISHERMENS SELF CATERING CHALETS NESTLED IN THE GREEN COOL SHADY CONFINES OF THE COMPLEX. EACH CHALET CAN TAKE UP TO FOUR PEOPLE, THERE ARE BRAAI FACILITIES, LAUNDRY FACILITIES AND THE CHALETS ARE SERVICED. BOATING FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE TOO. TELEPHONE 015 286 FOR BOOKINGS OR E MAIL REMEMBER WE ARE GOOD AT ORGANISING OUTDOOR CONFERENCES. kulizwemweb. co. zw We are a private successful company which due to unforeseen circumstances has had no option but to relocate to Bulawayo from Harare. We specialise in Burglar Bars (guaranteed burglar proof) Security Screens Carports All Mild Steel Fabrication (no job too small) All domestic refrigeration service and repairs We travel to all areas, Zambia now also being considered We try our best to keep our prices as low and affordable as possible Our work is fast and efficient and we pride ourselves in perfection. Kindly contact Ron Levy on 091 333 860 or 09 67768 09 68591 Calls accepted all times including weekends. Thank you for taking the time to read this advertisement and we look forward to serving you with gratitude. HANDY MAN ODD JOBS DONE IN YOUR HOME ELECTRICAL STOVES, GEYSERS ETC CAN FIX MOST THINGS. NO JOB TOO SMALL - QUICK SERVICE CALL RICK 023 422 025 OR 67427 GATE MOTOR REPAIRS, INTERCOM REPAIRS AND DOMESTIC ALARM REPAIRS, INSTALLATIONS AND UPGRADES. TELEPHONE DONOVAN CREMER 011601176 OR HOME 243019 BATHROOM VOGUE BATH RE-ENAMELLING, PLUMBING, TILING, CARPENTRY, BUILDING, PAINTING, ELECTRICAL AND WELDING WORK. 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE, FREE QUOTATIONS. CONTACT SEAN ROETS AT BATHROOM VOGUE ON 6653768741 email fixitnetconnect. co. zw CarsBoatsCaravansMotor-Cycles Isuzu 87 model - complete overhaul gasket kit for sale P3500 tel 011602749 FOR SALE - MERCEDES BENZ 190E 1985 Petrol Model left hand drive, lady driven, bronze in colour very economical, owner upgrading tel 0912322868 TOYOTA CAMRY 2,4 AUTO 2002 MODEL LEATHER INTERIOR 42000KMS ORIGINAL LOG BOOK SILVER IN COLOUR WOOD GRAIN FINISH ISIDE AUTOMATIC WIPERS LIGHTS HYUNDAI ELANTRA 1.6 AUTO 2001 MODEL 33000KMS MILEAGE COLOUR GOLD VERY NEAT FUEL ECONOMY VERY GOOD NISSAN MISTRAL 4X4 AUTO BLACK 2,7 TURBO DIESEL 150 000KMS CONTACT STEVE 011430723 091 2400874 885606 VEHICLE FOR SALE Toyota Corona MKII 1972 model, vehicle was a daily runner before being retired last year, needs some attention. The vehicle is presently parked for viewing a Greys Auto Sales, 12th Ave Byo. VEHICLES FOR SALE A MAZDA SDX 2500 DIESEL. 1996 140 000 Ks. AIRCON, PWR. STEER STEREO. EXCEL. COND. B MITSUBISHI 4WD DELICA 2.5 L TURBO DIESEL 8 SEAT MINBUS. 1993 120 000 Ks. AIRCON, PWR STEER. EXTRA 100L TANK FITTED. GREAT SOUND SYSTEM INCL CD. EXCEL COND. CALL: ERNIE VAN STADEN ON 252018 (H B ) OR 011 212 749 Toyota Land cruiser 2h 1986 ( rebuilt 2005) Fully kitted for hunting Bench seat, winch, rollers, gunrack sliding back window, two mounted spare wheels, etc. 12000 US or nearest cash offer. Tel Bulawayo 281340 NISSAN JAP. SENTRA 1992 F O R S A L E Mileage 130 000 Electric Windows, Air Con, 15 Inch Mag Wheels, Michelin Tyres Tinted Windows 6 Stack CD Player, Kenwood Speakers Amp Mint Condition US7 000 Contact Stuart Liddle, Cell. 0912 429 617 66051-2 (B) Land Cruiser for sale: New shape, 3B, green. 10 000.00 Tel no:240016, 011 614080 or 011 615870 DO YOU have a T35 truck for hire around town. Please contact Andre on 011212787 or 09-240282 for quotes or queries. FOR SALE: SUZUKI DR 200 - R7000 WITH SPARE FRAME, RIMS, TYRES, CHAIN, SEAT, HANDLE BARS, PLASTICS, CARBURETTOR I PAIR ALPINE STAR TECH 8 BOOTS BRAND NEW - R4000 1 PAIR MSR MOTOR-CROSS TROUSERS (MED) R700 1 MSR MOTOR-CROSS JERSEY (MED) R300 1 PAIR GLOVES R100 1 PAIR UFO MOTOR CROSS SOCKS BRAND NEW R50 OR EVERYTHING FOR R12 000 (NEGOTIABLE) OWNER LEAVING - EVERYTHING MUST GO CONTACT 0912 681548 470915 BOAT FOR SALE. 14 FOOT RIVER RANGER. 90HP MARINER ELECTRIC START, WITH POWER TRIM. FULLY DECKED AND CARPETED. ROD BOX, DRY BOX AND LIVE WELL WITH AERATOR. BILGE PUMP. EVINRUDE FOOT CONTROL BASS MOTOR. TRANSDUCER AND FISH FINDER. WINCH AND DOLLY WHEEL ON TRAILER. ALL SET TO GO FISHING, ALL YOU NEED ARE BATTERIES AND FUEL. QUICK SALE - US5000.00 CONTACT LAURI CELL 0912321331, LANDLINE 247010. If you are a retired male and would like to work part time, please contact me on cell number 011 218842 or e-mail me on chippybmeb. co. zw. Employment Offered: Tour OperatorGroups Incentives Reservations Consultant. Required in Livingstone Zambia: Tour Operations should have travel knowledge of Zam, Zim, Nam, Bots and be able to Customise safari packages through out Africa with strong accounts skills. GroupIncentives to manage groups Sizes 20 to 350pax, multiple groups in one day. Complex destination needing skilled organisation and customer care skills. Would suit motivated, energetic, organised, peoples person good with pressurised situations. Degrees, Diplomas equivalents needed for Immigration. Experience and high computer literacy required Contact: Samanthabushtracks africa Closing date: 15th April 2007 FULL-TIME POSITIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE IN A BULAWAYO-BASED NON - GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION We need organised, confident women to join our administrative team. Good salaries are on offer to mature, experienced candidates, who must be able to work without direct supervision. Should be able to adapt easily to a dynamic working environment, be a good team players and have the ability to relate to different audiences. Basic Requirements: At least three years working experience in a similar field computer literate English-speaking (Ndebele and Shona language skills a strong advantage) education qualifications commensurate with the position being applied for. Please submit a covering letter explaining your suitability for the position you are applying for and your salary expectations, together with a C. V. to email sisterhoodzimbabwe yahoo - please be sure to clearly state the position you are interested in. PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR We are looking for a project co-ordinator to research, design and implement a national programme that will provide for the emotional and physical well-being of members in both urban and rural areas. This programme to run in concert with existing dynamic activities. Trilingual written and spoken ability a strong advantage. Basic Requirements: At least three years working experience in a similar field computer literate English-speaking (Ndebele and Shona language skills a strong advantage) education qualifications commensurate with the position being applied for. 1. Developing and co-ordinating capacity building activities as well as income generating projects. 2. Counselling Sexual Health Awareness training for peer educators and running sexual and reproductive health awareness sessionsworkshops. 3. Administering an educational support fund. COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT The post holder will assist in the maintenance and development of communications systems in the organisation. As well as assisting in the publication of newsletters and other promotional material, you will help with research and documentation, media management and website development. Basic Requirements: At least three years working experience in a similar field computer literate education qualifications commensurate with the position being applied for. Trilingual written and spoken ability is a must for this position. You must be able to relate to different audiences, have the ability to balance conflicting priorities and work calmly and effectively under pressure. FINANCE OFFICER The post holder will establish financial systems for the organisation and maintain and monitor these. As well as keeping all accounting records, you will prepare project budgets, manage and monitor all grants and provide adequate reporting to donors. You must be able to explain finance issues to leadership, have the ability to balance conflicting priorities and work calmly and effectively under pressure. Basic Requirements: At least three years working experience in a similar field computer literate English-speaking (Ndebele and Shona language skills a strong advantage) education qualifications commensurate with the position being applied for. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Assist the elected leadership and the Administrator with all clerical activities related to the running of the organisation. Basic Requirements: At least three years working experience in a similar field computer literate (Microsoft Word and Excel a must) English-speaking (Ndebele and Shona language skills a strong advantage) education qualifications commensurate with the position being applied for. e mail SEEKING EMPLOYMENT MATURE LADY LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT. HAS 9 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE BOOKKEEPING FIELD - CASH BOOK, BANK RECONCILIATION, VAT, WAGESSALARIES, INVOICING, COSTING, DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. HAS GOOD INITIATIVE AND IS ABLE TO WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION. VERY HARDWORKING, HONEST AND RELIABLE. CLEAN CLASS 4 DRIVERS LICENCE. PLEASE CONTACT 091 2 420 746 FLEXI WORK WANTED - A young lady looking for flexi work, can do your books or general office work, please contact on sathomaszol. co. zw or 218873 Looking for full time gardener, must be over 35. Salary good and live on property. Tel no: 240016 or 011 614080 25 YR OLD DESPERATELY LOOKING FOR A JOB EITHER IN RECEPTION OR ACCOUNTS ASST. PLEASE CALL 091 2 710 104 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Live-in Domestic Maid available in RSA. Very good with children, reliable honest and mature. References available please call Gugu on 0114873846 or 0782994553 (rsa).Thank You. I am looking for a job for my late mothers knitting assistant. She is in her twenties with a small child and disabled husband. She has been trained to knit lace and school jerseys and can be left on her own to do this competently. Currently she is living in Lochview and would prefer to obtain a knitting position although she can do housework. Looking for either somewhere with accommodation or within walking distance in the area such as Matsheumhlope. She is a pleasant girl with good English. If anyone is interested please contact Mrs Duppa on duppamweb. co. zw or telephone Bulawayo 289674. New Dark Red four string WASHBURN Bass Guitar (XB100) 1 800-00 Rand neg Contact Sean 011 613 408 after hours 09-241296 ADVERT A few household goods for sale as follows:- Home Salon Shaper Manicure Set Phillips Facial Steamer cleansing system 16 Piece Ceramic Hand painted dinner set - Italia Air Styling Hair System Toaster Kenwood Electric Slicing Knife Twister Extra Large Steam Cuisine Kiddies Ice Shaver - Sno cone kit Charcoal Griller Silver Oblong tray Tea Sets and Dinner service 42 Piece Cutlery Set Punch bowl set Kenwood Gourmet Food Processor Moulinex Rotisserie oven Bar accessories Brass tea trolley Various pictures ornaments (brass silver) Portable Evaporative Water Cooler Computer Desk chair Coat hanger hat stand Oak Cheval Mirror Sleeper couch Kids toys play mats Bun trainer Ladies bicycle Baby stroller Loads of various Dvd video movies And many, many more. Phone Natalie 011211045 or 460786-91(wk mornings only) or 286530 (hm) FOR SALE Generators 2 x 6.5 KVA Maxi Watt Petrol Generators Portable pumps 2 x Portable Petrol pumps - 3500 litres pm 2 x Portable Water pumps with petrol motor - 3 500 litres pm Electric water pumps 2 x point 4kw - 90 litres pm 1 x point 75kw - 125 litres pm 2 x 1 point 5kw - 185 litres pm Contact Clare on 011 23 14 16 for more information Other Household Goods For Sale. Telephone Table Fish Tank with chrome plated frame 1m Length 41cm Width 43cm Height Complete with wooden stand top 12 cu ft Deep Freeze White Malachite Cupboard Sunbean Foot Spa 12 Piece Garden Set complete with padded cushions Kitchen table 4 chairs Cooler Boxes Sleeper couch - Single Camping mattresses Fishing Rods Keep Nets Fibre Glass Chair Aluminium Boat Oars Round Wooden Tables Coffee Percolator Electric Frying Pan Biscuit Cutter Waffle Maker 4 Man Tent 2 Man Dome Tent for more details contact us on 0912 938 136 or 60354 for an appointment to view. FOR SALE: 2 X 750-16 8PR T110 FRONT TRACTOR TYRES. TYRES ARE BRAND NEW. ASKING 2M EACH (COST 2.5M RETAIL). PLEASE CONTACT ANGELA ON 011604947 OR 77668. SALE ON BEHALF OF THE BULAWAYO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The following household goods are for sale: 65 piece pottery dinner service (8 place setting) Coffee maker Food processor Blender Bar with 3 stools Room divider with large glass display lock up cupboard Silver greyblue carpet with underfelt (9x19) Dressing table chair 2 kists TV radio trolley on wheels Garden furniture 2 plate gas cooker Gas cylinders Portable braai - imported For more info please contact Lyn on 247154 ITEMS FOR SALE. Waterfall Garden Pump. Flow 1500 designed for watergardens with a powerful magnetic Impeller, brand new in box - Rand 275 Wrought iron and glass dining-room table with four brown draylon chairs ideal for flat - Rand 600 Phone Jenny on 241807 CARPET FOR SALE - TAN IN COLOUR CONTACT MRS WILLIAMS ON 091 2 393 843 For sale - WOOD LATHE AND ACCESSORIES 1, Heavy duty wood turning lathe (cast steel base, 900mm between centres and 120 mm swing. The unit is mounted on a stout wooden stand) 2. 4 Jaw chuck (25mm plus spare jaw teeth) 3. 19 chisels (Comprehensive range of various sizes and some exotic) 4. 7 large diameter twist drills and wooden stand 5. 6x Turning blanks (hardwood) 6. 1 x pair large callipers 7. Box of turning extras (pepper mills etc) 8. 1 x new parting chisel 9. 2 x ring spanners (for use in setting the lathe) 10. 1 x revolving tool stand (made in wood) 11. 1 x combination chuck 12. 300mm sanding disc with spare sheets 13. THE SNAG - The machine has no motor. there is provision for a motor to be nose hung Contact John Bolton phone 250997 (serious buyers only by appointment please) Deepfreeze for sale - 12 cubic 9 000 000 negotiable. Telephone: 217084 (home) after 5pm or 471591 4 (work) btwn 8am and 4.30pm Mrs Bishop. HousesFlatsOffices Lindsay James is offering livery at Ascot Racecourse Large paddocks with good grazing 2.5km sand and exercise track Two large sand lunging rings Safe, scenic hacking on over 120 acres A cross country course is currently under construction from beginners to intermediate heights An international standard jumping arena will be built later in the year to hold competitions Lessons and exercising available to clients specifications Contact tel: 011 605 214 EVENING HORSE RIDING There is a ride leaving at 4.45 every evening around the grounds of Ascot Racecourse. Booking essential. Contact: 011 605 214 3 bedroom house, fully furnished with stove, fridge, microwave, cutlery, linen, tv etc. Ideal for visitors to Bulawayo for Easter and Trade Fair - quiet area. Secure from 1st April. Daily, weekly, monthly, cheap rates. Phone Jack on 478309 or 023 408 681. ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED: I am looking for a cottage, fully furnished to rent. In the area of Burnside. Please contact Rose on Tel: 242539 ACCOMMODATION WANTED - VIC FALLS I am a 23 year old white male, working up at the falls and am desperately looking for accommodation. I am of sober habits, clean and neat and tidy Please phone Chris Goosen on 011218158 HOUSE FOR RENT OPPOSITE COUNTRY CLUB FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION: Large modern thatched roof home with superb view. House consists of 3 bedrooms - M. O.S. with dressing-room. Fitted modern kitchen, lounge, dining-room and veranda. Property walled and gated with electric fence. Long lease preferred. Please phone Smith on 66768 after 5 p. m. or e-mail sunrisenetconnect. co. zw CAREFUL TENANTS LOOKING FOR A HOUSE TO RENT AT A REASONABLE RATE FROM END OF APRIL OR IMMEDIATE, IN AREAS CLOSE TO TOWN, HILLSIDE, BURNSIDE, MORNING SIDE, SUBURBS, KUMALO. PLEASE CONTACT NATASHA 023406731 OR PHIL 0912323525 OR WORK - PHIL NATASHA 881343 - 881307 maplefrtgatorzw. co. uk Hillside House for Sale, Roof under tile. 3 bedrooms Separate bathroom toilet Large living area Fitted kitchen with table and stools Study Dinning Room Bar Area Veranda Lock up garage 2 parking lots under shade Staff Quarters Tool Shed Swimming pool (new filter fitted) with Gazebo Excellent borehole Electric Gates Comes with approved council plans for extensions (does not include alarm, satellite or trampoline) Please contact Lara on 011207907 (only serious buyers please) or 244619 from 2pm onwards I have a house on Kariba Heights that I would like to sell. Originally, the house was 2 semis that had been joined together. I began extensive renovations, but these need to be completed. Im looking for GBP 17 000.00 ono, and I estimate that it will cost another GBP 4-5 000.00 to complete to a high standard. I have many of the finishes e. g. new pool pump and filter, jacuzzi, new complete bathroom suite and so on, and any interested buyer could buy these items from me as well. If you are interested, please email me at exifferhotmail. com FOR SALE - 3 Bedroomed house in Bradfield has added extras for more details contact us on 0912 938 136 or 60354 for an appointment to view. Looking for house to rent: Family of five looking for four bedroom house to rent in Burnside, Hillside area. Must be secure and have lock up garages, will pay good rent. Looking to start renting between now and August. Need long lease. Tel no: 240016 or 011 614080 Pets Four beautiful pure bred Rottie puppies for sale. Three boys, one girl born 4th March 2007. Contact 011 213 607 FOUND: Black and white male Jack RussellFoxie, long tail wearing a brown leather collar in the Ilanda area. FOUND Long haired Jack Russell male, black patches over eyes and black spot on tail, no collar, in the Woodlands area. FOUND Black and white male Jack Russell cross Foxy very small in Chipping Way, Burnside FOUND: Brown GSD cross, female IN SEASON, no collar, in the Hillside area. Please call Berry at the kennels on 6657866593 to claim these dogs. THOROUGHBRED HORSE FOR LEASE Scarlet Lad, a chestnut gelding beautiful temperament will suit young rider and adult R500 a month - tel 0912322868 Other I have just been devastated to read about Keiths Meadows death. I am a good friend and lost contact with a few years ago when they moved to SA. I now live in New Zealand. PLEASE could you send me Angies email address. Thanx Tish North Please can anyone give me the name and email address of someone I can contact who has connections with Moreson accommodation in Messina. We would like to stay there for a couple of nights. Many thanks Mrs. A. Hansen Telephone 230413 Wanted I am desperately looking for following: 1. Someone to build a small but attractive water feature pond suitable for koi. (have pump, motor etc) 2. A ceramic top and oven (2 piece) cooker. Forex available Tel. Mrs Harrison 258118 284685 011 636980 REWARD OFFERED : WE RECENTLY DISCOVERED THAT MY SNOOKER CUE HAS DISAPPEARED - PRESUMABLY DURING A HOUSE MOVE LAST YEAR (I WASNT HERE). WHILST THE FINANCIAL VALUE IS QUESTIONABLE, IT HAS GREAT SENTIMENTAL VALUE IN THE FAMILY. IF YOU HAVE SEEN THIS CUE ANYWHERE, PLEASE LET US KNOW ASAP. THANK YOU: 284685 091301013 011636980 - Pete Harrison DETAILS. 18.5OZ, 1 PIECE CUE WITH GLUE-ON TIP. SILVER PLAQUE ON HANDLE READS. P. WALKER. AGE 18 YEARS. NEWS OF THE WORLD BILLIARDS DATE (193). HIGHEST BREAK - 180. THE CUE ISWAS IN A BLACK, ROUND, TAPERED METAL CASE WITH PETER WALKER WRITTEN IN GOLD-COLOURED CAPITALS ON IT. POOL FENCE NEEDED URGENTLY PLEASE CONTACT: KAREN 011 613 613 880494 TYRON 091 2418 048 Looking for complete sets of lawn bowls for Hotel environment. Doesnt matter if they are antique but must be in sets preferably with a carry case. البريد الإلكتروني. gmsanipasshotel. co. za Tel. 00 27 033 702 1320 or 00 27 076 8649446 Wanted by collector. china by Royal Doulton, Clarice Cliff, Moorcraft, Beswick and other popular names, silver and EPNS, crystal, and other unusual and collectible items including furniture. Top cash prices paid. Also looking for some old mannequins and other unusual propsdisplay items. Phone (09) 252323 or 091 921719. No dealers please. I am looking for a business financial calculator contact Admore 091 2429 522 work 76111-9 ext269 WE ARE WANTING TO BUY AN INDUSTRIAL OVERLOCKING MACHINE CONTACT - MS WILLIAMS ON (PM) 460548 OR 091 2 741 034 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MIRROR CAN ONLY DEAL WITH E MAIL QUERIES, PLEASE DO NOT PHONE IN YOUR ADVERTS AND QUERIES. ONLY E-MAILS WILL BE CONSIDERED ADVERTISERS. All the adverts in the Morning Mirror are based purely on TRUST. Please ensure you make the effort to pay for your adverts. All monies raised from the payment of advertising on the Mirror go towards Zimbabwes precious old folk in on way or another. For information on how to pay for your advert email - magskrielmac. com Banking details can be obtained from (Edith Duly Nursing Home )


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